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Do you really need Hibernate? Building data-centric applications with jOOQ Simon Martinelli @simas_ch

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About me 1972 1995 2000 2007 2009 2011 2012 2013 2021 2022 2023 COBOL JSR-352 Java Batch JSR-354 Money/Currency

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JTAF - Track and Field -

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JPA vs jOOQ • Most conceptual differences between JPA and jOOQ are not technology-specific, but a matter of how you think about your database interactions • There are two approaches 1. Working with entity state transitions 2. Working with data set transformations • Neither approach is "the best" one; both approaches are better suited to certain use cases

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Where to Start? • Example Project • • Official Documentation • • jOOQ Demo •

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Database First • jOOQ assumes your database already exists • But it does not assume your database follows any rules imposed by jOOQ regarding the design

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DB jOOQ Generator Java Classes jOOQ DSL How does jOOQ work?

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jOOQ and JPA

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And now? Which one to use? • jOOQs superpower • Querying • Reading nested objects • Calling functions/stored procedures • Bulk updates and deletes • JPAs superpower • Entity state transition • Cascading insert, update, delete, and orphan removal

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