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Reinforcement learning A gentle introduction Uwe Friedrichsen –codecentric AG – 2018-2019

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Uwe Friedrichsen CTO @ codecentric

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What can I expect from this talk?

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Goals of this talk • Understand the most important concepts and how they are connected to each other • Know the most important terms • Get some understanding how to translate concepts to code • Lose fear of math … ;) • Spark interest • Give you a little head start if you decide to dive deeper

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Why Some success stories and a prognosis

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… to be continued in the near future …

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Do you really think that an average white collar job has more degrees of freedom than StarCraft II?

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(Deep) Reinforcement Learning has the potential to affect white collar workers similar to how robots affected blue collar workers

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What The basic idea

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Reinforcement learning (RL) is the study of how an agent can interact with its environment to learn a policy which maximizes expected cumulative rewards for a task -- Henderson et al., Deep Reinforcement Learning that Matters Source:

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Eh, what do you mean?

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Agent interact Environment solve … Core idea: An agent tries to solve a task by interacting with its environment Task

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Problem: How can we model the interaction in a way that allows the agent to learn how to solve the given task? Approach: Apply concepts from learning theory, particularly from operant conditioning * * learn a desired behavior (which solves the task) based on rewards and punishment

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Agent Environment Core idea: An agent tries to maximize the rewards received over time from the environment maximize rewards over time … Task Observe (State, Reward) Manipulate (Action)

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Observations so far • Approach deliberately limited to reward-based learning • Results in very narrow interaction interface • Good modeling is essential and often challenging • Rewards are crucial for ability to learn • States must support deciding on actions • Actions need to be effective in the environment

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How 6 questions from concepts to implementation

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Agent Environment Goal: Learn the best possible actions (with respect to the cumulated rewards) in response to the observed states maximize rewards over time … Task Observe (State, Reward) Manipulate (Action)

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Question 1 Where do states, rewards and possible actions come from?

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Agent Environment Observe (State, Reward) Manipulate (Action) Map (State, Action) Model (Reward) Known to the agent Sometimes known to the agent (but usually not) Unknown to the agent

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Model • Maps environment to narrow interface • Makes complexity of environment manageable for agent • Responsible for calculating rewards (tricky to get right) • Usually not known to the agent • Usually only interface visible • Sometimes model also known (e.g., dynamic programming) • Creating a good model can be challenging • Representational learning approaches in DL can help

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Question 2 How can we represent the (unknown) behavior of a model in a general way?

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Represent the behavior using a probability distribution function

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Transition probability function (based on MDP) Read: Probability that you will observe s’ and r after you sent a as a response to observing s Reward function (derived from transition probability function) Read: Expected reward r after you sent a as a response to observing s

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Question 3 How can we represent the behavior of the agent? (It's still about learning the best possible actions)

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Represent the behavior using a probability distribution function

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Policy (stochastic) Read: Probability that you will choose a after you observed s Policy(deterministic) Read: You know how to read that one … ;)

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Question 4 How can we learn a good (or even optimal) policy?

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Well, it depends …

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Learning a policy • Many approaches available • Model-based vs. model-free • Value-based vs. policy-based • On-policy vs. off-policy • Shallow backups vs. deep backups • Sample backups vs. full backups … plus a lot of variants • Here focus on 2 common (basic) approaches

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Approach 1 Monte Carlo model-free – value-based – on-policy – deep backups – sample backups

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Return • Goal is to optimize future rewards • Return describes discounted future rewards from step t

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Return • Goal is to optimize future rewards • Return describes discounted future rewards from step t • Why a discounting factor !? • Future rewards may have higher uncertainty • Makes handling of infinite episodes easier • Controls how greedy or foresighted an agent acts

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Value functions • State-value function • Read: Value of being in state s under policy !

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Value functions • State-value function • Read: Value of being in state s under policy ! • Action-value function (also called Q-value function) • Read: Value of taking action a in state s under policy !

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In value-based learning an optimal policy is a policy that results in an optimal value function

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Optimal policy and value function • Optimal state-value function • Optimal action-value function

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How can we learn an optimal policy?

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Generalized policy iteration • Learning an optimal policy usually not feasible • Instead an approximation is targeted • Following algorithm is known to converge 1. Start with a random policy 2. Evaluate the policy 3. Update the policy greedily 4. Repeat from step 2 ! Evaluation Improvement "

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How can we evaluate a policy?

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Use a Monte Carlo method

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Monte Carlo methods • Umbrella term for class of algorithms • Use repeated random sampling to obtain numerical results • Algorithm used for policy evaluation (idea) • Play many episodes, each with random start state and action • Calculate returns for all state-action pairs seen • Approximate q-value function by averaging returns for each state-action pair seen • Stop if change of q-value function becomes small enough

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Source: [Sut2018]

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Monte Carlo methods – pitfalls • Exploring enough state-action pairs to learn properly • Known as explore-exploit dilemma • Usually addressed by exploring starts or epsilon-greedy • Very slow convergence • Lots of episodes needed before policy gets updated • Trick: Update policy after each episode • Not yet formally proven, but empirically known to work For code example, e.g., see

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Approach 2 Temporal-Difference learning (TD learning) model-free – value-based – on/off-policy – shallow backups – sample backups

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Bellman equations • Allow describing the value function recursively

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Bellman equations – consequences • Enables bootstrapping • Update value estimate on the basis of another estimate • Enables updating policy after each single step • Proven to converge for many configurations • Leads to Temporal-Difference learning (TD learning) • Update value function after each step just a bit • Use estimate of next step’s value to calculate the return • SARSA (on-policy) or Q-learning (off-policy) as control

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Source: [Sut2018]

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Source: [Sut2018]

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Question 5 When do we need all the other concepts?

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Deep Reinforcement Learning • Problem: Very large state spaces • Default for non-trivial environments • Make tabular representation of value function infeasible • Solution: Replace value table with Deep Neural Network • Deep Neural Networks are great function approximators • Implement q-value-function as DNN • Use Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) to train DNN

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Policy Gradient learning • Learning the policy directly (without value function “detour”) • Actual goal is learning an optimal policy, not a value function • Sometimes learning a value function is not feasible • Leads to Policy Gradient learning • Parameterize policy with ! which stores “configuration” • Learn optimal policy using gradient ascent • Lots of implementations, e.g., REINFORCE, Actor-Critic, … • Can easily be extended to DNNs

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Question 6 How can I start my own journey into DL best?

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No one-size-fits-all approach – people are different Here is what worked quite well for me …

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Your own journey – foundations • Learn some of the foundations • Read some blogs, e.g., [Wen2018] • Do an online course at Coursera, Udemy, … • Read a book, e.g., [Sut2018] • Code some basic stuff on your own • Online courses often offer nice exercises • Try some simple environments on OpenAI Gym [OAIGym]

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Your own journey – Deep RL • Pick up some of the basic Deep RL concepts • Read some blogs, e.g., [Sim2018] • Do an online course at Coursera, Udemy, … • Read a book, e.g., [Goo2016], [Lap2018] • Revisit OpenAI Gym • Retry previous environments using a DNN • Try more advanced environments, e.g., Atari environments

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Your own journey – moving on • Repeat and pick up some new stuff on each iteration • Complete the books • Do advanced online courses • Read research papers, e.g., [Mni2013] • Try to implement some of the papers (if you have enough computing power at hand) • Try more complex environments, e.g., Vizdoom [Vizdoom]

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Outlook Moving on – evolution, challenges and you

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Remember my claim from the beginning?

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(Deep) Reinforcement Learning has the potential to affect white collar workers similar to how robots affected blue collar workers

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Challenges of (Deep) RL • Massive training data demands • Hard to provide or generate • One of the reasons games are used so often as environments • Probably the reason white collar workers are still quite unaffected • Hard to stabilize and get production-ready • Research results are often hard to reproduce [Hen2019] • Hyperparameter tuning and a priori error prediction is hard • Massive demand for computing power

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Status quo of (Deep) RL • Most current progress based on brute force and trial & error • Lack of training data for most real-world problems becomes a huge issue • Research (and application) limited to few companies • Most other companies neither have comprehension nor skills nor resources to drive RL solutions

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Potential futures of (Deep) RL • Expected breakthrough happens soon • Discovery how to easily apply RL to real-world problems • Market probably dominated by few companies • All other companies just use their solutions • Expected breakthrough does not happen soon • Inflated market expectations do not get satisfied • Next “Winter of AI” • AI will become invisible parts of commodity solutions • RL will not face any progress for several years

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And what does all that mean for me?

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Positioning yourself • You rather believe in the breakthrough of (Deep) RL • Help democratize AI & RL – become part of the community • You rather do not believe in the breakthrough of (Deep) RL • Observe and enjoy your coffee … ;) • You are undecided • It’s a fascinating topic after all • So, dive in a bit and decide when things become clearer

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Enjoy and have a great time!

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References – Books [Goo2016] I. Goodfellow, Y. Bengio, A. Courville, ”Deep learning", MIT press, 2016 [Lap2018] Maxim Lapan, “Deep Reinforcement Learning Hands-On”, Packt Publishing,2018 [Sut2018] Richard S. Sutton, Andrew G. Barto, “Reinforcement Learning – An Introduction”, 2nd edition, MIT press, 2018

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References – Papers [Hen2019] P. Henderson et al., “Deep Reinforcement Learning that Matters”, arxiv:1709.06560 [Mni2013] V. Mnih et al., “Playing Atari with Deep Reinforcement Learning”, arxiv:1312.5602v1

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References – Blogs [Sim2018] T. Simonini, “A free course in Deep Reinforcement Learning from beginner to expert”, Deep_reinforcement_learning_Course/ [Wen2018] L. Weng, “A (long) peek into Reinforcement Learning”, a-long-peek-into-reinforcement-learning.html

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References – Environments [OAIGym] OpenAI Gym, [Vizdoom] Vizdoom, Doom-based AI Research Platform,

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Uwe Friedrichsen CTO @ codecentric