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Meet Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile KMM for short Piotr Prus Mobile Tech Lead @Airly GDG 3City Organizer

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Questions I will try to answer - What is the difference between KMM and other multiplatform solutions like a fl utter, react native, etc? - Is this a good solution for your business and why we thought it is a good decision for us? - How does iOS read the shared module? - How much code can we actually share? - What are the most important libraries and what these are doing? - Is KMM production ready? - Pros and cons of KMM

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Cross-platform mobile framework popularity Source:, July 2021

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Cross-platform mobile framework popularity Source:, July 2021

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Google trends

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Share code jvm Android iOS Linux macOS Windows JS watchOS tvOS

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KMM vs KMP First Multiplatform Kotlin 1.2 November 2017 Announced August 2020

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Why we choose KMM • Small team • Business logic in one place • Promote DDD • iOS needed refactor

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KMM, the PoC • Con fi guration is tricky, but manageable • Things that works on android, do not need to work on iOS • One repo vs 3 repos • iOS simulator != iOS real device • Sample project != big project 1 week 🎉

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Networking October 2021

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Networking January 2022 Persistance Models

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Networking March 2022 Persistance Models Repositories UseCases

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Networking June/July 2022 Persistance Models Repositories UseCases ViewModels

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Networking June/July 2022 Persistance Models Repositories UseCases ViewModels UI layer

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Share code Domain Repositories Persistance Networking ViewModels Presentation Business(Kotlin) Framework(iOS, Android)

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KMM libraries 137 libraries KTOR KOIN SQLdelight Multiplatform settings kotlinx.serialization kotlinx.datetime BuildKon fi g Moko-resources

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Networking with KTOR • open-source • lightweight • powered by coroutines • Build by JetBrains

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Networking with KTOR fun createHttpClient(httpClientEngine: HttpClientEngine, logger: Logger) = HttpClient(httpClientEngine) { defaultRequest { url.protocol = URLProtocol.HTTP S = BuildKonfig.BASE_UR L parameter("apikey", BuildKonfig.API_KEY ) parameter("Accept-Language", languageCode ?: "en" ) } install(ContentNegotiation) { json(json) } install(Logging) { this.logger = logge r level = logLeve l } }

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Networking with KTOR fun createHttpClient(httpClientEngine: HttpClientEngine, logger: Logger) = HttpClient(httpClientEngine) { defaultRequest { url.protocol = URLProtocol.HTTP S = BuildKonfig.BASE_UR L parameter("apikey", BuildKonfig.API_KEY ) parameter("Accept-Language", languageCode ?: "en" ) } install(ContentNegotiation) { json(json) } install(Logging) { this.logger = logge r level = logLeve l } } OkHttp + Retro fi t Retro fi t.Builder().baseUrl() In interceptor: chain.request().header()

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Networking with KTOR fun createHttpClient(httpClientEngine: HttpClientEngine, logger: Logger) = HttpClient(httpClientEngine) { defaultRequest { url.protocol = URLProtocol.HTTP S = BuildKonfig.BASE_UR L parameter("apikey", BuildKonfig.API_KEY ) parameter("Accept-Language", languageCode ?: "en" ) } install(ContentNegotiation) { json(json) } install(Logging) { this.logger = logge r level = logLeve l } } OkHttp + Retro fi t Retro fi t.Builder().baseUrl() In interceptor: chain.request().header() .addConverterFactory(jsonConverter)

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Networking with KTOR fun createHttpClient(httpClientEngine: HttpClientEngine, logger: Logger) = HttpClient(httpClientEngine) { defaultRequest { url.protocol = URLProtocol.HTTP S = BuildKonfig.BASE_UR L parameter("apikey", BuildKonfig.API_KEY ) parameter("Accept-Language", languageCode ?: "en" ) } install(ContentNegotiation) { json(json) } install(Logging) { this.logger = logge r level = logLeve l } } OkHttp + Retro fi t Retro fi t.Builder().baseUrl() In interceptor: chain.request().header() .addConverterFactory(jsonConverter) .addInterceptor(httpLoggingInterceptor)

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Http Client Engine Networking with KTOR Android.create() val logger = object : Logger { override fun log(message: String) { Log.i(tag, message) } } Darwin.create() Logger.DEFAULT Logger

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Actual/Expected //commo n expect val httpEngine: HttpClientEngin e expect val logger: Logger //androidMai n actual val httpEngine = Android.create( ) actual val logger = object : Logger { override fun log(message: String) { Log.i(tag, message ) } } //iosMai n actual val httpEngine = Darwin.create( ) actual val logger = Logger.DEFAULT

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iOS and coroutines

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iOS and coroutines Async/Await RxSwift Combine Callbacks

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iOS Source: func createPublisher(flowAdapter: FlowAdapter) -> AnyPublisher { return Deferred>> { let subject = PassthroughSubject( ) let job = flowAdapter.subscribe ( onEvent: { (item) in let _ = subject.send(item) } , onError: { (error) in subject.send(completion: .failure(KotlinError(error))) } , onComplete: { subject.send(completion: .finished) } ) return subject.handleEvents(receiveCancel: { job.cancel(cause: nil ) } ) }.eraseToAnyPublisher( ) }

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Shared iOS class FlowAdapter ( private val scope: CoroutineScope , private val flow: Flow ) { fun subscribe ( onEvent: (T) -> Unit , onError: (Throwable) -> Unit , onComplete: () -> Uni t ): Job = flo w .onEach { onEvent(it) } .catch { onError(it) } .onCompletion { onComplete() } .launchIn(scope ) }

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SSOT for resources

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Resources Moko-resources

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Strings.xml Resources Cancel Current location Yesterday

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Compose Resources stringResource(id = SharedRes.strings.my_string.resourceId) Swift/SwiftUI let string = MR.strings().my_string.desc().localized( ) LocalizedStringKey(MR.strings().email.resourceId)

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Resources Common val stringDesc = StringDesc.Resource(SharedRes.strings.airlypedia_title)

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Resources Common val stringDesc = StringDesc.Resource(SharedRes.strings.airlypedia_title) .toString(context)

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Resources Common val stringDesc = StringDesc.Resource(SharedRes.strings.airlypedia_title) .toString(context) .localized()

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Resources Common val stringDesc = StringDesc.Resource(SharedRes.strings.airlypedia_title ) expect fun ResourceStringDesc.getText(): String

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Resources Common val stringDesc = StringDesc.Resource(SharedRes.strings.airlypedia_title ) expect fun ResourceStringDesc.getText(): String actual fun ResourceStringDesc.getText(): String = this.toString(appContext )

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Resources Common val stringDesc = StringDesc.Resource(SharedRes.strings.airlypedia_title ) expect fun ResourceStringDesc.getText(): String actual fun ResourceStringDesc.getText(): String = this.toString(appContext ) actual fun ResourceStringDesc.getText(): String = this.localized()

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How to read KMM in platforms?

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No content

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dependencies { implementation(project(":shared") ) }

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dependencies { implementation(project(":shared") ) }

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dependencies { implementation(project(":shared") ) } New Run Script Phase

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dependencies { implementation(project(":shared") ) } New Run Script Phase

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Next steps • Use async/await in iOS for suspend functions • Try crashlytics, analytics, etc • Use KMM for web app • Share more assets

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iOS & Android everyday

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iOS & Android using KMM

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Is it ready for production?

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KMM - Pros and Cons • 100% Native • Android developers know 
 Kotlin and Gradle • Optional • Still in Alpha

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KMM - Pros and Cons • 100% Native • Android developers know 
 Kotlin and Gradle • Optional • Still in Alpha • UI written separately

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Meet Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile Thanks for listening! Piotr Prus Mobile Tech Lead @Airly GDG 3City Organizer

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Meet Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile Questions? Piotr Prus Mobile Tech Lead @Airly GDG 3City Organizer