Why your software engineers need to get better at operations,
and how to do it.
DevOps for Developers:
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“Dear operations people, learn to be more
like software engineers.”
Love, DevOps (2009-2016)
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“Dear software engineers: your turn.
Time to get better at ops.”
Love, Everyone in Tech
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This is not optional,
this is not “nice-to-have”
This is table stakes.
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What is operations?
Operations is the constellation of your org’s technical skills, practices,
and cultural values around designing, building and maintaining systems,
shipping software, and solving problems with technology.
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Operations is a social contract.
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Do you need an “ops team”?
Do you need quality operations engineering skills and culture?
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So you have an Ops Org …
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Your Mission
1. Support your people in developing new skill sets
2. Express institutional value (and mean it)
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Software engineers need to get better at ops.
(And they should WANT TO!! Ops is like a superpower!!!)
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Developing new skill sets
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Engineers should be on call
for their own services.
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Common protests:
* learned helplessness
* fear of breaking things
* strategic incompetence
* “my time is too valuable!”
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• Guard your people’s time and sleep
• No hero complexes. No martyrs.
• Don’t over-page. Align engineering pain with customer pain
• Roll up non-urgent alerts for daytime hours
• Your most valuable paging alerts are end-to-end checks on critical
code paths.
Corollary: on-call must not be hell.
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Software engineers
should deploy their own code.
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Build guard-rails,
not walls
Feedback needs to be fast to be effective
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The most powerful weapon in your arsenal
is always cause and effect.
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Pair your SWEs with ops/DBA for
debugging, oncall
“cool! let’s sit down and
figure this out together,
and I’ll show you how to
do it next time!”
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Your eng teams should share the same review
processes, tasks and tools.
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Emphasize ops feedback in early design phase.
What are the reliability requirements? How do
we distribute load or degrade gracefully?
Are we reusing components that are already
known & supported as much as possible?
Who supports this service, how is it going to
fail, what are the ripple effects when it does?
What instrumentation and metrics will we need?
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No content
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The cost and pain of developing software is approximately zero
compared to the operational cost of maintaining it over time.
h/t @mcfunley, “choose boring technology”
Probe every software engineering candidate
for their ops experience & attitude.
… yep, even FE/mobile devs!
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• “Tell me about the last time you caused a production outage.”
• “What are your favorite tools for visibility, instrumentation, and
• “How would you design a deploy process?”
• “You developed service $x, and latency is 5x higher today than
yesterday. How do you start debugging the problem?”
• “What happens when you type “google.com” into a browser?
Good operational questions for SWEs
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Good engineers should be able to
communicate in great detail
everything that SUCKS about their
favorite technologies.
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Do they expect the network to be reliable, disks
to be fast, databases to respond, retries to
succeed …
Signals …
How do they react to the idea of being on call
for their own services?
Are they overly clever? Ugh.
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“Operations is valued here.”
you are signaling …
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• Solicit regular feedback from peers, ops, support teams
• Ask questions about relevant operational skills:
• “Who would you most like to be paired with on call? Least?”
• “Who do you ask for help when you’re completely stumped?”
• “Whose code would you be least willing to maintain?”
• Include this feedback every cycle, it should not be a surprise.
Performance reviews
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Senior software engineers should be reasonably good at these things.
So if they are not, don’t promote them.
Operations engineering is about making systems
maintainable, reliable, and comprehensible.
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You need to actively solicit this feedback
by asking different questions.
It is much, much harder to recognize and reward
operational excellence than shipping shiny features.
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Your operational priorities must be clearly
communicated by management,
details left up to the engineers/teams.
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The patterns you call out and celebrate in your culture
will get repeated.
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In conclusion …
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Yes, you need an ops team,
IF you have hard operational problems.
You should try to not have hard operational problems.
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Needing a dedicated
operations engineering
team is a sign of
Good job!