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Team TECHNICAL SOLUTIONS TEAM João Marcos Gris Luciano Junior Sávio Muniz Afonso Praça Fabiana Fonseca Júlia Rocha

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SECTION NAME VTEX IO Docs Store Components Documentation

Slide 4

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SECTION NAME VTEX IO Docs Component Props

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Slide 6

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DocProp noun 1 - Front end component 2 - Documentation intelligence that props documentation directly from the schema /dok - präp/

Slide 7

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DocProp Behind the Scenes Get Component through URL

Slide 8

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DocProp: Behind the Scenes Get Component through URL Fetch Component's Assets (PagesGraphQL)

Slide 9

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DocProp: Behind the Scenes Get Component through URL Fetch Component's Assets (PagesGraphQL) Component's props on the JSON Schema (Render Runtime)

Slide 10

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DocProp: Behind the Scenes Get Component through URL Find the placeholder and render the table Fetch Component's Assets (PagesGraphQL) Component's props on the JSON Schema (Render Runtime)

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Custom Types TextPosition Enum TextPosition Enum Documentation

Slide 13

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Store Components Migration Declare all props using the schema Add the DocProp markdown trigger on the

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Team TECHNICAL SOLUTIONS TEAM João Marcos Gris Luciano Junior Sávio Muniz Afonso Praça Fabiana Fonseca Júlia Rocha

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Slide 16 text

Thanks! [email protected] @julia