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Kubernetes-like Reconciliation Protocol for Managed Flink Services Sharon Xie,Flink Babysitter Founding Engineer @ Decodable

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Our Journey to Automate Babysitting Flink

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Agenda ● The declarative UX for managed Flink services ● Step by Step Implementation ● Q&A

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Wishes for Managed Flink Services

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Declarative VS Imperative Declarative (What) ● I want a chocolate cake to feed 10 people Imperative (How) ● Drive to store; ● Buy eggs, cocoa powder, butter, flour; ● Drive home; ● Preheat Oven; ● Mix Ingredients; ● Place in a baking tray…

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Platform for Managed Flink Services

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Challenges ● Network is unreliable ● Arbitrary network latency ● Software and hardware can fail ● Flink jobs are sensitive to external changes

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Kubernetes Reconciliation Protocol Step 1: Get Target & Actual State Step 2: Reconcile If (Target State != Actual State) { // FIX IT }

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V0: Get target and actual state

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V0 Result ✅ Basic declarative API ✅ Single Source of Truth Store ○ Can always recreate the service based off the DB ❌ Can’t update Flink jobs ❌ No reconciliation

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V1: Update the Flink cluster when the pipeline is updated

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Flink Controller ● Debezium ○ Gets notified when the target state changes ● FlinkDeployer ○ Take actions based on the job specification ● StateWatch ○ Implements K8S Watch API ○ Listens to Flink state change and update DB with actual state

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Flink Controller ● Stateless ○ Debezium does a full table scan when the service starts ● Idempotent ○ FlinkDeployer can issue the same commands (create/delete a cluster) without changing the result

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V1 Result ✅ Flink clusters match the target states if no errors ❌ Lack error handling ○ Flink job creation/deletion can fail ❌ StateWatch can miss events ○ When a Flink cluster is deleted during the service restart/downtime

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V2: Reconcile if actual state doesn’t match target

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✅ Reconciler runs a scheduled task for eventual consistency ● Any transient network issues can be recovered ● Missing StateWatch events can be reconciled ❌ No auto healing for Flink runtime issues ❌ No auto scaling for workload changes V2 Result

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V3: Auto Healing and Scaling

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V3: Auto Healing and Scaling

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Auto Controller ● Stop jobs that are unrecoverable ○ Eg: external system issues ● Rules engine to auto fix issues ○ When Flink RPC times out, increase akka.ask.timeout ● Scale up/down based on the metrics ○ Eg: Lag is going up for an extended period of time, scale up with a larger machine

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Event Order Challenges

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Solution ● Version: monotonically increasing with every successful update from the API

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✅ Fully managed Flink service with continuous reconciliation

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No content

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One More Thing…

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● Control plane must be able to authenticate the data planes ● Network communication should be encrypted BYOC - Bring Your Own Cloud

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V4: Support BYOC

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● Bidirectional gRPC channel over mTLS ○ 🔒Encryption ○ 󰠖Authentication ● DB access lives in the control plane ● Data plane continues processing data in the case of a prolonged network partition BYOC

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Other Benefits ● Resource Efficiency ○ A control plane can manage multiple data planes ● Can relocate data planes to different k8s clusters for ○ Disaster recovery ○ Better resource utilization

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Summary ● Users ❤ Declarative APIs ● Continuous reconciliation makes distributed error handling easier with eventual consistency ● Control / Data plane separation enables a more flexible architecture

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Kubernetes-like Reconciliation Protocol for Managed Flink Services Q&A @sharon_rxie