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Cloud Powered AI
 with Google Cloud Pla3orm

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@sheharyarn ! " # Sheharyar Naseer

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AI is cool... • ...but how do I get sta0ed? • as a So4ware Developer • as a Sta0up founder • Which algorithms & frameworks? • Find data? Train models? • I just want intelligent automation

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ML as a Service

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Google Cloud Pla3orm • Data Management • Compute Services • Networking • Internet of Things • AI & Machine Learning

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Pre-trained Models with Cloud AI Building Blocks to accomplish common tasks Vision Video Translation Natural Language DialogFlow Text-to-Speech Speech-to-Text AutoML Recommendations Cloud Inference SIGHT LANGUAGE CONVERSATION STRUCTURED DATA

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Vision API • Detect Objects and Landmarks • OCR: Printed & HandwriSen • Detect Faces and Facial aSributes • Product Search & Logo Detection • Explicit Content Detection • Image Labelling

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Vision: Face Detection // Create client const vision = require('@google-cloud/vision'); const client = new vision.ImageAnnotatorClient(); // Detect Faces const image = './my-image.jpg'; const [result] = await client.faceDetection(image); const faces = result.faceAnnotations;

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Vision: Label Detection // Detect Labels const [result] = await client.labelDetection(image); const labels = result.labelAnnotations; Labels Scores Street 0.873 Snapshot 0.852 Town 0.848 Night 0.804 Alley 0.713

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Natural Language API • Syntax Detection • Entity Extraction • Sentiment Analysis • Content ClassiVcation • Multilingual Suppo0

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Language: Syntax // Create client const language = require('@google-cloud/language'); const client = new language.LanguageServiceClient(); // Detect Syntax const document = {content: text, type: 'PLAIN_TEXT'}; const [result] = await client.analyzeSyntax({document});

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Language: Syntax

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Language: Sentiment // Analyze Sentiment const document = {content: text, type: 'PLAIN_TEXT'}; const [result] = await client.analyzeSentiment({document}); Sentence Score Sentiment Inception is one of the best movies of all time +0.9 Extremely Positive I think everyone should watch it +0.1 Neutral The food was really bad at that restaurant -0.9 Extremely Negative Though I enjoyed their drinks +0.7 Very Positive

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Language: ClassiNcation // Classify Text const document = {content: text, type: 'PLAIN_TEXT'}; const [result] = await client.classifyText({document}); { categories: [ { name: '/Food & Drink/Cooking & Recipes', confidence: 0.85 }, { name: '/Food & Drink/Food/Meat & Seafood', confidence: 0.63 }, ... ] }

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Prediction Customization

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AutoML • Custom Training Data & Prediction Tasks • Vision: Image ClassiVcation • Language: Text ClassiVcation • Google's Data Models • Customize pre-trained API • Access using REST

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Roll your own

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AI Pla3orm • Build, train & serve your own models • AI Pla[orm Notebooks • Integrate with BigQuery, Dataproc & Data]ow • Deep Learning Images • Tenso^low, PyTorch, Keras, etc.

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AI Pla3orm

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