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BEYOND JSON @aq / Full Stack Fest / Sept 2015

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I’m @aq HELLO!

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Ruby, JS, Go Performance Consulting

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Because there are more apps Inter-app Communication is more important than ever

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To avoid misunderstanding An introduction to terms

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The transportation mechanism for delivering information from one application to another. Protocol

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Shorthand for Serialization Format, the specific way data is encoded and structured for delivery between applications. Format

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The shape of the data and how it is delivered. Format over Protocol

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Format over Protocol JSON over HTTP

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A very Brief History of Inter-App Communication

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Pre-Internet Days

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Punchcards over Sneakernet

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Early Internet Days

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The New Default JSON over HTTP for ERRRRYTHING

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Because. But, WHY?

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It’s EZ

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Break it down • Human Readable/Writable (Well certain humans) • Parsers/Clients for every Language • Relatively Fast • Has a few explicit types (String, #, Bool) • Compared to XML/SOAP, Relatively Compact

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Like most things in our world. Well, It’s EZ at first.

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It always starts small.

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{ "id": "1234", "title": "Beyond JSON" }

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{ "id": "1234", "title": "Beyond JSON”, "author": “Aaron Quint”, “created_at": “2015-08-01” }

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{ "id": "1234", "title": "Beyond JSON”, "author": { "name": “Aaron Quint”, "title": “Chief Scientist” }, “favorites": [ { "id": “123”, “user”: “Kat Howard” } ], “created_at": “2015-08-01” }

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{ "id": "1234", "title": "Beyond JSON”, "author": { "name": “Aaron Quint”, "title": “Chief Scientist” “company": { "id": "1334”, "name": “Quirkey NYC” } }, “favorites": [ { "id": “123”, “user”: { “id”: “152”, "name": “Kat Howard”, } } ], “created_at": “2015-08-01” }

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What we want • Works well in many languages • Relatively Fast • Relatively Compact • Has explicit types • +Handles Change Well

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What if I told you this already exists?

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that’s protobufs to you Protocol Buffers!

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Procotol?! Buffers?!

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package app; message Meta { required string key = 1; required string value = 2; } message Image { optional string id = 1; optional bytes body = 2; optional string extension = 3; optional uint64 size = 4; optional uint32 width = 5; optional uint32 height = 6; optional string filename = 7; repeated Meta meta = 8; } message Request { required string command = 1; required Image image = 2; repeated Meta transform = 3; optional bool returnbody = 4; } message Response { required string status = 1; required string message = 2; optional Image image = 3; } app.proto app/*.pb.rb app.pb.go protoc —ruby_out protoc —go_out

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image = => "123") bytes = image.encode #=> bytes image = App::Image.decode(bytes) #=> 123 package app; message Meta { required string key = 1; required string value = 2; } message Image { optional string id = 1; optional bytes body = 2; optional string extension = 3; optional uint64 size = 4; optional uint32 width = 5; optional uint32 height = 6; optional string filename = 7; repeated Meta meta = 8; } message Request { required string command = 1; required Image image = 2; repeated Meta transform = 3; optional bool returnbody = 4; } message Response { required string status = 1; required string message = 2; optional Image image = 3; } image := app.Image{Id: proto.String("123")} bytes, err := proto.Marshal(image) if err != nil { // ... } newImage := &app.Image{} err = proto.Unmarshal(bytes, newImage) if err != nil { // ... } newImage.GetId() #=> "123"

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package app; message Meta { required string key = 1; required string value = 2; } message Image { optional string id = 1; optional bytes body = 2; optional string extension = 3; optional uint64 size = 4; optional uint32 width = 5; optional uint32 height = 6; optional string filename = 7; repeated Meta meta = 8; } message Request { required string command = 1; required Image image = 2; repeated Meta transform = 3; optional bool returnbody = 4; } message Response { required string status = 1; required string message = 2; optional Image image = 3; } explicit types repeated fields unique tags for backwards and forwards compatibility required fields nested types

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==================== Sizes beefcake: 23b protobuf: 23b json: 71b yajl: 71b msgpack: 54b ------------------------------------------------- encode/beefcake 36.915k (± 5.1%) i/s - 184.808k encode/protobuf 34.186k (± 6.7%) i/s - 172.462k encode/json 75.959k (± 8.3%) i/s - 378.367k encode/yajl 81.132k (±11.4%) i/s - 407.199k encode/msgpack 74.240k (±38.1%) i/s - 316.250k Comparison: encode/yajl: 81132.2 i/s encode/json: 75959.2 i/s - 1.07x slower encode/msgpack: 74239.7 i/s - 1.09x slower encode/beefcake: 36915.1 i/s - 2.20x slower encode/protobuf: 34186.1 i/s - 2.37x slower ------------------------------------------------- decode/beefcake 33.048k (± 9.3%) i/s - 164.672k decode/protobuf 45.565k (± 8.7%) i/s - 226.838k decode/json 80.541k (±17.0%) i/s - 390.258k decode/yajl 92.441k (±18.2%) i/s - 442.662k decode/msgpack 126.193k (±12.7%) i/s - 624.618k Comparison: decode/msgpack: 126192.7 i/s decode/yajl: 92441.2 i/s - 1.37x slower decode/json: 80540.7 i/s - 1.57x slower decode/protobuf: 45565.1 i/s - 2.77x slower decode/beefcake: 33047.8 i/s - 3.82x slower

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Clear wins • Centralized Schema • Easy Serialization into objects • Handles removal/addition of fields easily • Real types + nesting • Compact (on the wire)

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Downsides • Encoded output is not human readable (does that matter?) • Ruby encoding/decoding is not fast (it’s not that slow - wire matters more) • Ruby libraries are not the best (Support for other languages is great, though)

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Protobufs over … But what about the Protocol?

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Just stuff them in the body and call it a day. HTTP?

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The simplest thing I could possibly think of within the bounds of NIH syndrome. TCPEZ

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client server Header Body 4 PING Header Body 4 PONG

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client server Header Body n Header Body n

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TCPEZ • Client -> Server (Req/Resp) • So far Go server + Ruby client • Client is the load balancer • Request and Response encoding/decoding are not part of the protocol. • Each tcpez based project defines its own Request/ Response and these can be in any format • Built in by default: Good logging, Statsd, Protocol Buffers, Pipelined requests!

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Multiple Apps, Requests in the 100M since 10/2013 TCPEZ is in production at Paperless Post

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A quick aside …

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Slide 51 text Read Google’s Dapper Paper Building a distributed system without introspectability is a fools errand

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Clients for all (incl. Ruby) but server is Java only now GRPC = A layer above Protobufs over HTTP/2

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New version of protobufs has new features: reserved tags, repeated compaction, importing, more … GRPC also relies on proto3

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The Moral of the Story

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Don’t accept the community defaults without checking out the alternatives

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