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Elastic March 1, 2018 Logs, Metrics, and APM: The Holy Trinity of Operations Tanya Bragin Senior Director, Product

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You know us for searching logs...

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You heard we’re good at metrics...

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You just learned we added APM...

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This talk explains how a “search” technology expanded into storing time series, numbers, etc..

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6 Start with some definitions

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logs: records of events

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metrics: periodic numerical measurements

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Logs vs Metrics 9 - - [07/Mar/2017:16:10:02 -0800] "GET /mailman/listinfo/hsdivision HTTP/1.1" 200 6291 - - [07/Mar/2017:16:11:58 -0800] "POST /twiki/bin/view/TWiki/WikiSyntax HTTP/1.1" 404 7352 - - [07/Mar/2017:16:20:55 -0800] "GET /twiki/bin/view/Main/DCCAndPostFix HTTP/1.1" 200 5253 For each event, print out what happened. 07/Mar/2017 16:10:00 all 2.58 0.00 0.70 1.12 0.05 95.55 server1 containerX regionA 07/Mar/2017 16:20:00 all 2.56 0.00 0.69 1.05 0.04 95.66 server2 containerY regionB 07/Mar/2017 16:30:00 all 2.64 0.00 0.65 1.15 0.05 95.50 server2 containerZ regionC Every x minutes, measure the CPU load and print it out. Metrics are periodic measurements of some KPIs

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Structured logs and metrics analyzed together 10 Metric: CPU (avg, per interval) Logs: response time (avg, per interval)

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APM: application performance monitoring

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APM data looks a lot like logs and metrics 12 • APM agents look at: • Transaction durations • Application errors • Send across text-heavy, rich metadata: • Code path executions (“spans”) • Code statements associated with the error • Could also get metrics, e.g. in-app memory usage

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13 To store (and retrieve) data at scale...

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• Elasticsearch primarily used for application search • Lucene data structure: Inverted index Elasticsearch beginnings 14 Circa 2010

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• 2011: Logstash is open sourced, key part is “grok” for structuring logs • 2012: Kibana is open-sourced; ELK is widely used to search structured logs and create operational dashboards From Elasticsearch to ELK 15 ~ 2010 to 2014

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• 2011: Logstash is open sourced, key part is “grok” for structuring logs • 2012: Kibana is open-sourced; ELK is widely used to search structured logs and create operational dashboards • 2014: Kibana adds dashboarding; ELK stack gains prominence for log analytics From Elasticsearch to ELK 16 ~ 2010 to 2014

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• 2010: Elasticsearch adds support for “fielddata” (column-oriented view of the data in memory) Elasticsearch evolving to support analytics 17 ~ 2010 to 2014

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• 2010: Elasticsearch adds support for “fielddata” (column-oriented view of the data in memory) • 2012: Lucene introduces off-heap columnar store for numbers (“doc values”) • 2014: Elasticsearch 1.0 adds support for “doc values” (column store) Elasticsearch evolving to support analytics 18 ~ 2010 to 2014

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• 2017: Elasticsearch 6.0 improves Lucene sparse values storage efficiency (41.5% in Metricbeat index size) Elasticsearch storage efficiencies 19 2014 to Present

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• 2015: Elasticsearch 2.0 more aggressive text compression (with DEFLATE) Elasticsearch storage efficiencies 20 2014 to Present

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• 2016: Elasticsearch 5.0 adds more data structures for efficient storing and querying numbers (BKD Trees) Elasticsearch storage efficiencies 21 2014 to Present 1-Dimension 2-Dimensions

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• 2016: Elasticsearch 5.0 adds more data structures for efficient storing and querying numbers (BKD Trees) Elasticsearch query efficiencies 22 2014 to Present 1-Dimension 2-Dimensions

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• Speed up common queries and aggregations • 2014: Per shard result cache • 2016: Advanced query rewriting Elasticsearch query efficiencies 23 2014 to Present

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• Reduce memory usage of complex filters • 201?: Filter cache • 2015: Roaring bitmaps Elasticsearch query efficiencies 24 2014 to Present

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Elasticsearch for search and numerical analytics 25 Inverted Index for full-text search Columnar store for structured data BKD Trees for numerical operations Caches shard-level request/result caches, filter cache, etc.

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26 Elasticsearch for metrics = natural evolution

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CENTRALIZED COLLECTION Logstash Elasticsearch Transform Store ingest node data node 27 network devices DISTRIBUTED COLLECTION Beats servers, containers Elastic evolving ingest story

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Immediate insights with modules • Turnkey experience for specific data types • Data to dashboard in just one step • Automated parsing and enrichment • Default dashboards, alerts, ML jobs Logging Metrics Security Available with 28

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Logging modules 29 System • Linux / MacOS • Windows Events Containers • Docker • Kubernetes Infrastructure Applications Databases • MySQL • PostgreSQL Queues • Kafka • Redis Web servers • Apache • Nginx Audit data • Filesystem • System calls WINLOGBEAT FILEBEAT AUDITBEA T

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Metrics modules 30 System • Linux • MacOS • Windows • Perfmon Infrastructure Cloud • AWS • GCP • Azure • DigitalOcean Containers • Docker • Kubernetes Virtualization • vSphere PACKETBEAT METRICBEAT Network • Netflow • Packets • TLS Envelope Storage • Ceph LOGSTASH

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Metrics modules 31 Applications Datastores • MySQL • PostgreSQL • MongoDB • Couchbase • Aerospike • Graphite Web servers • Apache • Nginx Other • HAProxy • Zookeeper Queues • Kafka • Redis • RabbitMQ Caches • Memcached Uptime • Heartbeat Custom apps • JMX/Jolokia • PHP-FPM • Golang PACKETBEAT METRICBEAT LOGSTASH HEARTBEAT

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32 Visualizing time series data • Timelion • Time Series Visual Builder • Annotations

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33 Visualizing time series data • Timelion • Time Series Visual Builder • Annotations

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34 Visualizing time series data • Timelion • Time Series Visual Builder • Annotations

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35 Elasticsearch for APM = natural evolution

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• First open-source alternative to traditional APM tools • Focused on underserved areas by traditional vendors • Active roadmap to expand programming languages Elastic APM 36 APM adds end-user experience and application-level monitoring to the stack

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Elastic APM 37 How it works Kibana Beats Logstash Elasticsearch APM Server APM Agents Logs Metrics Packets ... Datastore JMX

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• Opbeat migrated from combination of Cassandra and Redis to Elasticsearch • Much of the data that was pre-aggregated before is now stored as raw document in Elasticsearch • Ad-hoc querying flexibility for the user • New feature development agility for engineering Elasticsearch as APM datastore 38 The Journey

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39 Benefits of Logs, Metrics, APM in one stack

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40 Unified Dashboards Same UI for KPI summaries and root cause analysis

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41 Unified Machine Learning Correlate multiple data sources for more intelligent anomaly detection

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42 Unified Alerting Trigger off any operational data to provide unified SLA monitoring

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43 Operational gains Single technology for operational data saves on administrative costs

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45 Roadmap for Operational Analytics

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• New Beats and Logstash inputs and modules • Improved dashboards and ML jobs / alerts for existing modules • Agentless shippers • Distributed tracing New operational data sources 46 It all starts with the data

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• Correlate data from different sources • Ability to re-use analysis content • Ability to re-use Elastic-provided content Elastic Common Schema 47 Benefits • Preliminary review • Working closely with the community • Will provide more information via usual channels Status

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48 Rollup support • Caveat: Lose ability to query individual events on rolled-up data • Recommended for long retention use cases, such as capacity planning • Can accomplish this today with Watcher-enabled rollups • Built-in rollup support in active development

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• Infra monitoring UI • Log tailing UI Use-case focused UIs 49 Benefits

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• Infra monitoring UI • Log tailing UI Use-case focused UIs 50 Benefits

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51 Now what?

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Storage efficiency Query efficiency Customer stories Where to learn more... 52 References for the curious

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• Instrument newer projects built on new frameworks and technologies • For legacy projects, start with unifying most important KPIs and events • During re-architecture efforts, consider consolidating datastores / tools How do I get started? 53 Practical initial deployment and migration strategies

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54 More Questions? Visit us at the AMA

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