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(without introducing more risk) Rate of Change, Microservices and Platforms Puppet Gareth Rushgrove A tale of devops coevolution

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(without introducing more risk) Gareth Rushgrove @garethr

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(without introducing more risk) Gareth Rushgrove

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(without introducing more risk) So you want to go faster? Some starting assumptions

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(without introducing more risk) What if I told you It’s possible to go faster and to reduce risk at the same time? Gareth Rushgrove

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(without introducing more risk) You don’t need to be Google or Amazon or Facebook Gareth Rushgrove

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(without introducing more risk) What do I need to do? Gareth Rushgrove

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(without introducing more risk) - Devops and microservices - The effect of communication overhead - The influence of teams on software adoption Gareth Rushgrove

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(without introducing more risk) We should adopt devops! The rush for closer collaboration

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(without introducing more risk) 30x Gareth Rushgrove More frequent deployments Faster lead times than their peers 200x 2015 State of DevOps Report

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(without introducing more risk) 60x Gareth Rushgrove Change success rate Faster mean time to recover 168x 2015 State of DevOps Report

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(without introducing more risk) Gareth Rushgrove Regular Releases Reduce Risk

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(without introducing more risk) Siloed teams Long cycle times Poor visibility Manual processes Gareth Rushgrove Cross-functional teams Short cycle times Fast feedback Automated processes

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(without introducing more risk) Gareth Rushgrove

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(without introducing more risk) Gareth Rushgrove

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(without introducing more risk) Gareth Rushgrove From by Matthew Skelton Dev Ops

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(without introducing more risk) Gareth Rushgrove Dev Ops From by Matthew Skelton

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(without introducing more risk) Gareth Rushgrove Dev Ops From by Matthew Skelton

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(without introducing more risk) Gareth Rushgrove Dev Devops Ops From by Matthew Skelton

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(without introducing more risk) Bringing operational considerations into development Gareth Rushgrove

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(without introducing more risk) Building empowered, cross- functional teams Gareth Rushgrove

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(without introducing more risk) We should adopt microservices! The rush to smaller services (and teams)

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(without introducing more risk) Gareth Rushgrove

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(without introducing more risk) Gareth Rushgrove

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(without introducing more risk) There are two essential strategies to manage [growing software]: a team can keep everything together (create a monolith) or a team can divide a project into smaller pieces (create microservices). Gareth Rushgrove

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(without introducing more risk) Microservices are as much about people as technology Gareth Rushgrove

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(without introducing more risk) Paraphrasing There are two essential strategies to manage a growing team: keep everyone together or divide into smaller sub-teams Gareth Rushgrove Gareth paraphrasing

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(without introducing more risk) Gareth Rushgrove Software

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(without introducing more risk) Gareth Rushgrove Monolith

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(without introducing more risk) Gareth Rushgrove Microservice

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(without introducing more risk) Gareth Rushgrove Microservice

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(without introducing more risk) The resulting need for a platform Gareth Rushgrove

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(without introducing more risk) Using standards to drive the adoption of platforms Gareth Rushgrove

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(without introducing more risk) Gareth Rushgrove

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(without introducing more risk) Gareth Rushgrove Codebase Dependencies Config Backing services Build, release, run Processes Port binding Concurrency Disposability Dev/prod parity Logs Admin processes

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(without introducing more risk) Or using platforms to drive the adoption of standards? Gareth Rushgrove

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(without introducing more risk) Problems with microservices - Significant operations overhead - Substantial ops skills required - Duplication of effort - Distributed system complexity Gareth Rushgrove

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(without introducing more risk) How to address the operational challenges? Gareth Rushgrove

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(without introducing more risk) We should adopt devops! Déjà vu all over again

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(without introducing more risk) We’ve adopted devops, we’re going faster, deploying once a week rather than once a quarter Gareth Rushgrove

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(without introducing more risk) We’ve adopted microservices, we have 10x more services now Gareth Rushgrove

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(without introducing more risk) Does that mean 100x more change approval meetings? Gareth Rushgrove

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(without introducing more risk) Communication overhead Bring the research

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(without introducing more risk) Gareth Rushgrove

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(without introducing more risk) Conway’s Law Any organization that designs a system (defined more broadly here than just information systems) will inevitably produce a design whose structure is a copy of the organization's communication structure Gareth Rushgrove

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(without introducing more risk) Gareth Rushgrove

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(without introducing more risk) By organizing the stimulus input simultaneously into several dimensions and successively into a sequence of chunks, we manage to break (or at least stretch) this informational bottleneck. Gareth Rushgrove The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two: Some Limits on our Capacity for Processing Information, 1956

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(without introducing more risk) Gareth Rushgrove

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(without introducing more risk) The need for coordination drives the need for communication among team members. Gareth Rushgrove Findings from Communication Overhead: The Hidden Cost of Team Cognition, 2004

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(without introducing more risk) Reduction in communication overhead can be created in multiple ways, such as by restructuring the team to reduce the need for coordination… Gareth Rushgrove Findings from Communication Overhead: The Hidden Cost of Team Cognition, 2004

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(without introducing more risk) Reduction in communication overhead can be created in multiple ways, such as by restructuring the team to reduce the need for coordination… Gareth Rushgrove Microservices?

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(without introducing more risk) …or by activities that increase mutual awareness and shared mental models among team members Gareth Rushgrove Findings from Communication Overhead: The Hidden Cost of Team Cognition, 2004

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(without introducing more risk) …or by activities that increase mutual awareness and shared mental models among team members Gareth Rushgrove Devops?

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(without introducing more risk) Adopting software The changing vendor relationship

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(without introducing more risk) Software adoption is a factor of your organisational structure Gareth Rushgrove

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(without introducing more risk) Is your organisational structure an influence on the software you adopt? Gareth Rushgrove

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(without introducing more risk) Melvin Conway If you have four groups working on a compiler, you’ll get a 4-pass compiler Gareth Rushgrove

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(without introducing more risk) Paraphrasing If you have four separate business units with their own budgets you’ll have 4 contracts with Gareth Rushgrove

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(without introducing more risk) Gareth Rushgrove Developers as the new kingmakers

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(without introducing more risk) Developer driven software adoption Gareth Rushgrove

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(without introducing more risk) Developer evangelism Gareth Rushgrove

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(without introducing more risk) Change the software you use by changing your organisation Gareth Rushgrove

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(without introducing more risk) Change your organisation by changing the software you use Gareth Rushgrove

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(without introducing more risk) Staffing And the influence on technology adoption

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(without introducing more risk) Gareth Rushgrove Software is eating the world

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(without introducing more risk) Organisations increasingly prioritising speed over efficiency Gareth Rushgrove

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(without introducing more risk) Explosion of new languages Go, Rust, Clojure, Scala, Elixir, Elm, Swift, TypeScript… Gareth Rushgrove

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(without introducing more risk) Explosion of new platforms Cloud Foundry, Docker, Rancher, DC/OS, Kubernetes, Apcera… Gareth Rushgrove

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(without introducing more risk) Gareth Rushgrove The Full Stack Developer

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(without introducing more risk) Driven by need for speed? Pick the right tool for the job Gareth Rushgrove

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(without introducing more risk) Driven by competitive market? Hiring pressure for skilled technologists wanting new toys Gareth Rushgrove

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(without introducing more risk) More services, many small bets, lower risk, less focus on one strategic technology Gareth Rushgrove

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(without introducing more risk) Cause or effect? Gareth Rushgrove

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(without introducing more risk) Conclusions Wrapping everything up with more science

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(without introducing more risk) Sociotechnical Systems suggests that all human systems include both a "technical system" and a "social system" Gareth Rushgrove

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(without introducing more risk) It is possible for the system to optimize on the technology, giving priority to technical solutions and compelling the social system to adapt to it… Gareth Rushgrove

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(without introducing more risk) … or to optimize on the social system, giving priority to existing social patterns and procedures and compelling the technology to fill in what gaps remain. Gareth Rushgrove

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(without introducing more risk) In practice, both solutions are generally suboptimal in terms of outcomes. Gareth Rushgrove

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(without introducing more risk) Better outcomes are usually obtained by a reciprocal process of joint optimization, through which both the technical system and the social system change to some degree in response to each other Gareth Rushgrove

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(without introducing more risk) Devops, microservices and the quest for platforms are interdependent examples of coevolution Gareth Rushgrove

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(without introducing more risk) Only by understanding this coevolution can you successfully evolve your organisation to take advantage Gareth Rushgrove

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(without introducing more risk) Questions? And thanks for listening