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Papers We Love June 26 Contextual Decision w/ Low Technical Debt

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Ex: Which news? Repeatedly: 1. Observe features of user+articles 2. Choose a news article. 3. Observe click-or-not Goal: Maximize fraction of clicks

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No content

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… > 25% increase in clicks (without much tuning)

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(, , ) (, ) , ) arg max 56789:;< (|, ) test fails L

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No content

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No content

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Contextual Bandits not Supervised! Repeatedly: 1. Observe features 2. Choose action ∈ 3. Observe reward Goal: Maximize expected reward

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Explore Log Learn Deploy What could possibly go wrong?

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Client Library Or Web API Join Server Online Learning Offline Learning Policy App context decision reward (, , , ) , (, , , )

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Client Library Or Web API Join Server Online Learning Offline Learning Policy App context decision reward (, , , ) , (, , , ) Explore

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Client Library Or Web API Join Server Online Learning Offline Learning Policy App context decision reward (, , , ) , (, , , ) Log

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Client Library Or Web API Join Server Online Learning Offline Learning Policy App context decision reward (, , , ) , (, , , ) Learn

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Client Library Or Web API Join Server Online Learning Offline Learning Policy App context decision reward (, , , ) , (, , , ) Deploy

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Client Library Or Web API Join Server Online Learning Offline Learning Policy App context decision reward (, , , ) , (, , , ) Offline Learn Data

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No content

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