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Le DIC ce chef d'orchestre! @AdrienBrault 1

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About me • Adrien Brault • Software Engineer at Hautelook | Nordstrom Rack • Sensiolabs Certified Symfony Developer Expert • willdurand/Hateoas BazingaHateoasBundle • @AdrienBrault everywhere 2

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Timeline • Dependency Injection & Symfony Services • ContainerBuilder • Container Compilation • Patterns, Tips and Tricks 3

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Dependency Injection & Symfony Services 4

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DIC: Dependency Injection Container 5

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class UserManager
 private $db;
 public function __construct()
 $this->db = new PDO(
 $manager = new UserManager(); % 6

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class UserManager
 private $db;
 public function __construct(
 ContainerInterface $container
 ) {
 $this->db = $container->get('db');
 $container = new Container();
 new PDO(
 $manager = new UserManager($container); % 7

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class UserManager
 private $db;
 public function __construct(PDO $db)
 $this->db = $db;
 $manager = new UserManager(
 new PDO(
 ); & 8

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Creating services in Symfony 9

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Write services configuration 

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Load the services config # app/config/config.yml
 - { resource: "@AppBundle/Resources/config/services.xml" } OR // src/AppBundle/DependencyInjection/AppExtension.php
 class AppExtension extends Extension
 public function load(
 array $configs,
 ContainerBuilder $container
 ) {
 $loader = new Loader\XmlFileLoader(
 new FileLocator(
 __DIR__ . '/../Resources/config'
 } 11

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Profit $manager = $container->get('user_manager'); 12

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ContainerBuilder 13

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Remember this ? // AppBundle/DependencyInjection/AppExtension.php
 class AppExtension extends Extension
 public function load(
 array $configs,
 ContainerBuilder $container
 ) {
 $loader = new Loader\XmlFileLoader(
 new FileLocator(
 __DIR__ . '/../Resources/config'
 } 14

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XML/YAML maps to PHP 
 use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Definition; 
 new Definition('PDO', [
 ); 㱺 15

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XML/YAML maps to PHP 
 use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Reference; 
 new Definition('UserManager', [
 new Reference('db'),
 ); 㱺 16

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The ContainerBuilder and Definitions are mutable $container->removeDefinition('bad_bad_service'); 
 ->replaceArgument(1, new Reference('another_service')) 
 ->addMethodCall('setLogger', [new Reference('logger')]) 
 ->addTag('form.type', ['alias' => 'wow_such_form']) 
 ; 17

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To learn more about the ContainerBuilder apis • Check out the PHP tab of the service container documentation examples • Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ • ContainerBuilder • Definition • Reference • Parameter • DefinitionDecorator • Alias • Scope 18

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ContainerBuilder is usable standalone $container = new ContainerBuilder();
 $db = $container->get('db');
 $manager = $container->get('user_manager');
 var_dump($db); // object(PDO)#8 (0) {}
 var_dump($manager); // object(UserManager)#9 (0) {} 19

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Container Building Workflow ContainerBuilder app/cache/dev/ appDevDebugProjectContainer.php 20

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class appDevDebugProjectContainer extends Container
 public function __construct()
 // ...
 $this->methodMap = array(
 'form.resolved_type_factory' => 'getForm_ResolvedTypeFactoryService',
 protected function getForm_ResolvedTypeFactoryService()
 return $this->services['form.resolved_type_factory'] =
 new ResolvedTypeFactoryDataCollectorProxy(
 new ResolvedFormTypeFactory(),
 // ...
 } 21

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Container compilation 22

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Compilation Flow 1. Register bundles' DI extension 2. Let bundles add CompilerPasses 3. Read app/config/config.yml 4. Run CompilerPasses 4.1. First CompilerPass calls the DI extensions 4.2. All the other CompilerPasses run 23

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DI extensions interface ExtensionInterface
 public function load( array $configs, ContainerBuilder $container );
 } • Sandboxed: the given ContainerBuilder is always empty (aside from the base parameters, like kernel.debug) • Can change its behaviour using the provided configuration 24

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CompilerPasses interface CompilerPassInterface
 public function process(ContainerBuilder $container);
 } • Runs right before dumping the ContainerBuilder to PHP • Can change anything • A few Symfony ones optimise the ContainerBuilder • Most others allow interaction across bundles using tags 25

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Adding compiler passes 
 class AppBundle extends Bundle
 public function build(ContainerBuilder $container)
 new DogeCompilerPass()
 } 26

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class RestCompilerPass implements CompilerPassInterface
 public function process(ContainerBuilder $container)
 if (!$container->hasDefinition('jms_serializer')) {
 } 27

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class BlackHoleCompilerPass implements CompilerPassInterface
 public function process(ContainerBuilder $container)
 foreach ($container->getServiceIds() as $id) {
 } 28

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Learn more about the compilation dependency_injection/compilation.html 29

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Patterns, Tips and Tricks 30

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Anonymous services 

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JSON/CSV injection at compilation 
 use Symfony\Component\Config\Resource\FileResource;
 class MemeExtension extends Extension
 public function load(
 array $config,
 ContainerBuilder $container
 ) {
 // load services from XML/YAML
 $memesPath = __DIR__ . '/../Resources/config/memes.json';
 $memes = json_decode(file_get_contents($memesPath));
 ->replaceArgument(0, $memes)
 $container->addResource(new FileResource($memesPath));
 } 32

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PrependExtension class RestExtension extends Extension
 implements PrependExtensionInterface
 public function load(array $config, ContainerBuilder $container) { }
 public function prepend(ContainerBuilder $container)
 ['serializer' => 'true']
 } prepend_extension.html 33

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Tags class NotificationSenderCompilerPass
 implements CompilerPassInterface
 public function process(ContainerBuilder $container)
 $chainDefinition = $container
 $services = $container
 foreach ($services as $id => $tags) {
 foreach ($tags as $tagAttributes) {
 [new Reference($id)]
 } 34

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  dependency_injection/tags.html 35 㱺 after the compiler pass

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Use semantic configuration, not parameters (for reusable bundles ) class Configuration implements ConfigurationInterface
 public function getConfigTreeBuilder()
 $treeBuilder = new TreeBuilder();
 $rootNode = $treeBuilder->root('api');
 return $treeBuilder;
 } 36

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class ApiExtension extends Extension
 public function load(
 array $configs,
 ContainerBuilder $container
 ) {
 $config = $this->processConfiguration(
 new Configuration(),
 $loader = ...;
 if ($config['api']['rate_limit']['enabled']) {
 } configuration.html 37

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Automatic configuration processing use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DependencyInjection\ConfigurableExtension;
 class ApiExtension extends ConfigurableExtension
 protected function loadInternal(
 array $config,
 ContainerBuilder $container
 ) {
 if ($config['api']['rate_limit']['enabled']) {
 // ...
 } configuration.html 38

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container:debug 39

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container:debug --parameters 40

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container:debug --tags 41

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container:debug service 42

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config:dump 43

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Thanks! • chef-dorchestre • Questions ❓ 44