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Intro to HTML & CSS Mike Aparicio User Interface Engineer

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Part I • Learn HTML basics • Create a personal website using only HTML Part II • Learn CSS basics • Apply CSS styles to personal website

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HTML What the content is (semantics) CSS What the content looks like (presentation) JavaScript What the content does (behavior)

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HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)

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Elements Containers for content or other elements

This is a paragraph element.

Attributes Define properties of an element or provide additional info “Groupon” Tags Code of an element, gives content semantic meaning



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The DOM The Document Object Model (DOM) is a cross-platform and language-independent convention for representing and interacting with objects in HTML, XHTML, and XML documents. The nodes of every document are organized in a tree structure, called the DOM tree. “Parents, Children, Descendants”

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HTML Guidelines • Use lowercase for tags • Use two-space indentation (soft tabs) when nesting • Close tags in the correct order


• Use double quotes on attributes • • Save files as .html

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Doctype • The very first line in every HTML document • Tells the browser how to render the page • Not part of the HTML itself • Does not have a closing tag

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• A container of containers • The “root” element • Contains only and elements

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• Goes inside element • Contains meta data about the document • Contains links to external dependencies • Can contain embedded CSS/JS • - Title of the document, appears in browser’s title bar • - Info about the document, used by search engines • - Links to or includes inline JavaScript • <style> - Links to or includes inline CSS • <link> - Links to other external files (e.g. favicons)

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• Goes inside element, below • Contains everything that is displayed in the browser

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Block Elements • Take up the full width of their parent container • Proceeding elements appear below • Can only be placed inside other block elements (except ) • Paragraphs

cannot contain other block elements

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• Define the structure and hierarchy of a document • Used in logical order • Use only one

element per page • Consider meaning over aesthetics

This is a headline

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This is a paragraph.

“A distinct piece of writing, usually dealing with a single theme and indicated by a new line, indentation, or numbering.” • Use as a container for content, not managing whitespace

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Lists •
    Ordered List (numbers) •
      Unordered List (bullets) •
    • List Item •
      Definition List (paired values) •
      Definition Term •
      Definition Description • Ordered and unordered lists can be nested

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Inline Elements • Take up only as much room as needed by the content • Proceeding elements are placed adjacent to • Can be placed inside block or inline elements

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• Embeds an image in the document • Does not have a closing tag • alt attribute is required, describes image for screen readers or in cases where image doesn’t load • Use for content, not decoration • Avoid text in images • Avoid linking to external image URLs “Hilarious

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• Provides emphasis • Rendered as italicized • Can also use non-semantic , but don’t this text appears italicized

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• Provides strong emphasis • Rendered as bold • Can also use non-semantic , but don’t this text appears bold

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• Maintains whitespace within paragraphs • Self-closing tag • Don’t use for managing whitespace

600 W. Chicago Ave.
Chicago, IL 60654

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Non-Semantic Elements • Tell nothing about their contents •
- block element • - inline element

Here’s a SPAN inside of a DIV.

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Semantic Container Elements • Based on common classes previously used on divs

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Character Entities • © - copyright (©) • & - ampersand (&) • < - less than (<) • > - greater than (>) • ‘/’ - single “curly” quotes (‘’) • “/” - double “curly” quotes (“”) • — - em dash (—) •   - non-breaking space

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Personal Website

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Personal Website • Header • Navigation • Main Content • Sidebar • Footer Structure • Logo/Wordmark • About • Portfolio • Blog • Links • Contact Content

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HTML Cheatsheet Typography




    Unordered List (bullets)
      Ordered List (numbers)
    1. List Item
      Definition List
      Definition Term
      Definition Description Inline Elements Link “” Image Emphasis Strong Emphasis
      Line break Non-Semantic Elements
      Block Inline Semantic Containers

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Homework • Visit • What are some HTML elements we didn’t cover today? • Are they inline or block elements? • Do they have any unique attributes? • Play around with them in CodePen • Try adding some to your personal site

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CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

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Selector A method of targeting HTML elements for styling Declaration A key/value pair defining the style for a selector Property An attribute of an element defined by a CSS selector p { color: #333333; font-size: 1rem; line-height: 1.5; }

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The Cascade • Browser default styles • User-defined styles • Author-defined styles (that’s you) - An external file, using - In the of a document, using - Inline styles with an element, using the style attribute • Author !important styles • User !important styles

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!important • Overrides the cascade • Makes future changes difficult • Avoid using as much as possible

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Selectors • p - affects all paragraph elements • .tag - affects all elements with class=“tag” • #intro - affects all elements with id=“intro” • a[href] - affects elements with specific attributes • :visited - pseudo-selectors affect elements in certain states • Multiple selectors can be separated by commas • Selectors can be nested or combined in unique ways • Many special types of selectors exist • Selectors affect specificity

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Inheritance • The passing down of properties from parent elements to their children • Not all properties are inherited • Can force properties to be inherited by using “inherit” value

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Specificity • Determines which styles “win” when more than one applies • Calculated in a comma-separated list - X, X, X, X, X • Element selectors have the lowest specificity (0, 0, 0, 0, 1) • Class, pseudo-class and attribute selectors (0, 0, 0, 1, 0) • ID selectors (0, 0, 1, 0, 0) • Inline styles (0, 1, 0, 0, 0) • !important has the highest specificity (1, 0, 0, 0, 0) • Multiple selectors increase specificity • We want to keep specificity as low as possible

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The Box Model • HTML elements are boxes that consist of content, padding, borders and margins • Defines space around and between elements • “box-sizing: border-box” normalizes width to include padding and border* • margin-top, margin-right, margin-bottom, margin-left • margin/padding: [top] [right] [bottom] [left] • margin: 1rem 1rem 1rem 1rem -> margin: 1rem • margin: 1rem auto 1rem auto -> margin: 1rem auto (centers) • border: [width] solid/dashed/dotted [color] *

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without box-sizing: border-box

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with box-sizing: border-box

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Color • Can use hexadecimal, RGB(A), HSL(A), or 140 named values* • color - the color of an element’s text • background-color - the background color of an element • border-color - the color of an element’s border * button { color: #ffffff; background-color #53A318: border: 1px solid #338833; }

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Typography • font-family - defines the font stack - ‘Open Sans’, ‘Helvetica Neue’, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif - Browser will use first available font in stack - Multi-word fonts should be quoted - Browser default is Times New Roman • font-size - expressed in px, em, rem, %, etc. • line-height - relative to font-size (1.5), does not require a unit • text-align - horizontal alignment of text (left/right/center) • font-style, letter-spacing, word-spacing, text-decoration…

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Units of Measurement • px - absolute pixel value • em - relative to font-size of element • rem - relative to font-size of root element (body: 16px) • % - relative to another value (width, font-size, etc.) • Convert px -> %: target % context = result • vw/vh - relative to 1% of the width/height of the viewport • width, height, min-width, max-width, min-height, max-height

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CSS Guidelines • Avoid applying styles to ID selectors • Apply classes to elements rather than nesting selectors • Use lowercase for classes, dashes (-) rather than underscores • Make classes short and meaningful • If you must nest, never nest more than three deep • CSS should be additive - avoid overriding styles • Lowercase all hex values • Don’t use a unit when value is zero (margin: 0 vs. margin: 0px) • /* Use comments liberally */ • Save files as .css

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Personal Website • Change the font • Add some color • Adjust font sizes • Apply margins and padding to things • Check out and experiment with properties we didn’t cover • Pair with your neighbor • Ask questions!

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CSS Cheatsheet Selectors p { color: #777777; } // affects all

.intro { font-size: 150%; } // affects all w/ class=“intro” Properties color: [hex/RGB or color name]; background-color: [as above]; font-size: [value in px/em/%]; line-height: [multiple of font-size]; font-family: [comma-separated list]; text-align: [left/center/right]; margin: [top] [right] [bottom] [left]; padding: [top] [right] [bottom] [left]; border-width: [top] [right] [bottom] [left]; border-style: [solid/dashed/dotted]; border-color: [hex/RGB or color name]; border: [width] [style] [color];

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Resources • W3Schools ( • Mozilla Developer Network ( • HTML & CSS Guidelines ( • Can I Use? ( • CSS-Tricks ( • Codrops ( • CodePen Patterns ( • Google Fonts ( • Gridlover ( • HTML Validator (

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Questions? Mike Aparicio