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Giovanni Allegri GeoSolutions State of GeoNode GeoNode Release 4.4.1

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GeoSolutions Enterprise Support Services Deployment Subscription Professional Training Customized Solutions GeoNode • Offices in Italy & US, Global Clients/Team • 40+ collaborators, 30+ Engineers • Our products • Our Offer

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Affiliations We strongly support Open Source, it Is in our core We actively participate in OGC working groups and get funded to advance new open standards We support standards critical to GEOINT

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What’s GeoNode

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GeoNode at a Glance GeoNode is a platform for the management and publication of geospatial data. It brings together mature open-source software projects under an easy to use interface. With GeoNode, non-specialized users can share data and create interactive maps.

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Capabilities • Import geospatial datasets, documents and media • Create thematic maps , dashboards and geostories • Manage granular security, permissions and sharing for users and groups • User with appropriate permissions can edit layer metadata, which are exposed by OGC CSW and REST, to provide search/discovery capability • Users with appropriate permissions can edit layer styles and data (for vector layers) • GeoNode exposes a number of standards for each layer: OGC (WMS, WMS-C, WFS, WFS-T, WCS, CSW) and mass market search standards (OAI-PMH, SRU, OpenSearch) • Full control through a RESTful API

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Capabilities DATASETS DOCUMENTS LOCAL FILES Upload from local filesystem REMOTE SERVICES OGC WMS GeoNode ArcGIS Server Custom harvesters REMOTE FILES (wip) Links (URLs) to remote files

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GeoNode at a Glance • It’s also a web framework based on Python and Django to allow people to implement SDIs and bespoke Geospatial applications.

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GeoNode at a Glance

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The Community • GeoNode code is made of several components, hosted on GitHub under the GeoNode organization • The GeoNode Project Steering Committee (PSC) governs the GeoNode project. • Users and developers mailing list, and a Gitter chat are the main communication channels for the community.

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Demo instances • You can play with the online demo instances • master • 4.4.x

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Releases History • Nov 2024: GeoNode 4.4.1 • July 2024: GeoNode 4.3.1 • Jan 2024: GeoNode 4.2.0 • June 2023: GeoNode 4.1.0 • Aug 2022: GeoNode 4.0.0 • June 2022: GeoNode 3.3.2/4.0RC1 … • May 2020: GeoNode 3.0 (Django 2.2.13, GeoServer 2.16.2) / GeoNode 2.10.4 (last 2.10 release) • April 2014: GeoNode 2.0 (Django 1.5.5, GeoServer 2.5, pycsw 1.8.6, django-polymorphic, bootstrap, Ubuntu 12.04 support) • August 2010: GeoNode 1.0-beta

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GeoNode 4.4.1

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3D Tiles

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3D Tiles From local assets ● This release extends the work started with GeoNode 4.3.0, where 3D visualization was introduced. Now 3D Tiles resources are first-citizen resources in GeoNode. ● 3D Tiles assets can be uplaoded from the Dataset upload area. The asset must be uploaded as a .zip file containing an index file named tileset.json. This file will be parsed by the GeoNode backend to validate and extract metadata and spatial information about the 3D Tiles asset.

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3D Tiles From remote assets ● 3D Tiles resources can also be created from remote URLs. A new option inside the Dataset upload panel gives the option to insert the URL to the index file of an online 3D Tiles resource. The same as for local uploads, the index file will be parsed to obtain the minimal information to setup the GeoNode remote resources.

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3D Tiles

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Digital Twin Toolbox A quick digression on the topic… ● GeoSolutions is developing a pipeline for a streamlined processing of 3D data sources (point cloud, Lidar, etc.) to produce 3D Tiles assets ready to be loaded and visualized with MapStore and GeoNode Digital Twin Toolbox

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File Assets

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File Assets A new model for resource files ● A new concept has landed into GeoNode: Assets. This model has been introduced to extend and improve the relationship between resources and any file that exists behind them. These files was kind of hidden behind the scenes, and weren't exposed to the internal GeoNode APIs. ● Assets introduce a model that makes the management of fiels explicit and decoupled from resources. For the moment this isn't visible to end users, but in the future there are plans to implement an asset manager area, where files can be uploaded and managed independently from catalog resources.

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File Assets A concept to support new tools ● This is what GeoNode does now: when a new resource is uploaded, GeoNode creates an asset for the file(s) and then creates a resource connect to the asset(s) through Links. Eventually a resource can be created from an existing asset at a later stage. ● Assets were also implemented to introduce the option to attach multiple files to a single resource. This is already doable by manually creating an asset and then connecting it to a resource through a link, but this is can only be done from the Django admin interface, which is restricted to GeoNode administrators.

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File Assets NOTE for upgrading from previous versions ● Assets introduces changes to the location where uploaded files are stored. A manual command is required to be executed to migrate pre-existing files to the new location and ensure that all GeoNode functionality will work correctly.

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MapStore upgrade Since version 4.3.1 GeoNode is kept aligned to the latest versions of MapStore • GeoNode 4.4.1 is updated to MapStore v2024.01.01 • GeoNode 4.4.2, which will be released soon, will integrate MapStore v2024.02.02

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Software Upgrades • Django 4.2.9 • Geoserver 2.24.4 • PostgreSQL 15.3 / PostGIS 3.3 • Nginx 1.25.3

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The future

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Features under development GNIP 97: A new metadata model and editor ● Metadata schemas are based on JSON-Schema models. This allows adapting and extending the schema with custom fields and validators, even without implementing custom modules ● The JSON Schema also drives the automatic configuration of the client editor ● A new /metadata API endpoint, specific to the management of metadata validation and CRUD operations, with fully compliant OpenAPI3 and JSON-Schema support

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Features under development GNIP 97: A new metadata model and editor

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Features under development GNIP 97: A new metadata model and editor ● Sparse fields: a new model that allows implementing new custom fields easily, without needing the creation of custom DB models and tables. It’s being used, as an example, to implement the European INSIPRE Schema ● Upgrade to PyCSW3, which introduced support for ISO19115-3 (ISO19115-1:2014)

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Features under development A new layout ● The GeoNode and MapStore teams are collaborating to foster the integration and the alignment of the GeoNode client and MapStore frameworks ● The MapStore team is developing a new home page and a new layout, with revamped styling and new features to support custom themes, UIs and components ● These enhancements will be integrated back into GeoNode, along with a set of improvements to the templating system to support more control over custom home pages, themes and catalog layouts

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Features under development

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Features under development A better integration with external Geoserver instances ● A First step toward “Geoserver Federation” for GeoNode. An external Geoserver can be configured to share the authentication services offered by GeoNode, to allow a deeper integration and allow serving remote layers under authentication and authorization. ● This is also the first step toward the review of Remote Services implementation. Yet to be planned…

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Features under development Security and code deprecations ● Docker deployments will receive a review in terms of improved security and sandboxing ● Lot of legacy and unsupported functionality will be removed, with important benefits to maintenance and security ● Review and cleanup of project’s dependencies and setup scripts ● Deprecation of legacy APIs (V1)

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Features under development The Roadmap toward GeoNode 5

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The End Questions? [email protected]