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08 NOV Evento gratuito para Agilistas

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Manuel Pais Business Agility with Team Topologies [Foto] Team Topologies co-author

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Team Topologies 5 Organizing business and technology teams for fast flow Matthew Skelton & Manuel Pais IT Revolution Press, 2019

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“innovative tools and concepts for structuring the next generation digital operating model” Charles T. Betz, Principal Analyst, Forrester Research 6

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Remote Team Interactions Workbook 7 Using Team Topologies Patterns for Remote Working Matthew Skelton & Manuel Pais IT Revolution Press, 2022 Available to pre-order now

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¡ Ahora en Español ! Use code openagileBA for 15% discount

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11 What is business agility? Why Team Topologies? Show me the money! What else matters?

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12 What is business agility? Why Team Topologies? Show me the money! What else matters?

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What is business agility? 13

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Business Agility: the ability to respond rapidly* to changing internal and external conditions (* in hours)

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15 Photo by Daniele Levis Pelusi on Unsplash Remote-first

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16 Photo by chuttersnap on Unsplash Speed of change: technology, climate, geopolitical

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17 Photo by chuttersnap on Unsplash Increased global and local competition

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Business Agility Needs (1) 18 Need to optimize the operating model for a fast flow of value

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Business Agility Needs (2) 19 Need to organize around loosely coupled value streams

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Business Agility Needs (3) 20 Need teams to focus on user needs and UX

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Business Agility Needs (4) 21 Need to sense the environment and quickly course-correct

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27 What is business agility? Why Team Topologies? Show me the money! What else matters?

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29 Why Team Topologies?

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30 Team Topologies Fast flow, rapid feedback, team interactions, org evolution, team cognitive load, ...

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31 Rapid flow of change

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32 Rapid feedback from running systems

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33 Handovers kill flow

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37 Flow of change

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51 What is business agility? Why Team Topologies? Show me the money! What else matters?

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Show me the money! Image by 3D Animation Production Company from Pixabay

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How does Team Topologies help with business agility? 53 Image by 3D Animation Production Company from Pixabay

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Business Agility Needs (1) 54 Need to optimize the operating model for a fast flow of value

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Team Topologies helps unblock teams and clarify interactions

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Case Study 56

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High fragmentation of work and focus 57 Jan 2019

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Identify boundaries - business domain 58 m id-2019

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Clarity from team types & interactions 59 Feb 2020

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Business Agility Needs (2) 61 Need to organize around loosely coupled value streams

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Team Topologies encourages decoupling of business concepts

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Case Study 63

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The Monolith Site Project G Project H Project I Project J BAU Vendor API Reseller API Mobile App Mobile Team Customer API Membership Management System Single code repository 64 2019

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Re-defining Teams SRE Developer Experience Membership Management Gateway (MMG) Acquisition Join Process Landing Pages … Gym Team Time Tables Gyms … Payments Reconciliation Join Payments … Retentio n Members Area CRM … Other …. … Streams Enabling Mobile ?? Platform 65 2020

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Business Agility Needs (3) 70 Need teams to focus on user needs and UX

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Team Topologies helps focus on core mission with cognitive load awareness

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Case Study 72

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Autonomous stream-aligned teams 73 2015 ...

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76 2020 Topologies & interaction modes

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78 Platform promotes technical excellence (SRE)

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Business Agility Needs (4) 80 Need to sense the environment and quickly course-correct

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Team Topologies as a sense-making approach to gain situational awareness

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Case Study 86

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Iteration 1 88 Stream-Aligned Team for each capability

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Iteration 2 89 A transitional phase

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Iteration 3 90 Visualising … and a Reverse Conway Manoeuvre

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“We were able to identify discrete domain areas, growing and re-aligning our existing teams to match the desired architecture.“ Becky Pauley, Platform Engineer, Wealth Wizards 91

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🔍 Continuously inspect and evolve the organization in (agile) small iterations, stop large painful reorgs 92

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93 What is business agility? Why Team Topologies? Show me the money! What else matters?

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What else matters? Image by Lori Clouse from Pixabay

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Which other approaches help with business agility? 96

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103 Strong Technical Foundations

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105 Continuous testing performance scanning deployment monitoring right-sizing integration

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108 Photo by Jeremy Bezanger on Unsplash Domain-driven design (DDD)

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109 Photo by Jeremy Bezanger on Unsplash Domain-driven design (DDD) Untangle business concepts for faster flow

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110 Wardley Maps

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111 Wardley Maps Increase situational awareness and apply the right techniques - custom/product/utility

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114 Dynamic Reteaming

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115 Dynamic Reteaming Reshape orgs using proven patterns and a socially minded approach to team changes

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117 What is business agility? Why Team Topologies? Show me the money! What else matters?

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How does Team Topologies help with business agility? 122

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Team Topologies encourages decoupling of business concepts to help make the organization more responsive

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Team Topologies patterns help to turn blocking compliance checks into self-service, flow-aligned, API-driven checks

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Team Topologies is partly a sense-making approach to help organizations gain situational awareness and therefore agility

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Team Topologies helps the organization to focus tightly on its core mission via streams and limiting team cognitive load

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Free Resources 132 (infographics, key concepts, talks) (Team API, cognitive load, etc)

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Infographics ● Getting Started ● In a Nutshell 133

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Industry Examples 134

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138 Copyright © Team Topologies Ltd 2022. All rights reserved.