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Build Redundant Gaming Network with Wireguard and BGP Date Huang Edgecore Networks [email protected]

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About me: Date Huang ● Engineer, Edgecore Networks ○ 2019 OpenInfra Day Taiwan Speaker ■ Massive Bare-Metal Operating System Provisioning Improvement ○ 2019 Hong Kong Open Source Conference Speaker ■ De-centralized Bare-Metal Operating System Provisioning ○ 2018 ISC High Performance Project Poster Demo ■ The Design and Implementation of Bare Metal Cluster Deployment Using BitTorrent ○ 2017 Open Source Summit North America co-Speaker ■ Building Cloud Infra using cost-effective ARM Boards ○ 2017 OpenStack Day Taiwan Speaker ■ Combine Continuous Integration (CI) with OpenStack ○ 2016 OpenStack Day Taiwan Invited Speaker ■ OpenStack on ARM64

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Outline ● Facebook Leaf-Spine Fabric ● Dynamic Routing Protocol - BGP ● Wireguard VPN ● Multi-player P2P gaming ● NAT Firewall with PlayStation4 ● Concept: Wireguard + BGP build redundant P2P gaming network

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Traditional Network Topology

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IP Fabric (Leaf Spine Fabric)

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Spanning Tree? ● One Route Active, Others Standby

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BGP ● BGP: Border Gateway Protocol ● Dynamic Routing Protocol ● Usually used in Internet routing path select

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Routing on Host (L2-less) ● Treat Server as a Router Node in BGP Network ● Server use BGP to know other routing ● Redundancy and merge bandwidth via BGP ECMP ● No L2 Broadcast, Multicast ● E.g:LINE Japan L2-less Network, Project Calico

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Wireguard ● GPLv2 Open Source Tunneling Protocol ● Based on Linux Kernel, Support Windows and macOS ● IPv4-in-IPv6 and IPv6-in-IPv4 encapsulation ● Usually used in Site-to-Site Tunneling ● Better Performance than IPsec, No need hardware acceleration ● More Flexibility, Less Configuration, compare with GRE and IPsec ● No need setup Firewall to allow additional protocol(e.g. Allow GRE, AH, ESP) ● New Tech, No Mature, No Stable

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Multi-player Gaming ● Central Server ○ Connect to central server directly ○ High Success rate ○ Large Scale Multi-player gaming ● P2P Connection ○ Players connect to each others ○ Low Success rate, according to players’ network quality ○ Small Scale Multi-player gaming

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Firewall and NAT Type using PlayStation ● Type 1: System connects to Internet directly ● Type 2: System connects to Internet via Router with NAT ● Type 3: System connects to Internet via Router with NAT. External system cannot connect to internal system directly.

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Firewall and NAT Type using PlayStation ● Type 1: System connects to Internet directly ● Able to connect to Type 1, 2, 3. ● No Limitaion

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Firewall and NAT Type using PlayStation ● Type 2: System connects to Internet via Router with NAT ● Able to connect to Type 1, 2 ● Usually need DMZ, UPnP, Port Forwarding or UDP Hole Punching to allow external system to connect to internal

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Firewall and NAT Type using PlayStation ● Type 3: System connects to Internet via Router with NAT. External system cannot connect to internal system directly. ● Only able to connect with Type 1

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UDP Hole Punching ● UDP Hole Punching ● Let two clients exchange connection info and try to connect to each other via 3rd party server ● STUN: Session Traversal Utilities for NAT ● STUN is common implement for UDP Hole Punching (RFC 5389)

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UDP Hole Punching FAIL! ● If Hole Punching FAIL, need use other method to connect each other ● Forward two clients info to each other via TURN Server or other nodes in P2P networks ● For example: PS4 Party Chat. If it’s not able to connect, 1 of players will forward the network traffic or voice to others

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TURN? or not ● In design of TURN server, only create 1 forwarding connection. If TURN server is offline, forwarding connection will be disable, need to re-create forwarding connection to other TURN server ● No Redundancy, No Fast Recovery

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Wireguard + BGP ● Use Wireguard to connect with each others ● Let Wireguard connections be Full Mesh Topology via STUN as much as possible ● If no Full Mesh, connect to server, server will help to forward connection ● BGP will create dynamic routing, and choose the nearest routing ● Create Redundancy Gaming Network via BGP

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Tunneling + Dynamic Routing Protocol ● Tunneling ○ GRE ○ VxLAN ○ IPsec ○ OpenVPN ● Dynamic Routing Protocol ○ RIP ○ OSPF

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Demo ● R1, ● R2, ● R3, ● R4, ● While R2 reboot, R1 still can connect to R4 via R3 R1 R2 R3 R4