Slide 5
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© Microsoft Corporation
What did we know so far?
• Game Approachability Principles: allow practice of new
skills/tools, good demonstrations of how to play, feedback,
offering self-efficacy, scaffolding, clarity, and information
– Desurvire and Wiberg, 2010. User Experience Design for Inexperienced Gamers: GAP --
Game Approachability Principles
• Positive/negative reviews don’t affect the first 15 minutes of play
– Livingstone et al., 2011, Influencing experience: the effects of reading game reviews on
player experience
• Achievement, enjoyment, and social interaction lead to continued
motivation to play
– Wu et al., 2010, Falling in love with online games: The uses and gratifications perspective
• Are tutorials effective? For complex games like Foldit, yes.
Restricted modes don’t help much.
– Anderson et al., 2012, The impact of tutorials on games of varying complexity