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From Xcode plugin to Xcode extension

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About Khoa Pham

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It takes 2 iOS developers to start complaining about Xcode

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Xcode plugin

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Techniques • Private frameworks • Objective C Runtime • LLDB • Swizzling

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class-dump • IDEKit • DVTKit •

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DVTBezelAlertPanel class func swizzleMethods() { guard let originalClass = NSClassFromString("DVTBezelAlertPanel") as? NSObject.Type else { return } do { try originalClass.jr_swizzleMethod("initWithIcon:message:parentWindow:duration:", withMethod: "xmas_initWithIcon:message:parentWindow:duration:") } catch { Swift.print("Swizzling failed") } }

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DVTSourceTextView func listenNotification() { NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver( self, selector: #selector(handleSelectionChange(_:)), name: NSTextViewDidChangeSelectionNotification, object: nil) } func handleSelectionChange(note: NSNotification) { guard let DVTSourceTextView = NSClassFromString("DVTSourceTextView") as? NSObject.Type, object = note.object where object.isKindOfClass(DVTSourceTextView.self), let textView = object as? NSTextView else { return } self.textView = textView }

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IDEWorkspaceWindowController self.IDEWorkspaceWindowControllerClass = objc_getClass("IDEWorkspaceWindowController"); NSArray *workspaceWindowControllers = [self.IDEWorkspaceWindowControllerClass valueForKey:@"workspaceWindowControllers"];

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Xcode Source Editor extension • Modify contents • Modify current text selection • Seperated process protocol XCSourceEditorCommand { func perform(with invocation: XCSourceEditorCommandInvocation, completionHandler: @escaping (Error?) -> Void) }

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App Extension • Share • Photo Editing • Today • Finder Sync • Custom Keyboard • File Provider • Document Provider

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Resign codesign

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XcodeColorSense extension ? • No Notification • No UI modification

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Color literal ! #colorLiteral

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XcodeWay extension ? • No NSTask • No NSWorkspace • No swizzling

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AppleScript !

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• NSUserAppleScriptTask • NSAppleEventDescriptor • ProcessSerialNumber on myOpenFolder(myPath) tell application "Finder" activate open myPath as POSIX file end tell end myOpenFolder

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App Sandbox

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Scripts Directory NSApplicationScriptsDirectory

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macOS Mojave • WWDC 2018 - Your Apps and the Future of macOS Security • NSAppleEventsUsageDescription

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• • •

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Thanks May your code continue to compile