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Découvrir et maîtriser l’obfuscation sur Android 0%

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About us Renaud Boulard @_renaudb Francois Lolom @flolom 1%

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Steps and Methodology Obfuscation technics Go further Conclusion Introduction Delivery and Exploit Summary 2%

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To render obscure To darken To hide Obfuscate To make something less clear and harder to understand, especially intentionally Obfuscate * *dictionary. Obfuscation 4%

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Obfuscation goals Makes sensitive assets harder to find Limits cloning / app repackaging Protects other security features located on the app Makes inner implementation « more secret » 8%

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Security Improper Platform Usage Insecure Data Storage Insecure Communication Insecure Authentication Insufficient Cryptography Insecure Authorization Client Code Quality Code Tampering Reverse Engineering Extraneous functionality 9%

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Improper Platform Usage Insecure Data Storage Insecure Communication Insecure Authentication Insufficient Cryptography Insecure Authorization Client Code Quality Code Tampering Reverse Engineering Extraneous functionality 10% Security

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Obfuscation Techniques & tools 12%

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.apk .dex .class Java code Build & obfuscation pipeline javac Manifest Resources 13%

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.apk .dex .class Java code apktool baksmali JD-GUI JD-Core Apktool Tools .smali Dex2jar 14%

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Some GUI Jadx JD-GUI ClassyShark 15%

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.apk .dex .class Java code Build & obfuscation pipeline javac Manifest Resources 16%

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.apk .dex .class Java code javac .class (obfuscated) proguard mapping Manifest Resources 16% Build & obfuscation pipeline

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Renaming Shrinking Repackaging Log/Data leak removal Control flow obfuscation String cipher Techniques 17%

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When Log Data leak removal Development Renaming Shrinking Repackaging Control flow String cipher Build 18%

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Step and Methodology Using only free tools 19%

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App sample 20%

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Application perspective 21%

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Enable proguard Renaming Shrinking Repackaging Log/Data leak removal 22%

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However, build is failing 24%

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Disable warnings of dependencies 25%

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But app crashes at runtime… 26%

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Crash because of class renaming / reflection 28%

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Library proguard conf 29%

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List all my dependencies 30%

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List all my dependencies ./gradlew :app:dependencies 32%

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Apply proguard configuration of dependencies 33%

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Still, something is missing 34%

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App configuration missing Know your tools ! Gson is based on reflection 36%

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Without configuration 37%

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With configuration 38%

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With configuration 40%

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Working now ! 41%

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Library perspective 42%

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App sample 44%

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Enable proguard app/build.gradle library/build.gradle 45%

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46% Enable proguard

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Declare API of the library 48%

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Manage dependencies 49%

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Provide proguard rules 1 2 4 3 5 50%

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Can I do better ? 52%

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Repackaging 53%

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54% Repackaging

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Log removal 56%

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57% Log removal

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58% Log removal

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60% Log removal

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Timber lint rules are great ! if you are using the android logger instead of timber if you concatenate strings in a log message Will automatically check with lint 61%

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62% Timber lint rules are great !

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63% Timber lint rules are great !

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Be careful with custom loggers getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt') 64%

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Be careful with custom loggers getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android-optimize.txt') 65%

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Use compile-time code generation Better performance Resists proguard obfuscation Bigger APK Dagger 1 vs Dagger 2 Autovalue for serialization 65%

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Avoid reflection for serialization Use Compile time generation 66%

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Tip # Understand the @Keep support annotation. -keep class -keep class * { *; } In sdk/tools/proguard/proguard-android.txt • Resists class refactor • No extra proguard configuration required Use @Keep ! 67%

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Exploit / delivery 69%

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.apk .dex .class Java code Build & obfuscation pipeline javac .class (obfuscated) proguard mapping Manifest Resources 70%

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71% Always save proguard mapping file

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Archive mapping.txt Automated solution #1 : archive it as a maven artifact 72%

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Automated solution #2 : use a gradle task or crashlytics 74% Archive mapping.txt

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* install /tools/proguard/bin Android Studio Analyze Stracktrace * Automatically done on crashlytics 75% Deobfuscate the stacktrace

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Go Further 76%

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Techniques Renaming Shrinking Repackaging Log/Data leak removal Control flow obfuscation String cipher Code encryption /integrity Assets/ressources encryption Dynamic analysis countermeasures 78%

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Control flow obfuscation 80% Techniques

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String cipher 82% Techniques

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Code encryption /integrity Assets/ressources encryption Dynamic analysis countermeasures 86% Techniques for a better binary protection

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Conclusion 90%

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Application steps Choose your tools propertly Proguard conf library Enable repackaging Proguard conf application Remove log Decompile Publish Save mapping 92%

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SDK steps Choose your tools propertly Proguard conf library Provide proguard conf of your dependencies Declare your API Enable repackaging Remove log Decompile Publish Save mapping 94%

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Conclusion Obfuscation doesn’t prevent reverse engineering, but just discourages it. 96%

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Github App Sample 98%

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Questions? Renaud Boulard @_renaudb Francois Lolom @flolom 100%