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Advanced Design Pa tt erns with ConstraintLayout 2.1 John Hoford @johnhoford Nicolas Roard @camaelon

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ConstraintLayout 1.0 • Flexible Layout Manager • Positions relatively, in percentage, as a set (chain) • Dimensions : ratio, percentage, weight… • Helpers : Guideline, Barriers… • ConstraintSet : build your layout rules on the fl y, swap them • Layout Editor

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ConstraintLayout 2.0 • Virtual Layouts • Helpers & Decorators • Programming APIs • MotionLayout • Motion Editor

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ConstraintLayout 2.1 • Scalability • View Transitions • Rotation • Motion Helpers • Foldable Support

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ConstraintLayout 1.0

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ConstraintLayout 1.0 Compose

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ConstraintLayout 1.0 • Kotlin DSL for constraints • ConstraintSet support • JSON support • MotionLayout light Compose

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 MotionScene fi les are getting large!

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Scalability • Includes - Support separate ConstraintSet fi les • ConstraintOverlay - compact way of modifying derived constraints • ViewTransitions - Dynamic mutation of state

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• ConstraintSet can now be in separate fi les • Referenced through includes
 • Or directly in Transitions
 motion:constraintSetEnd="@xml/main_scene "

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• Only need to specify the id and the attributes to change

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• Operates on one or more views • Can modify the current state

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• Operates on one or more views • Can modify all ConstraintSets

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• Can modify all noState These can run asynchronous

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• Can modify all noState These can run asynchronous

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Rotation ConstraintLayout Relative Position 45° 80dp 30dp 135°

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Rotation ConstraintLayout Relative Position • Changing values in motion Layout

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Rotation ConstraintLayout Relative Position • Changing values in motion Layout

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Rotation Polar Mode

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Rotation Polar Mode

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Rotation Polar Mode • Setting layout_constraintCircleAngle
 is understood by the polar mode 
 app:layout_constraintCircleAngle. ="360"

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Rotation Polar Mode • Setting layout_constraintCircleAngle
 is understood by the polar mode 
 app:layout_constraintCircleAngle. ="360"

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Rotation Polar Mode • They chain 
 moon relative to earth
 earth relative to sun

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Rotation Polar Mode • They chain 
 moon relative to earth
 earth relative to sun

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Rotation Polar Mode KeyPosition In Polar mode • KeyPosition works in polar
 percentX is radial change
 percentY is in Angular change

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Rotation Polar Mode KeyPosition In Polar mode • KeyPosition works in polar
 percentX is radial change
 percentY is in Angular change

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Rotation Polar Mode KeyPosition In Polar mode • Rocket maintains orbit
 Then moves out to the moon

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Rotation Polar Mode KeyPosition In Polar mode • Rocket maintains orbit
 Then moves out to the moon

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• KeyPosition 
 percentX maintains radial distance
 percentY locks the rotation % Rotation Polar Mode KeyPosition In Polar mode

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• KeyPosition 
 percentX maintains radial distance
 percentY locks the rotation % Rotation Polar Mode KeyPosition In Polar mode

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• OnSwipe now support rotation via:
 dragDirection , anchorTarget, rotationCenterId • Transform Pivot target can be center of a view Rotation OnSwipe Rotational support

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• OnSwipe now support rotation via:
 dragDirection , anchorTarget, rotationCenterId • Transform Pivot target can be center of a view Rotation OnSwipe Rotational support

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Quantized Motion

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Quantized Motion

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Animated Text MotionLabel

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Animated Text MotionLabel

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Many new api • Programatic addition of Transitions • applyViewTransition() run a view Transitions • scheduleTransitionTo() After completing current transition go next one • updateStateAnimate() - modi fi ed version of current constraintSet animated • transitionToState(…,duration) - transition over a fi xed duration

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Motion Helpers

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MotionE ff ect

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MotionE ff ect

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MotionE ff ect

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MotionE ff ect

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MotionE ff ect + ViewTransition

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MotionE ff ect + ViewTransition

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Carousel h tt ps://

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Carousel h tt ps://

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Foldable support

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Foldable Support •

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Foldable Support •

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ConstraintLayout / Compose • Share code with existing implementation • Kotlin DSL to express constraints • JSON syntax to express constraints • Work in Progress : we want your feedback!

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Variables: { angle: { from: 0, step: 10 }, rotation: { from: 'startRotation', step: 10 }, distance: 100, mylist: { tag: 'box' } }, Generate: { mylist: { width: 200, height: 40, circular: ['parent', 'angle', 'distance'], pivotX: 0.1, pivotY: 0.1, translationX: 225, rotationZ: 'rotation' } }

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Variables: { angle: { from: 0, step: 10 }, rotation: { from: 'startRotation', step: 10 }, distance: 100, mylist: { tag: 'box' } }, Generate: { mylist: { width: 200, height: 40, circular: ['parent', 'angle', 'distance'], pivotX: 0.1, pivotY: 0.1, translationX: 225, rotationZ: 'rotation' } }

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MotionLayout / Compose • 2 ConstraintSets or a single MotionScene in JSON • “Light” • No support for touch • No support for multi-states • Check examples • projects/ComposeConstraintLayout

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Where we are now

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ConstraintLayout 2.1.0-rc01 dependencies { implementation ‘androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout:2.1.0-rc01 ’ } h tt ps://

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ConstraintLayout Compose 1.0.0-beta01 dependencies { implementation ‘androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout-compose:1.0.0-beta01 ’ } h tt ps://

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Give us feedback!

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Thanks! John Hoford @johnhoford Nicolas Roard @camaelon