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Composition & Domain Model Melnyk Volodymyr RubyC, Kyiv 2015

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Who am I? It’s a hard question.

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Rails Anti-Patterns

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… also known as “Rails Way”

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Single-Table Inheritance, Taxonomy and Platonism The way to create problems instead of relations

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Gene / Meme / Trait That’s what matter

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Why do we use STI? • We need STI when there is a necessity to work with a collection of entities of all subtypes, what is a pretty uncommon case itself and can be solved easily without STI. • We use STI because we know about Barbara Liskov’s Substitution Principle from SOLID, but we do not know about Composition approach. • We use STI because we don’t want additional relations to be created.

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Problems resulted by STI • “type” is a system (metadata) column, but pretty often we use it on Domain Model Layer. • “type” is difficult to be changed. • We can’t add a constraint on “type”. • Probably, we will need to create other inherited classes. • Each subtype will need subtype-specific columns/attributes. So we will get all the problems bounded with NULL. • We can’t use subtype specific primary key and constraints on RDBMS layer. • Sometimes we can’t use a super type to get a collection of entities of all subtypes.

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Example #1 class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base end class SuperComment < Comment has_many :not_so_super_comments end class NotSoSuperComment < Comment end Comment.joins(:not_so_supper_comments) ActiveRecord::ConfigurationError: Association named 'not_so_super_comments' was not found on Comment; perhaps you misspelled it?

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Composition as a solution Use one “Base” relation and additional relations for specific attributes and use DAOs over “Base” and other relations to create single entity. Put business logic into this entity.

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Hm… Looks like DataMapper

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Composition/DDD approach Use DDD’s Entity pattern. Which is the same as mentioned before.

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Polymorphic associations The second barrel to shoot both legs at the same time

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Why do we use Polymorphic associations (PA)? • If an entity of some type can belong to many other entities of different types, but only to one of them at one time. • To avoid the creation of many very similar entities and relations.

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Example #2 class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to: :commetable, polymorphic: true end class Article < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :comments, as: :commentable end class Image < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :comments, as: commentable end

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Problems resulted by PA • Commenting may require some additional logic which will be duplicated in many places (Article, Photo, etc.). Moving this logic into separate module isn’t very helpful. • We can’t use JOINs because we really have no commentable relation and we can’t row-by-row change relation which we join. • If we need some additional attributes/columns for commentable entities - we will have to add them to all commentable entities/relations. (counter cache is the simplest example). • You can’t define association in metadata and can’t add constraints on foreign keys. • You can’t use polymorphic associations in the case when, for example, Cargo has two addresses: cargos.destination_point, cargos.start_point.

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Composition as a solution • We can create separate Commentable entity and “commentables” relation. • We can put all commenting- related attributes/columns and logic into this entity/relation. • We can create many different *Commentable entities and “*commentables” relations for logic and attributes/columns which depend on entity that we want to be commentable.

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Composition/DDD approach • Follow the previous leads. • Use DDD’s Aggregate pattern to describe dependency between Comments and Commentable and also between Commentable and Article, Photo, etc.

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ActiveRecord as a golden hummer "I suppose it is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail.” - Abraham Maslow

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Why do we use ActiveRecord • It’s good when we want to map a relation onto an entity. • It’s a pretty good variant of DAO for the simplest cases, like stupid simple CRUD operations. • ActiveRecord comes out of the box with Rails.

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Problems resulted by ActiveRecord • Abstraction leaks on more complicated queries. Actually, it does even on not so complicated ones. • We can’t abstract from data storage with ActiveRecord. • It doesn’t allow to use many relations under the hood of entity. • AR’s models have too much responsibility.

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Composition/DDD approach • We can use DataMapper pattern. • We can use the most primitive DataMapper implementation which uses predefined SQL queries.

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Pseudo keys (Surrogate keys)

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Why do we use pseudo keys • because it’s hard sometimes to find good natural key. • as composite primary keys require composite foreign keys and we think that they are difficult in usage. • because they simplify using of CoC principle.

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Problems of pseudo-keys • In most cases we have no “id” in a domain model. • They doesn’t guarantee uniqueness of entity and we get doubles. • We need to make more JOINs. • Because of doubles it’s hard to make analytics. • It forces us to use DISTINCT. • We can’t use USING. • Pseudo-keys are platform dependent. It may be hard to move your DB from one RDBMS to another.

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Example #3 # We have no Category with id == 5 a = Article.create title: "New Article", category_id: 5

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Solution • Use natural keys if it’s possible. • Use composite foreign keys for composite primary keys. • Define associations with special expressions which automatically add constraints.

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Example #4 class AddKeys < ActiveRecord::Migration def change execute <<-SQL ALTER TABLE categories DROP COLUMN id; ALTER TABLE categories ADD COLUMN category_name varchar(36) primary key; ALTER TABLE articles ADD COLUMN category_name varchar(36) references categories(category_name); SQL end end

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Example #4 a = Article.create({ title: "My Article”, category_name: "unexistent category”}) PG::ForeignKeyViolation: ERROR: insert or update on table "articles" violates foreign key constraint “articles_category_name_fkey" DETAIL: Key (category_name)=(unexistent category) is not present in table "categories". c = Category.create category_name: "Programming" a = Article.create category_name: “Programming" SELECT * FROM articles JOIN categories USING(category_name);

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Rails validation

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We use validation: • on forms on front-end. • inside controllers (strong params, for example). • inside models.

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Problems with Rails validation • Validation logic spreaded all around an app. • It’s hard to test because sometimes we need to create some associated records. • It’s not OO-way. It’s not compatible with the Single Responsibility Principle. • Sometimes we need additional logic to skip validation.

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Composition/DDD approach • We can put all validation of user input into different Form- objects. • We can put code, which responds for consistency into Entity or Aggregate.

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Custom Types/Domains

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Problems with custom Types/Domains • Rails’s implementation of ActiveRecord pattern has no wrappers over original data to provide custom, more meaningful objects - ValueObjects, so we add a lot of logic into model. • It’s not the OO-way. It’s not compatible with the Single Responsibility Principle. • We have a lot duplications of code. • Our code is hard to test.

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Composition/DDD approach • We can wrap values into ValueObjects to provide additional logic and limitations on them. • After that we can use ValueObjects as attributes of Entity.

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Conclusion • Use Composition approach. • Use DDD. Develop your app on the top of Domain Model. • Use all features of SQL. • Learn relational theory. • Be careful about data consistency. • Don’t worry, be happy!

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Thank you for your attention!

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Any questions?