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The Latest in PHP April 2018 Edition

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Presented by Chris Gmyr @cmgmyr

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PHP Releases VERSIONS 4 5.6.35, 7.0.29, 7.1.16, 7.2.4 4 All bug fixes

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No content

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PHP RFCs 4 Accepted 4 Arrays starting with a negative index (8.0) 4 Implemented 4 is_countable (7.3)

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Negative indexed arrays (current) $a = array_fill(-2, 3, true); array(3) { [-2]=> bool(true) [0]=> bool(true) [1]=> bool(true) }

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Negative indexed arrays (new) $a = array_fill(-2, 3, true); array(3) { [-2]=> bool(true) [-1]=> bool(true) [0]=> bool(true) }

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Is Countable // before if (is_array($foo) || $foo instanceof Countable) { return count($foo); } // after if (is_countable($foo)) { return count($foo); }

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PHPUnit Latest: 7.1.2, 6.5.8 PHPUnit 5 has reached i ts End of Life on February 2, 2018 and no longer receives bug fixes

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Framework: Laravel 5.6.[13-16] 4 Better support for signed routes 4 Added callback support to optional() helper 4 Added @elseauth and @elseguest Blade directives 4 Added view:cache command 4 Replaced Blade's or operator with null-coalescing operator 4 Added SessionGuard::logoutOtherDevices() method 4 Security: Check iv length in Encrypter::validPayload() (5.5.40 also)

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Framework: Symfony 2.7.x, 2.8.x, 3.4.x, 4.0.x 4 Bug Fixes

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CMS: Drupal 7.58, 8.3.9, 8.4.6, 8.5.1 highly critical security vulnerabilities A remote code execution vulnerability exists within multiple subsystems of Drupal 7.x and 8.x. This potentially allows attackers to exploit multiple attack vectors on a Drupal site, which could result in the site being completely compromised.

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CMS: Wordpress 4.9.5 4 Don't treat localhost as same host by default. 4 Use safe redirects when redirecting the login page if SSL is forced. 4 Make sure the version string is correctly escaped for use in generator tags. 4 Improved compatibility with PHP 7.2. and-maintenance-release/

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IDE: PHPStorm 2018.1[.1] 4 Refactor your code to functional style 4 Creating class from test 4 Codeception: code coverage 4 Updated HTTP Client

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IDE: VSCode 1.22 4 Syntax aware code folding 4 Convert to ES6 refactoring 4 Better large file support 4 Organize JS/TS imports 4 Emmet performance and smart matching improvements

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PHP Conferences - April DrupalCon Nashville April 9–13, Nashville, TN Longhorn PHP Conference April 19–21, Austin, TX

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PHP Conferences - May PHP Serbia Conference May 25–27, Belgrade, Serbia php[tek] May 29–June 1, Atlanta, GA

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Nomad PHP April 19 US How to Use Generators to Beat Memory Bloat By Korvin Szanto Europe Mining Your Code for Efficient Documentation By Damien Seguy

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Open Call for Papers All Things Open Oct 23-24, Raleigh, NC CFP Ends: April 24 Texas Camp May 31–June 2, Austin, TX CFP Ends: April 19

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Upcoming regional events April 28-29 - WordCamp Raleigh Aug 16-17 - Southeast PHP (Nashville, TN) Oct 7-8 - NCDevCon Oct 23-24 - All Things Open

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Notable News & Articles 4 A Concrete Guide to Dependency Injection 4 PHPStorm tips for power users 4 Getting Started with Signed Routes in Laravel 4 Try PSR-12 on Your Code Today 4 Testing web API clients using Guzzle Mock Handler 4 Going Deeper with Factories Through Factory States

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Next Month @ TrianglePHP TDB Presented By YOU?!?! Thursday, May 17 6pm Atlantic BT Consider "Chipping In"

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Have a Job/Need a Job Who's hiring? Who's looking? What are you looking for?

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Tonight @ TrianglePHP A look at Gutenberg in Wordpress 5.0 Presented By - Miles Elliot Thank you to Atlantic BT for hosting and refreshments!