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The Future is in Pieces

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2003 CSS Takes Off

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Wired Redesign

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Blog Design

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Blog Designs #header h1, #header h2 { font-size:13px; font-weigh… } #header h1 { color: #680; float:right; padding-b…} #header h2 { float:left; padding:18px 20px; posi…} #header h2 img { position:absolute; left:0; top:0; } #header h2 a { text-decoration:none; color:#333; } #main h2 {text-transform:uppercase; font-weight:…} #main h2 a {text-decoration:none; color:#444;} #main h2 a:hover {color:#680;} #main .article.inside h1 { text-transform:uppercase;…} #comments .comment .meta .authorname { text-transfo… } #comments .comment .meta .commentnumber a { float: … }

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Blog Designs #header h1, #header h2 { font-size:13px; font-weigh… } #header h1 { color: #680; float:right; padding-b…} #header h2 { float:left; padding:18px 20px; posi…} #header h2 img { position:absolute; left:0; top:0; } #header h2 a { text-decoration:none; color:#333; } #main h2 {text-transform:uppercase; font-weight:…} #main h2 a {text-decoration:none; color:#444;} #main h2 a:hover {color:#680;} #main .article.inside h1 { text-transform:uppercase;…} #comments .comment .meta .authorname { text-transfo… } #comments .comment .meta .commentnumber a { float: … }

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Blog Designs #header h1, #header h2 { font-size:13px; font-weigh… } #header h1 { color: #680; float:right; padding-b…} #header h2 { float:left; padding:18px 20px; posi…} #header h2 img { position:absolute; left:0; top:0; } #header h2 a { text-decoration:none; color:#333; } #main h2 {text-transform:uppercase; font-weight:…} #main h2 a {text-decoration:none; color:#444;} #main h2 a:hover {color:#680;} #main .article.inside h1 { text-transform:uppercase;…} #comments .comment .meta .authorname { text-transfo… } #comments .comment .meta .commentnumber a { float: … }

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Scalable and Modular Architecture for CSS

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• Describes how to approach site design and development
 • No GitHub repo, not a library, not a framework, no tools
 • Techniques can be applied to static CSS, Sass, React, Web Components, etc.

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What does it mean to be modular?

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A module is “each of a set of standardized parts or independent units that can be used to construct a more complex structure.” –Dictionary

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What hurdles are there to being truly independent?

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• Inheritance
 • Cascade
 • Browser Default Styling
 • Putting modules/components together

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• Typography
 e.g. color, font-size, font-family
 • List Styles
 e.g. list-style
 • Table Styles 
 e.g. border-collapse

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Sorry, React. Inline styles won’t save you from inheritance.

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• all: initial

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The cascade is how the browser decides what properties to apply when you have multiple rules declared on the same element.

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a:link { color: blue; } a:hover { color: cornflowerblue; } .sidebar a:link { color: grey; } .sidebar a:hover { color: crimson; } .nav a:link { color: cadetblue; } .nav a:hover { color: darkblue; }

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• Don’t write multiple rules for the same element
 • Inline styles
 • Create a structured layering system to prevent conflicts

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Browser Defaults

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.button {
 border:1px solid purple;
 padding: 5px 10px;
 color: pink;
 } text-decoration: none;

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• all: initial
 • Predictable HTML
 i.e. templates

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Putting Modules Together

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Cancel Send

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.button + .button { 
 margin-left: 10px; 

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Cancel Send

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Send Email

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.button + .button,
 .input + .button { 
 margin-left: 10px; 
 } * + * { 
 margin-left: 10px; 

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Send Subscribe Email

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• Separate layout from module
 • Micro layout classes

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Send Subscribe

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Send Subscribe button>

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BONUS PROBLEM! Media Queries

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If Module A 
 in Module B 
 in Layout C 
 Then I’m screwed.

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If Module A has room
 do this.

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Element Queries

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Element Queries

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Oh, right. SMACSS.

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Design has a cost.

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Every piece of design ends up in code.

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• Categorize
 • Naming Convention

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Base Layout Module State Theme

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• .btn • .btn--variation • .btn__component • .btn • &--variation • &__component • button.css • .variation • .component SMACSS-y BEM Sass CSS Modules/React • .btn • .btn-variation • .btn--component

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HTML CSS JavaScript HTML CSS JavaScript HTML CSS JavaScript

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The Future is React?

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React.render( My Button! );

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var XUIButton = React.createClass({ render: function() { return ( {this.props.children} ); } });

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var myStyle = { color: '#FFF', backgroundColor: '#330000' } var XUIButton = React.createClass({ render: function() { return ( {this.props.children} ); }

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HTML CSS JavaScript HTML CSS JavaScript HTML CSS JavaScript

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The Future is Web Components?

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• Templates
 • Shadow DOM
 • Custom Elements
 • HTML Imports

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var p = document.createElement(‘p'); p.createShadowRoot(); p.shadowRoot.innerHTML = 'HTML Contents'; document.body.appendChild(p);

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• The Cascade no longer applies
 • Inheritance still applies 
 (unless you use all:initial)

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HTML CSS JavaScript

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HTML CSS JavaScript component.html

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// Creates a MediaObjectElement class // that extends HTMLElement. class MediaObjectElement extends HTMLElement { createdCallback() { var shadowRoot = this.createShadowRoot(); shadowRoot.innerHTML = 'Shadow DOM contents...'; } } // Registers the `` element for use. document.registerElement('custom-element', MediaObjectElement);

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• Likely a year before all browsers support everything.
 • JavaScript Dependent
 • Phillip Walton’s Talk on Modular CSS with Web Components

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• Think about standardized and modular design.
 • Frameworks like React can help.
 • Web Components are coming. (So is winter.)

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Thank you.