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Kyobashi.rb offline #2 2024.03.13 (Wed) Extracting from rubocop-rspec @ydah

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ɾ Name: Yudai Takada ɾ GitHub: @ydah / X: @ydah_ ɾ Software Engineer at ANDPAD, Inc. ɾ Co-Founder of Kyobashi.rb ɾ Member of RuboCop RSpec team ɾ Contributor of Lrama self.inspect

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Today’s talk

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What is RuboCop RSpec? RSpec-speci fi c analysis for your projects, as an extension to RuboCop. Project Goals • Enforce the guidelines and best practices outlined in the community RSpec style guide • Simplify the process of adopting new RSpec functionality

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Why do we extract it as a gem?

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Department of RuboCop RSpec We have several departments: • RSpec • Rails (for rspec-rails) • FactoryBot (for factory_bot) • Capybara (for capybara)

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Code style checking for RSpec files

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rubocop-rspec#1523 RSpec/FactoryBot/FactoryNameStyle false positive on rails generators

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Motivation for splitting gems Capybara and factory_bot cops are not limited to RSpec and can also be used with other test frameworks. For example: • Test::Unit • Cucumber • Minitest • Minitest::Spec

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Why extract the RSpec/Rails department as well?

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rubocop-rspec#1823 RSpec/Rails/HaveHttpStatus auto fi x broke test suite

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Motivation for splitting gems The Rails department is not required for non- Rails products. For example: • Web applications using Sinatra • Not a web application.

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Control department # .rubocop.yml RSpec: Enabled: false RSpec/Capybara: Enabled: true

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Destination and Status Department Extract to Status RSpec/Capybara rubocop-capybara Extracted in v2.18.0 RSpec/FactoryBot rubocop-factory_bot Extracted in v2.22.0 RSpec/Rails rubocop-rspec_rails Next version?

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Migration Guide

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Only the RSpec department is enabled

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You don't have to do anything!

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After major version upgrade If there is a point where `Enabled: false` is set in .rubocop.yml at the time of major upgrade, it must be deleted. # .rubocop.yml RSpec/Capybara: Enabled: false RSpec/FactoryBot: Enabled: false RSpec/Rails: Enabled: false

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If you are using a department other than the RSpec department

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Three Steps for Migration 1. Add the destination gem to the Gem fi le 2. Add settings to .rubocop.yml 3. Replace the cop name with the new name in .rubocop.yml or .rubocop_todo.yml

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Add destination gem to Gemfile We currently rely on the extracted gems for backwards compatibility, but this will be removed in the next major version update. # Gemf i le gem 'rubocop - capybara', require: false gem 'rubocop - factory_bot', require: false gem ‘rubocop - rspec_rails’, require: false

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Add settings to .rubocop.yml You can't enable the RuboCop extension cop just by adding it to the Gemfile. You need to add a setting to .rubocop.yml to load the extension into RuboCop, like this: # .rubocop.yml require: - rubocop - capybara - rubocop - factory_bot - rubocop - rspec_rails

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Replace the cop name We need to replace it with a new department. If we need to replace it, we get a warning like this: $ bundle exec rubocop -A .rubocop.yml: RSpec/Capybara/MatchStyle has the wrong namespace - should be Capybara .rubocop.yml: RSpec/FactoryBot/ConsistentParenthesesStyle has the wrong namespace - should be FactoryBot :

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Replace the cop name Using the cop of the FactoryBot department as an example, you can change the cop name as follows: -RSpec/FactoryBot/AttributeDef i nedStatically -RSpec/FactoryBot/ConsistentParenthesesStyle -RSpec/FactoryBot/CreateList +FactoryBot/ConsistentParenthesesStyle +FactoryBot/AttributeDef i nedStatically +FactoryBot/CreateList

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Replace the cop name .rubocop_todo.yml can be regenerated with the following command: $ bundle exec rubocop - - regenerate - todo

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Upgrade is complete!

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