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private Connection.Available getConnection(long eta, long wait, String token) { for(;;) { if (eta > MAX_ETA_MS) { throw new EtaExceededException(); } if (wait > 0) { Thread.sleep(wait); } println("Retrying download after " + wait + "ms wait."); Connection c = coordinator.requestConnection(token); if (c instanceof Connection.Available) { return (Connection.Available) c; } Connection.Unavailable unavail = (Connection.Unavailable) c; eta = unavail.getEta(); wait = unavail.getWait(); token = unavail.getToken(); } }

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private Connection.Available getConnection(long eta, long wait, String token) { for(;;) { if (eta > MAX_ETA_MS) { throw new EtaExceededException(); } if (wait > 0) { Thread.sleep(wait); } println("Retrying download after " + wait + "ms wait."); Connection c = coordinator.requestConnection(token); if (c instanceof Connection.Available) { return (Connection.Available) c; } Connection.Unavailable unavail = (Connection.Unavailable) c; eta = unavail.getEta(); wait = unavail.getWait(); token = unavail.getToken(); } }

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private Connection.Available getConnection(long eta, long wait, String token) { for(;;) { if (eta > MAX_ETA_MS) { throw new EtaExceededException(); } if (wait > 0) { Thread.sleep(wait); } println("Retrying download after " + wait + "ms wait."); Connection c = coordinator.requestConnection(token); if (c instanceof Connection.Available) { return (Connection.Available) c; } Connection.Unavailable unavail = (Connection.Unavailable) c; eta = unavail.getEta(); wait = unavail.getWait(); token = unavail.getToken(); } }

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private Connection.Available getConnection(long eta, long wait, String token) { for(;;) { if (eta > MAX_ETA_MS) { throw new EtaExceededException(); } if (wait > 0) { Thread.sleep(wait); } println("Retrying download after " + wait + "ms wait."); Connection c = coordinator.requestConnection(token); if (c instanceof Connection.Available) { return (Connection.Available) c; } Connection.Unavailable unavail = (Connection.Unavailable) c; eta = unavail.getEta(); wait = unavail.getWait(); token = unavail.getToken(); } }

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private Connection.Available getConnection(long eta, long wait, String token) { for(;;) { if (eta > MAX_ETA_MS) { throw new EtaExceededException(); } if (wait > 0) { Thread.sleep(wait); } println("Retrying download after " + wait + "ms wait."); Connection c = coordinator.requestConnection(token); if (c instanceof Connection.Available) { return (Connection.Available) c; } Connection.Unavailable unavail = (Connection.Unavailable) c; eta = unavail.getEta(); wait = unavail.getWait(); token = unavail.getToken(); } }

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private Connection.Available getConnection(long eta, long wait, String token) { for(;;) { if (eta > MAX_ETA_MS) { throw new EtaExceededException(); } if (wait > 0) { Thread.sleep(wait); } println("Retrying download after " + wait + "ms wait."); Connection c = coordinator.requestConnection(token); if (c instanceof Connection.Available) { return (Connection.Available) c; } Connection.Unavailable unavail = (Connection.Unavailable) c; eta = unavail.getEta(); wait = unavail.getWait(); token = unavail.getToken(); } }

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private Connection.Available getConnection(long eta, long wait, String token) { for(;;) { if (eta > MAX_ETA_MS) { throw new EtaExceededException(); } if (wait > 0) { Thread.sleep(wait); } println("Retrying download after " + wait + "ms wait."); Connection c = coordinator.requestConnection(token); if (c instanceof Connection.Available) { return (Connection.Available) c; } Connection.Unavailable unavail = (Connection.Unavailable) c; eta = unavail.getEta(); wait = unavail.getWait(); token = unavail.getToken(); } }

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public static InputStream blockingRequest(String url, String headers) throws IOException { URL uri = new URL(url); SocketAddress serverAddress = new InetSocketAddress(uri.getHost(), uri.getPort() SocketChannel channel =; ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap((headers + "Host: " + uri.getHost() + "\r\n\ do { channel.write(buffer); } while(buffer.hasRemaining()); return channel.socket().getInputStream(); }

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private void getConnection(long eta, long wait, String token, CompletionHandler handler) { if (eta > MAX_ETA_MS) { if (handler!=null) handler.failed(new EtaExceededException()); } boundedServiceExecutor.schedule(() -> { println("Retrying download after " + wait + "ms wait."); coordinator.requestConnection(token, new CompletionHandler<>() { @Override public void completed(Connection c) { if (c instanceof Connection.Available) { if (handler!=null) handler.completed((Connection.Available) c); } else { Connection.Unavailable unavail = (Connection.Unavailable) c; getConnection( unavail.getEta(), unavail.getWait(), unavail.getToken(), handler); } } @Override public void failed(Throwable t) { ...

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private void getConnection(long eta, long wait, String token, CompletionHandler handler) { if (eta > MAX_ETA_MS) { if (handler!=null) handler.failed(new EtaExceededException()); } boundedServiceExecutor.schedule(() -> { println("Retrying download after " + wait + "ms wait."); coordinator.requestConnection(token, new CompletionHandler<>() { @Override public void completed(Connection c) { if (c instanceof Connection.Available) { if (handler!=null) handler.completed((Connection.Available) c); } else { Connection.Unavailable unavail = (Connection.Unavailable) c; getConnection( unavail.getEta(), unavail.getWait(), unavail.getToken(), handler); } } @Override public void failed(Throwable t) { ...

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private void getConnection(long eta, long wait, String token, CompletionHandler handler) { if (eta > MAX_ETA_MS) { if (handler!=null) handler.failed(new EtaExceededException()); } boundedServiceExecutor.schedule(() -> { println("Retrying download after " + wait + "ms wait."); coordinator.requestConnection(token, new CompletionHandler<>() { @Override public void completed(Connection c) { if (c instanceof Connection.Available) { if (handler!=null) handler.completed((Connection.Available) c); } else { Connection.Unavailable unavail = (Connection.Unavailable) c; getConnection( unavail.getEta(), unavail.getWait(), unavail.getToken(), handler); } } @Override public void failed(Throwable t) { ...

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private void getConnection(long eta, long wait, String token, CompletionHandler handler) { if (eta > MAX_ETA_MS) { if (handler!=null) handler.failed(new EtaExceededException()); } boundedServiceExecutor.schedule(() -> { println("Retrying download after " + wait + "ms wait."); coordinator.requestConnection(token, new CompletionHandler<>() { @Override public void completed(Connection c) { if (c instanceof Connection.Available) { if (handler!=null) handler.completed((Connection.Available) c); } else { Connection.Unavailable unavail = (Connection.Unavailable) c; getConnection( unavail.getEta(), unavail.getWait(), unavail.getToken(), handler); } } @Override public void failed(Throwable t) { ...

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private void getConnection(long eta, long wait, String token, CompletionHandler handler) { if (eta > MAX_ETA_MS) { if (handler!=null) handler.failed(new EtaExceededException()); } boundedServiceExecutor.schedule(() -> { println("Retrying download after " + wait + "ms wait."); coordinator.requestConnection(token, new CompletionHandler<>() { @Override public void completed(Connection c) { if (c instanceof Connection.Available) { if (handler!=null) handler.completed((Connection.Available) c); } else { Connection.Unavailable unavail = (Connection.Unavailable) c; getConnection( unavail.getEta(), unavail.getWait(), unavail.getToken(), handler); } } @Override public void failed(Throwable t) { ...

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public static InputStream blockingRequest(String url, String headers) throws IOException { URL uri = new URL(url); SocketAddress serverAddress = new InetSocketAddress(uri.getHost(), uri.getPort() SocketChannel channel =; ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap((headers + "Host: " + uri.getHost() + "\r\n\ do { channel.write(buffer); } while(buffer.hasRemaining()); return channel.socket().getInputStream(); }

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public static void asyncNonBlockingRequest(ExecutorService executor, String url, String headers, RequestHandler handler) { executor.submit(() -> { try { println("Starting request to " + url); URL uri = new URL(url); SocketAddress serverAddress = new InetSocketAddress(uri.getHost(), 80); AsynchronousSocketChannel channel =; channel.connect(serverAddress, null, new CompletionHandler() { @Override public void completed(Void result, Void attachment) { ByteBuffer headersBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap((headers + "Host: " + uri.getHost())); ByteBuffer responseBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(1024); channel.write(headersBuffer, headersBuffer, new CompletionHandler<>() { @Override public void completed(Integer written, ByteBuffer attachment) { if (attachment.hasRemaining()) { channel.write(attachment, attachment, this); } else {, responseBuffer, new CompletionHandler<>() { @Override public void completed(Integer read, ByteBuffer attachment) { // More // this // way // ==>

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private Connection.Available getConnection(long eta, long wait, String token) { for(;;) { if (eta > MAX_ETA_MS) { throw new EtaExceededException(); } if (wait > 0) { Thread.sleep(wait); } println("Retrying download after " + wait + "ms wait."); Connection c = coordinator.requestConnection(token); if (c instanceof Connection.Available) { return (Connection.Available) c; } Connection.Unavailable unavail = (Connection.Unavailable) c; eta = unavail.getEta(); wait = unavail.getWait(); token = unavail.getToken(); } }

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public static void asyncNonBlockingRequest(ExecutorService executor, String url, String headers, RequestHandler handler) { executor.submit(() -> { try { println("Starting request to " + url); URL uri = new URL(url); SocketAddress serverAddress = new InetSocketAddress(uri.getHost(), 80); AsynchronousSocketChannel channel =; channel.connect(serverAddress, null, new CompletionHandler() { @Override public void completed(Void result, Void attachment) { ByteBuffer headersBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap((headers + "Host: " + uri.getHost())); ByteBuffer responseBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(1024); channel.write(headersBuffer, headersBuffer, new CompletionHandler<>() { @Override public void completed(Integer written, ByteBuffer attachment) { if (attachment.hasRemaining()) { channel.write(attachment, attachment, this); } else {, responseBuffer, new CompletionHandler<>() { @Override public void completed(Integer read, ByteBuffer attachment) { // More // this // way // ==>

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Flux.interval(Duration.ofSeconds(2L)) .flatMap(l -> coordinator.heartbeat(conn.getToken())) .doOnNext(c -> println("Pulse!")) .then() .doOnTerminate(() -> println("Pulse terminated"));

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private Mono getConnection(long eta, long wait, String token) { AtomicLong etaRef = new AtomicLong(eta); AtomicLong waitRef = new AtomicLong(wait); AtomicReference tokenRef = new AtomicReference<>(token); return Mono.defer(() -> { if (etaRef.get() > MAX_ETA_MS) { return Mono.error(new EtaExceededException()); } return Mono.delay(Duration.ofMillis(waitRef.get())) .flatMap(i -> coordinator.requestConnection(tokenRef.get())); }).flatMap(c -> { if (c instanceof Connection.Available) { return Mono.just((Connection.Available) c); } else { Connection.Unavailable unavail = (Connection.Unavailable) c; etaRef.set(unavail.getEta()); waitRef.set(unavail.getWait()); tokenRef.set(unavail.getToken()); return Mono.empty(); } }).repeatWhenEmpty(Repeat .onlyIf(ctx -> true) .doOnRepeat(ctx -> println(waitRef.get() + ", " + etaRef.get() + ", " + tokenRef.get()))); }

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private Mono getConnection(long eta, long wait, String token) { AtomicLong etaRef = new AtomicLong(eta); AtomicLong waitRef = new AtomicLong(wait); AtomicReference tokenRef = new AtomicReference<>(token); return Mono.defer(() -> { if (etaRef.get() > MAX_ETA_MS) { return Mono.error(new EtaExceededException()); } return Mono.delay(Duration.ofMillis(waitRef.get())) .flatMap(i -> coordinator.requestConnection(tokenRef.get())); }).flatMap(c -> { if (c instanceof Connection.Available) { return Mono.just((Connection.Available) c); } else { Connection.Unavailable unavail = (Connection.Unavailable) c; etaRef.set(unavail.getEta()); waitRef.set(unavail.getWait()); tokenRef.set(unavail.getToken()); return Mono.empty(); } }).repeatWhenEmpty(Repeat .onlyIf(ctx -> true) .doOnRepeat(ctx -> println(waitRef.get() + ", " + etaRef.get() + ", " + tokenRef.get()))); }

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class StateMachineIterator implements Iterator { private int state; private int i; public String next() { switch(state) { case 0: state=1; return "A"; case 1: state=2; i=0; return "B"; case 2: if(i == 3) state = 3; return "C" + (i++); case 3: state=4; return "D"; case 4: state=5; return "E"; default: throw new NoSuchElementException(); } } public boolean hasNext() { return state < 5; } public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported"); } }

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class StateMachineIterator implements Iterator { private int state; private int i; public String next() { switch(state) { case 0: state=1; return "A"; case 1: state=2; i=0; return "B"; case 2: if(i == 3) state = 3; return "C" + (i++); case 3: state=4; return "D"; case 4: state=5; return "E"; default: throw new NoSuchElementException(); } } public boolean hasNext() { return state < 5; } public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported"); } }

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class StateMachineIterator implements Iterator { private int state; private int i; public String next() { switch(state) { case 0: state=1; return "A"; case 1: state=2; i=0; return "B"; case 2: if(i == 3) state = 3; return "C" + (i++); case 3: state=4; return "D"; case 4: state=5; return "E"; default: throw new NoSuchElementException(); } } public boolean hasNext() { return state < 5; } public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported"); } }

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class StateMachineIterator implements Iterator { private int state; private int i; public String next() { switch(state) { case 0: state=1; return "A"; case 1: state=2; i=0; return "B"; case 2: if(i == 3) state = 3; return "C" + (i++); case 3: state=4; return "D"; case 4: state=5; return "E"; default: throw new NoSuchElementException(); } } public boolean hasNext() { return state < 5; } public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported"); } }

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class StateMachineIterator implements Iterator { private int state; private int i; public String next() { switch(state) { case 0: state=1; return "A"; case 1: state=2; i=0; return "B"; case 2: if(i == 3) state = 3; return "C" + (i++); case 3: state=4; return "D"; case 4: state=5; return "E"; default: throw new NoSuchElementException(); } } public boolean hasNext() { return state < 5; } public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported"); } }

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private Connection.Available getConnection(long eta, long wait, String token) { for(;;) { if (eta > MAX_ETA_MS) { throw new EtaExceededException(); } if (wait > 0) { Thread.sleep(wait); } println("Retrying download after " + wait + "ms wait."); Connection c = coordinator.requestConnection(token); if (c instanceof Connection.Available) { return (Connection.Available) c; } Connection.Unavailable unavail = (Connection.Unavailable) c; eta = unavail.getEta(); wait = unavail.getWait(); token = unavail.getToken(); } }

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Connection.Available conn = getConnection(); Runnable pulse = makePulse(conn); Fiber f = null; try (InputStream content = gateway.downloadThingy()) { f = FiberScope.background().schedule(pulse); ignoreContent(content); } catch (IOException e) { err("Download failed."); throw e; } finally { if (f!=null) { f.cancel(); } }

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Connection.Available conn = getConnection(); Runnable pulse = makePulse(conn); Fiber f = null; try (InputStream content = gateway.downloadThingy()) { f = FiberScope.background().schedule(pulse); ignoreContent(content); } catch (IOException e) { err("Download failed."); throw e; } finally { if (f!=null) { f.cancel(); } }

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unboundedServiceExecutor = Executors.newUnboundedVirtualThreadExecutor(); ... Connection.Available conn = getConnection(); Runnable pulse = makePulse(conn); Future f = null; try (InputStream content = gateway.downloadThingy()) { f = unboundedServiceExecutor.submit(pulse); ignoreContent(content); } catch (IOException e) { err("Download failed."); throw e; } finally { if (f!=null) { f.cancel(); } }

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Connection.Available conn = getConnection(); Runnable pulse = makePulse(conn); Future f = null; try (InputStream content = gateway.downloadThingy()) { f = unboundedServiceExecutor.submit(pulse); ignoreContent(content); } catch (IOException e) { err("Download failed."); throw e; } finally { if (f!=null) { f.cancel(); } }

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try (FiberScope scope =, PROPAGATE_CANCEL)) { var conn = getConnection(); try (InputStream content = gateway.downloadThingy()) { Runnable pulse = makePulse(conn, i); scope.schedule(pulse); ignoreContent(content); } } catch (IOException e) { err("Download failed."); throw e; }

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try (FiberScope scope =, PROPAGATE_CANCEL)) { var conn = getConnection(); try (InputStream content = gateway.downloadThingy()) { Runnable pulse = makePulse(conn, i); scope.schedule(pulse); ignoreContent(content); } } catch (IOException e) { err("Download failed."); throw e; }

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Papers and Webpages Flynn, Michael J. - Some Computer Organizations and Their Effectiveness Haynes, Christopher T. - Logic Continuations Wand, Mitchell - Continuation-based Multiprocessing Loitsch, Florian - Exceptional Continuations in JavaScript Long, James - What's In A Continuation Reynolds, John C. - The Discoveries of Continuations Clinger, Hartheimer, Ost - Implementation Strategies for Continuations Haynes, Friedman, Wand - Obtaining Coroutines with Continuations Pressler, Ron - Why Continuations are Coming to Java Pressler, Ron - Repos

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Papers and Webpages Flynn, Michael J. - Some Computer Organizations and Their Effectiveness Haynes, Christopher T. - Logic Continuations Wand, Mitchell - Continuation-based Multiprocessing Loitsch, Florian - Exceptional Continuations in JavaScript Long, James - What's In A Continuation Reynolds, John C. - The Discoveries of Continuations Clinger, Hartheimer, Ost - Implementation Strategies for Continuations Haynes, Friedman, Wand - Obtaining Coroutines with Continuations Pressler, Ron - Why Continuations are Coming to Java Pressler, Ron - Repos

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