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Industrial Mining at Scale (A Minecraft Story)

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Industrial Mining at Scale (A Minecraft Story)

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Sr. Developer Advocate at HashiCorp he / him @ksatirli Kerim Satirli

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No content

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Challenge: Dig less, build more.

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Let's build a Minecraft Bot

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chat interface and API (2 of 3) Laws of Robotics health endpoint

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No content

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FROM !"platform=linux/amd64 node:18-alpine3.16 LABEL org.opencontainers.image.authors='ksatirli' LABEL org.opencontainers.image.url='' LABEL org.opencontainers.image.description='Excavation Assistant' LABEL org.opencontainers.image.licenses='Apache-2.0' LABEL org.opencontainers.image.source='' COPY ./ / WORKDIR / RUN npm install CMD [ "node", "dist/index.js" ] Dockerfile Container Image

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AWS: us-west-2

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job "minecraft" { datacenters = ["aws"] type = "service" namespace = "default" priority = 99 group "minecraft" { count = 1 ephemeral_disk { migrate = true size = 1024 sticky = true } network { mode = "host" Minecraft Server server.nomad.hcl

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nomad run server.nomad.hcl Terminal Minecraft Server ==> Monitoring evaluation "e614d2f7" Evaluation triggered by job "minecraft" Allocation "82aa9f54" created Evaluation status: "complete" ==> Evaluation "e614d2f7" finished.

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Slide 14 text Minecraft Server

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Let's deploy a Minecraft Bot

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job "minecraft-bot" { task "minecraft_bot" { driver = "docker" config { image = "" ports = [ "api", "inventory", ] } env { # APP CONFIGURATION DEBUG = "false" LOG_COLOR = "true" Minecraft Bot bot.nomad.hcl

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nomad run bot.nomad.hcl Terminal Multi-Region Deployment ==> Monitoring evaluation "c6118496" Evaluation triggered by job "bot" Allocation "8862fb0e" created Allocation "cae76d09" created Allocation "ff1f1972" created Evaluation status: "complete" ==> Evaluation "c6118496" finished.

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EMEA AMER APAC Multi-Region Deployment

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data "aws_regions" "main" {} Multi-Region Deployment

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aws_regions = toset([ "af-south-1", "ap-east-1", "ap-northeast-1", "ap-northeast-2", "ap-northeast-3", "ap-south-1", "ap-southeast-1", "ap-southeast-2", "ap-southeast-3", "ca-central-1", "eu-central-1", "eu-north-1", "eu-south-1", "eu-south-2", "eu-west-1", "eu-west-2", "eu-west-3", "me-south-1", "sa-east-1", Terraform Console Multi-Region Deployment

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module "regional_aws_workspaces" { for_each = toset(data.aws_regions.main.names) source = "ksatirli/regional-workspace/tfe" version = "1.2.0" region = { category = "terraform" identifier = each.key prefix = "aws" variable = "aws_region" } vcs_repo = { identifier = "workloads/regional-aws-deployment" branch = "main" } } Multi-Region Deployment

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Multi-Region Deployment

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Slide 25 text Multi-Region Deployment

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✉ from AWS Support

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deployed an army of bots to do our bidding learned about Cloud Geography provisioned resilient infrastructure built a bot and containerized it Recap

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Demo Code

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