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W H Y P H O E N I X ?

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W H Y P H O E N I X ? Performance!

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W H Y P H O E N I X ?

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W H Y P H O E N I X ?

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W H Y P H O E N I X ?

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W H Y P H O E N I X ? Performance! This is the gateway drug for Phoenix

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W H Y P H O E N I X ? Is Performance Enough?

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W H Y P H O E N I X ? I see a lot of “Hello World” benchmarks that [respond] in nanoseconds.

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W H Y P H O E N I X ? Who gives a flying fuck?

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W H Y P H O E N I X ? Have you ever met a customer who said “Your page rendered in 100ms, that is not good enough. I need nanoseconds!”

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W H Y P H O E N I X ? No one ever asks for that. - DHH

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W H Y P H O E N I X ? If the goal is 100ms how much effort is required to reach that goal?

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W H Y P H O E N I X ?

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W H Y P H O E N I X ? Eight year old Rails application (~50 models, ~40 controllers) Rewrite in Elixir/Phoenix began in 2014 Before: 150 AWS Instances Log-jammed responses Multiple engineers per app Multiple complex caching strategies

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W H Y P H O E N I X ? Eight year old Rails application (~50 models, ~40 controllers) Rewrite in Elixir/Phoenix began in 2014 Results: 1/15th of the servers previously required 10ms - 30ms avg response times Largest average spike 400ms Largest outlier spike 800ms About one engineer per app No caching

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W H Y P H O E N I X ? No caching?

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W H Y P H O E N I X ? What Rails developers are told 1. Call to the database as little as possible 2. Render from cache as much as possible

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W H Y P H O E N I X ?

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W H Y P H O E N I X ?

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W H Y P H O E N I X ?

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W H Y P H O E N I X ? How?

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W H Y P H O E N I X ? 1. Elixir is must at faster garbage collection

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W H Y P H O E N I X ? 2. Elixir consumes all CPU cores

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W H Y P H O E N I X ? 3. Elixir is a compiled language

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W H Y P H O E N I X ? 4. Phoenix makes smart use of the BEAM

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W H Y P H O E N I X ?

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W H Y P H O E N I X ? 5. The database is not slow

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W H Y P H O E N I X ?

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W H Y P H O E N I X ?

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W H Y P H O E N I X ? Ruby/Rails • Ruby 2.3 / Rails with ActiveRecord • Fronted by a Redis cache that combines Perforated and Readthis • Content serialized with ActiveModelSerializers, unused with a warm cache • Tuned to fetch as little data as possible from the database • All associations are preloaded • All content is cached as strings, no marshalling or serialization is performed • All data is generic, not customized to the current user • The request is paginated to 100 primary records, without a limit on side loads • The payload is a hefty 160k, un-gzipped

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W H Y P H O E N I X ? Elixir/Phoenix • Elixir 1.2.1 / Phoenix 1.1 • No entity cache • All fields are fetched from the database, SELECT * • All JSON responses are serialized on the fly, directly in views • Includes customized data based on the current user • The request isn’t paginated at all, there are 250 primary records • The payload is a massive 724k, un-gzipped

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W H Y P H O E N I X ? “These response times are not characteristic of either system, they are at the extreme upper limit. Even so, serving up 2.5x the records with 4.5x the data, without any caching, the Phoenix API response times are 1.5x-2.5x faster.” — Parker Selbert Rails Phoenix response time (ms)

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W H Y P H O E N I X ? Why does this matter?

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W H Y P H O E N I X ? Eight year old Rails application (~50 models, ~40 controllers) Rewrite in Elixir/Phoenix began in 2014 Results: 1/15th of the servers previously required 10ms - 30ms avg response times Largest average spike 400ms Largest outlier spike 800ms About one engineer per app No caching

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W H Y P H O E N I X ? About one engineer per app

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W H Y P H O E N I X ? Can Phoenix’s performance benefits free engineers to work on bigger ideas?

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W H Y P H O E N I X ?

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W H Y R A I L S ?

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W H Y R A I L S ? Build something in half the time for half the cost. Optimize for developer happiness

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W H Y R A I L S ? Optimize for developer happiness

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W H Y R A I L S ? The problem is state

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Are you really happy working with your old code?

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Are you really happy working with other people’s old code?

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Math.add(1, 2)

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Functions are “pure” Variables are immutable Explicit > Implicit

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Simpler system to hold in your head Documentation is easier to find Code is easier to test

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Elixir took the best of other languages

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defmodule Person do def say(words) do IO.puts(words) end end Person.say("Hello world!") Syntax (Ruby)

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Pipe operator (F#) foo(bar(baz("qux"), opts), a, b, c)

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Pipe operator result = "qux" result = baz(result) result = bar(result, opts) result = foo(result, a, b, c)

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Pipe operator "qux" |> baz() |> bar(opts) |> foo(a, b, c)

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Pattern matching def fast_multiply(0, n) do 0 end def fast_multiply(1, n) do n end def fast_multiply(x, n) do x * n end

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Pattern matching def fast_multiply(0, n) do 0 end def fast_multiply(1, n) do n end def fast_multiply(x, n) do x * n end fast_multiply(0, 5)

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Pattern matching def fast_multiply(0, n) do 0 end def fast_multiply(1, n) do n end def fast_multiply(x, n) do x * n end fast_multiply(2, 5)

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Pattern matching def index(conn, params) do # ... end

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Pattern matching def index(conn, %{"q" = query} = params) do # ... end

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Pattern matching def index(conn, %{"q" = “bar”} = params) do # ... end def index(conn, %{"q" = query} = params) do # ... end

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Elixir & Phoenix optimize for long- term developer happiness

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How do Rails developers transition to Phoenix?

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rails-app !"" Gemfile !"" !"" app/ # !"" assets/ # !"" channels/ # !"" controllers/ # !"" helpers/ # !"" jobs/ # !"" mailers/ # !"" models/ # %"" views/ !"" config # %"" router.rb !"" db/ !"" log/ !"" public/ %"" test/ Rails App Structure phoenix_app !"" !"" config/ !"" lib/ !"" mix.exs !"" priv/ !"" test/ %"" web/ !"" channels/ !"" controllers/ !"" models/ !"" static/ !"" templates/ !"" views/ !"" router.ex %"" web.ex Phoenix App Structure

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HuhApp::Application.routes.draw do resources :profiles, only: [:show] get 'profiles/:id/reviews' => 'profiles#reviews' end Rails Router Phoenix Router defmodule HuhApp.Router do use HuhApp.Web, :router resources "/profiles", HuhApp.ProfileController, only: [:show] get "/profiles/:id/reviews", HuhApp.ProfileController, :reviews end

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Rails Controller class ProfilesController < ApplicationController def show @profile = Profile.find(params[:id]) end end Phoenix Controller defmodule HuhApp.ProfileController do def show(conn, %{"id" => id}) do profile = Repo.get(Profile, id) render conn, "show.html", profile: profile end end

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Rails Migration class CreateProfiles < ActiveRecord::Migration def change create_table :profiles do |t| t.string :name t.timestamps end end end Phoenix (Ecto) Migration defmodule HuhApp.Repo.Migrations.CreateProfile do use Ecto.Migration def change do create table(:profiles) do add :name, :string timestamps end end end

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Rails Generator rails generate model User name:string bio:text Phoenix Generator mix phoenix.gen.model User users name:string bio:text

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Rake & Bundler Mix

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irb, ruby-debug, & PRY iex, Erlang debugger, & IEx.pry

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Technical Requirement Server A Server B Http Server Nginx & Phusion Elixir Request Processing Ruby On Rails Elixir Long Running Requests Go Elixir Server-Wide State Redis Elixir Persistable Data Redis & Mongo Elixir Background Jobs Cron, Bash Scripts & Ruby Elixir Service Crash Recovery Upstart Elixir

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Phoenix is inspired by Rails

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Elixir is inspired by Ruby

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Elixir == Ruby for Erlang Phoenix == Rails for Elixir

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Elixir is not Ruby

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Phoenix is not Rails

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Performance is the least interesting thing about Phoenix

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Changed the world by enabling a generation of developers to economically build software-centric companies

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Open Telecom Platform

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How do you learn Phoenix?

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Pre-existing domain knowledge speeds up adoption

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Pre-existing domain knowledge speeds up adoption DockYard team one week to transition

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Dave Thomas Hal Fulton Sasa Juric Chris McCord Bruce Tate Jose Valim

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Dave Thomas Hal Fulton

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W H Y P H O E N I X ?

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W H Y P H O E N I X ? Order of magnitude performance Avoid having to wrap all code in caches Implementing features costs less money and requires less engineering support Optimizes for long-term developer happiness Takes about a week to re-train Rails developers Its going to change the world

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Brian Cardarella @bcardarella If you want to build something great with Elixir or Phoenix hire @DockYard

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Thank You!