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Post-Evolution state of the web Edward Fox 2018/05/19 @I/O Extended 2018 Tokyo@GDG

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@edwardkenfox Edward Fox ɾ୅ʑ໦ࡏۈ & ࡏॅ ɾΤϯδχΞ @ Repro ɾWEBʗϒϥ΢βٕज़શൠɺPWA ɾΫϥϑτϏʔϧɺԻָ

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Google I/O ॳࢀՃ͖ͯͨ͠

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WEBٕज़Λத৺ʹ ࢀՃͨ͠ηογϣϯͳͲ Λ௨ͯ͡ײͨ͡ WEBͷݱঢ়ͱࠓޙʹ͍ͭͯ

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ؔ࿈͢ΔηογϣϯΛ هࡌͯ͋͠ΔͷͰ ৄࡉͳ಺༰ʹ͍ͭͯ͸ ಈըΛݟ͍ͯͩ͘͞

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1. Popularization of PWA 2. AMP ain’t just fast⚡ 3. ML as a building block of web applications

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1. Popularization of PWA 2. AMP ain’t just fast⚡ 3. ML as a building block of web applications

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ɾPWAͦͷ΋ͷͷܒ໤׆ಈ͸ऴΘΓɺ ΤίγεςϜͷৢ੒ஈ֊ʹ ɾ೔ܦిࢠ൛Λ࢝Ίͱ͢Δ਺ଟ͘ͷ ࣄྫ঺հ ɾWorkbox΍Lighthouse, criticalͳͲ पลπʔϧͷ֦ॆ

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ࢢ৔͕௥͍ͭ͘·Ͱͷϥά ͸͋Δ͕ɺબ୒ࢶͱͯ͠ͷ PWA͕౰ͨΓલʹͳΔ ʮ͍ۙʯະདྷ

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ؔ࿈ηογϣϯ ɾThe web: state of the union ɾPWAs: building bridges to mobile, desktop, and native ɾPWA starter kit: build fast, scalable, modern apps with Web Components

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1. Popularization of PWA 2. AMP ain’t just fast⚡ 3. ML as a building block of web applications

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Post-destination era = AMP͕୯ͳΔ ʮߴ଎ͳϞόΠϧϖʔδʯ ͷ࣍ͷϑΣʔζ΁

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ɾPWA + AMP ɾAMP Email ɾAMP Ad & etc.

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AMPࣗମͷembeddability ʢҠ২ੑʣʹෛ͏ͱ͜Ζ͕ େ͖͍͕ɺଞͷ ϒϥ΢βAPIͱͷ਌࿨ੑ͸ʁ

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ؔ࿈ηογϣϯ ɾAMP's evolution beyond web pages ɾBuild blazing fast web content sites with Firebase and AMP

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1. Popularization of PWA 2. AMP ain’t just fast⚡ 3. ML as a building block of web applications

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ɾWeb: tensorflow.js ɾAndroid: MLKit ɾFirebase Prediction

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Web API͕αʔϏε։ൃʹ ͓͚ΔओཁͳγεςϜ ίϯϙʔωϯτʹͳͬͨ Α͏ʹɺMLͳ͠Ͱ͸࣮ݱ Ͱ͖ͳ͍ΞϓϦέʔγϣϯ ͕૿͑Δ

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ϒϥ΢βͰ࣮ߦͰ͖Δ MLσϞ

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ઐ໳తͳ஌ࣝ͸ͳ͘ͱ΋ tensorflow.js ͷAPI͸ ৮Εͳ͍ͱ͍͚ͳ͍ະདྷ…?

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ؔ࿈ηογϣϯ ɾTensorFlow for JavaScript ΄͔ଟ਺

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Make Good Things Together ͱ͍͏ࠓճͷςʔϚ

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ɾΞϓϦͷར༻࣌ؒΛ੍ݶ Ͱ͖ΔAndroid Pͷ৽ػೳ ɾཱࣗӡసࣗಈंͷ੹೚ॴ ࡏͳͲɺAIͷਐԽ͕ ΋ͨΒͣ৽͍͠໰୊

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޲͜͏1-2೥͸େ͖ͳ ٕज़τϨϯυͷมԽΑΓ΋ ੒ख़ͱચ࿅͕ ਐΉϑΣʔζʁ

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