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Spice up Your Graph Gerrit Meier and Michael Simons introducing the all new Spring Data Neo4j (SDN 6) SpringOne 2020 Spring

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Introducing SDN 6 at SpringOne 2020 by @meistermeier and @rotnroll666 2

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Introducing SDN 6 at SpringOne 2020 by @meistermeier and @rotnroll666 4 Label Type

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Introducing SDN 6 at SpringOne 2020 by @meistermeier and @rotnroll666 5 Person KNOWS { name: "Mr. X" dob: 26.02.1982 } { met: "Spring One" contact: 03.09.2020 }

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Introducing SDN 6 at SpringOne 2020 by @meistermeier and @rotnroll666 6 Person KNOWS Person Topic INTERESTED_IN INTERESTED_IN { term: "Spring Data" description: " … " } Graph Databases

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Introducing SDN 6 at SpringOne 2020 by @meistermeier and @rotnroll666 7 Spring Data Neo4j Team @meistermeier @rotnroll666

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What would you do if you could create yet another object mapper from scratch?

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What would you do if you could create yet another object mapper from scratch? Why

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Introducing SDN 6 at SpringOne 2020 by @meistermeier and @rotnroll666 9 Current Spring Data Neoj4 + Neo4j-OGM • gives you SDN and Neo4j-OGM • 3 different modes available (Embedded, HTTP and native) • Makes usage of Cypher harder than necessary • Custom queries are possible but go all through the Neo4j-OGM abstraction • Some building parts stack vertically, some horizontally ➡ Confusing options for beginners

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Spring Data Neo4j 6

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Introducing SDN 6 at SpringOne 2020 by @meistermeier and @rotnroll666 11 What do we want? • A composable stack • Nicely integrated in Spring Boot • Access at all abstraction levels • Raw queries (outside application level transactions) • Raw queries (inside application level transactions) • Plus ad-hoc mapping • Mapping • Repository abstraction • Reactive (and imperative) database access

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Introducing SDN 6 at SpringOne 2020 by @meistermeier and @rotnroll666 • Java Driver • Direct usage • Simple Client • RowMapper-like • Neo4jTemplate • Entity-Metadata aware • Repositories • DDD way of accessing your data Multiple, ordered levels of Abstraction

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Introducing SDN 6 at SpringOne 2020 by @meistermeier and @rotnroll666 13 Spring Data Repositories Neo4j Template Neo4j Client Neo4j Java Driver spring-boot-starter-data-neo4j spring-boot-autoconfigure SDN 6 provides configures A composable stack

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Introducing SDN 6 at SpringOne 2020 by @meistermeier and @rotnroll666 • Imperative and reactive on par • New: Reactive transactions Reactive support

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Introducing SDN 6 at SpringOne 2020 by @meistermeier and @rotnroll666 • Bolt protocol • Driver type system 100%-based on Neo4j Java Driver

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Introducing SDN 6 at SpringOne 2020 by @meistermeier and @rotnroll666 18 @Autowired org.neo4j.driver.Driver @RestController public class MoviesController { private final Driver driver; public MoviesController(Driver driver) { this.driver = driver; } @GetMapping(path = "/movies", produces = MediaType.TEXT_EVENT_STREAM_VALUE) public Flux getMovieTitles() { /# Using an implicit, driver managed transaction return Flux.usingWhen( Mono.fromSupplier(driver:%rxSession), s -' Flux.from("MATCH (m:Movie) RETURN m ORDER BY ASC").records()), RxSession:%close ).map(r -' r.get("m").asNode().get("title").asString()); } } Based on open standards: Reactive Streams. Can be used with RxJava2, too.

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Introducing SDN 6 at SpringOne 2020 by @meistermeier and @rotnroll666 @Service public class MovieService { private final ReactiveNeo4jClient client; public MovieService(ReactiveNeo4jClient client) { this.client = client; } /# Fully integrated with Springs declarative /# or explicit transactions (via TransactionalOperator or TransactionTemplate) @Transactional public Flux getMovieTitles() { return client.query("MATCH (m:Movie) RETURN m ORDER BY ASC") .fetchAs(String.class) .mappedBy((typeSystem, record) -' record.get("m").asNode().get("title").asString()) .all(); } } 19 @Autowired

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Introducing SDN 6 at SpringOne 2020 by @meistermeier and @rotnroll666 20 @Autowired @Service public class MovieService { private final ReactiveNeo4jTemplate template; public MovieService(ReactiveNeo4jTemplate template) { this.template = template; } @Transactional public Flux getMovieTitles() { /# Overload with custom query available return template.findAll(MovieEntity.class) .map(MovieEntity:%getTitle); } } @Node("Movie") class MovieEntity { private @Id final String title; private @Property("tagline") final String description; @Relationship(type = "ACTED_IN", direction = INCOMING) private final Map actorsAndRoles; /# Full immutable class, works also with @Data, /# Kotlin and JDK 14 records public MovieEntity(String title, String description, Map actorsAndRoles ) { this.title = title; this.description = description; this.actorsAndRoles = actorsAndRoles; } }

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Introducing SDN 6 at SpringOne 2020 by @meistermeier and @rotnroll666 public interface MovieRepository extends ReactiveNeo4jRepository {} @Service public class MovieService { private final MovieRepository repository; public MovieService(MovieRepository repository) { this.repository = repository; } @Transactional public Flux getMovieTitles() { /# Custom query via @Query on a method /# For simple cases, use derived query methods /# repository.findAllByOrderByTitle return repository.findAll() .map(MovieEntity:%getTitle); /# For the first time with Spring Data and Neo4j, query by Example /# return repository.findAll(Example.of(new MovieEntity("The Matrix", null))); } } 21 @Autowired

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Introducing SDN 6 at SpringOne 2020 by @meistermeier and @rotnroll666 • Instances via • (persistent) constructor • wither • setter • No reflection violating the contract Immutable Mapping

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Introducing SDN 6 at SpringOne 2020 by @meistermeier and @rotnroll666 • Neo4j Driver Java auto-config • Properties where they belong • Updated SDN starter • Getting you up to speed in a blink • Health Checks • Based on the Java Driver Spring Boot integration

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Introducing SDN 6 at SpringOne 2020 by @meistermeier and @rotnroll666 @ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "spring.neo4j") public class Neo4jProperties { public static class Authentication { /** The login of the user connecting to the database.** private String username; /** The password of the user connecting to the database. ** private String password; /** The realm to connect to.** private String realm; } /** The uri this driver should connect to. The driver supports bolt or neo4j as schemes.** private URI uri; /** The authentication the driver is supposed to use. Maybe null. ** private Authentication authentication = new Authentication(); } 24 Access to all configuration settings Consistent across frameworks!

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Introducing SDN 6 at SpringOne 2020 by @meistermeier and @rotnroll666 Less Surprises

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Introducing SDN 6 at SpringOne 2020 by @meistermeier and @rotnroll666 Cypher DSL • Zero dependency library • Compile-time checked query construction • Re-usable instances

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Introducing SDN 6 at SpringOne 2020 by @meistermeier and @rotnroll666 27 var tom = node("Person").named("tom").properties("name", literalOf("Tom Hanks")); var coActors = anyNode("coActors"); var cocoActors = anyNode("cocoActors"); var strength = count(asterisk()).as("Strength"); var statement = Cypher .match( tom.relationshipTo(anyNode("m"), "ACTED_IN").relationshipFrom(coActors, "ACTED_IN"), coActors.relationshipTo(anyNode("m2"), "ACTED_IN").relationshipFrom(cocoActors, "ACTED_IN") ) .where(not(tom.relationshipTo(anyNode(), "ACTED_IN").relationshipFrom(cocoActors, "ACTED_IN"))) .and(tom.isNotEqualTo(cocoActors)) .returning("name").as("Recommended"), strength ).orderBy(strength.asName().descending()) .build(); assertThat(cypherRenderer.render(statement)) .isEqualTo("" + "MATCH " + "(tom:`Person` {name: 'Tom Hanks'})-[:`ACTED_IN`]-$(m)%-[:`ACTED_IN`]-(coActors), " + "(coActors)-[:`ACTED_IN`]-$(m2)%-[:`ACTED_IN`]-(cocoActors) " + "WHERE (NOT (tom)-[:`ACTED_IN`]-$()%-[:`ACTED_IN`]-(cocoActors) AND tom <( cocoActors) " + "RETURN AS Recommended, count(*) AS Strength ORDER BY Strength DESC");

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Introducing SDN 6 at SpringOne 2020 by @meistermeier and @rotnroll666 28 Current status • Works with Neo4j 3.4+ • Reactive database access needs 4.0 • Multi-database feature needs Neo4j Enterprise Edition • Works with Neo4j Aura • Provides Neo4j support in JHipster

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Introducing SDN 6 at SpringOne 2020 by @meistermeier and @rotnroll666 29 Current status • Original version released as SDN/RX in April 2020 • Used already by customers • Will replace SDN+Neo4j-OGM in Spring Boot 2.4 / Spring Data Release Train Ockham (2020.0.0) • SDN+Neo4j-OGM in Spring Boot 2.3 and before still supported and maintained • Good choice for new projects • More effort to migrate existing SDN+Neo4j-OGM code • Different packages • More opinionated behavior

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Introducing SDN 6 at SpringOne 2020 by @meistermeier and @rotnroll666 30 Links • Announcement of SDN 6.0 • Spring Data Neo4j • Neo4j Cypher-DSL • Neo4j Downloads • Neo4j Aura • Neo4j Community Site

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Thank you!