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Introduction to streaming data processing using Apache Spark Roksolana Diachuk Data Engineer at Ciklum

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Business decisions in various domains need to be made fast and should be based on the real-time data. This data is hard to process due to the high-velocity.

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Streaming data A data stream is just a sequence of data units. Streaming data is the data which is generated in real-time by multiple sources.

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Streaming data processing

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Streaming data processing There is a wide range of tools but some aspect to be considered to choose the right tool for the job are: ● performance ● scalability and reliability ● tool/framework ecosystem ● specific sources and sinks support ● messages delivery semantics and so on...

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Messages delivery semantics Message delivery semantics can be defined in terms of message sending guarantees: ● at-most-once (0 or 1 time) ● at-least-once (1 or more times) ● exactly-once (1 time)

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Apache Spark ecosystem

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Spark Streaming abstractions DStream (Discretized Stream) is a basic abstraction of Spark Streaming which represents a continuous stream of data (in form of RDDs).

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Batch interval Batch interval is magical value which directly affects performance.

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Streaming application entrypoint 1. Streaming context creation with SparkContext import org.apache.spark.streaming._ val sc = ... // existing SparkContext val ssc = new StreamingContext(sc, Seconds(1))

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Streaming application entrypoint 2. Streaming context creation with SparkConfig import org.apache.spark._ import org.apache.spark.streaming._ val conf = new SparkConf() .setAppName(appName).setMaster(master) val ssc = new StreamingContext(conf, Seconds(1))

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Stream sources Built-in streaming sources: ● Basic sources - file systems, socket connections streamingContext.fileStream[KeyClass, ValueClass, InputFormatClass](dataDirectory) streamingContext.textFileStream(dataDirectory) ● Advanced sources - Kafka, Flume, Kinesis

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Stream sinks ● Console ● Files (Hadoop file, object file, text file) ● Storage systems (ElasticSearch, relational and NoSQL databases)

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DStream transformations 1)Common transformations on RDDs (map, flatMap, filter, repartition, reduce, count, etc.)

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DStream transformations 2)Window transformations (countByWindow,window)

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Fault-tolerance mechanisms 1. Caching/Persistence 2. Metadata checkpointing 3. Data checkpointing

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Use Case

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Use case architecture

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val streamingContext = new StreamingContext (sparkContext, Seconds(3)) val numStreams = 3 val lines = (1 to numStreams).map (i => kafkaConfig) Example

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Example KafkaUtils.createDirectStream[String, String]( streamingContext, LocationStrategies.PreferConsistent, ConsumerStrategies.Subscribe[String, String] (topics, kafkaParams(i))))

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val messages = streamingContext.union(lines) val values = record => record.value().toString) val wordsArrays =“!&”)) DStream[Array[String]] DStream[String] DStream[ConsumerRecord[String,String]] More code...

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wordsArrays.foreachRDD( rdd => rdd.flatMap(record => convertToTweetMap(record) ).saveToEs("tweets-time/output")) RDD[Array[String]] Array[String] And more...

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streamingContext.start() streamingContext.awaitTermination() THIS IS THE END!!! Application launch

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Visualizations dashboard

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Spark Streaming metrics

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Experimental features

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Continuous streaming Optional low-latency mechanism introduced in Spark 2.3.0

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Structured streaming

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Incrementalization process Output modes: ● Append ● Complete ● Update

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And other interesting things... Tasks parallelism Streaming jobs tuning (executors/partitions numbers choice, block and batch interval tuning, scheduling, memory setup) Spark Streaming in cluster mode

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Resources 1. Spark documentation 2. Learning Spark. M. Zaharia, P. Wendell, A. Konwinski, H. Karau (2015) 3. Learning Spark Streaming. F. Garillot, G. Mass (2017) 4. Streaming Data: Understanding the real-time pipeline. A. G. Psaltis (2017) 5. High Performance Spark. Holden Karau, Rachel Warren (2017) 6. Pro Spark Streaming: The Zen of Real-Time Analytics Using Apache Spark. Z. Nabi (2016) 7. Spark Summit sessions 8. Databricks engineering blog 9. Cloudera engineering blog

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Thank you for attention

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