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Protista Lab Arabella, Annica, Lily, Chloe

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Procedure 1 Algae - multicellular

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3 main types Green Seaweed Observational Sketch Phylum: Chlorophyta Scientific Name: Codium codium Label what you can see How they fit: Some live symbiotically with other eukaryotes, by providing shelter and O 2 through photosynthesis, and in return, being protected by these eukaryotes when other organisms try to eat the seaweed.

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3 main types Observational Sketch Phylum: Rhodophyta Scientific name: Rhodophyceae Rhodophyta are primary producers so this organism provides a habitat for other species. This particular type of seaweed also helps maintain coral reefs.

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3 main types Observational Sketch Label what you can see How they fit

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Procedure 2 Protozoans - unicellular

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Size: between 250 and 750 microns Movement: Moves by extending cytoplasm which is known as “amoeboid movement” Mode of Nutrition/ Method of feeding: Heterotrophic organism that completely engulfs the prey and forms a food vacuole afterwards Amoeba proteus is an omnivore General Appearance: blob shaped organism, generally transparent and mostly colorless, food vacuoles and nucleus are visible as specks Common Name: Amoeba Scientific Name: Amoeba proteus #1- Amoebozoa

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Size: 2 millimeters Movement: Has 2 flagella that beat together and propel the organism Mode of Nutrition/ Method of feeding: Obtains energy mainly through photosynthesis, but also feeds on other algae found in water General Appearance: Spherical with closely packed cells inside, green color Common Name: Green algae Scientific Name: Volvox globator #2 - Chlorophyta Description: Is a species of green algae that is found in freshwater and forms colonies through binary fission

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Size: ~200 micrometers Movement: Cilia (short hairlike organelles) move the ciliate Mode of Nutrition/ Method of feeding: The cilia also sweep food into the buccal cavity, where it is then passed to food vacuoles General Appearance: light shade of pink, long oval shape with organelles inside Common Name: Ciliate Scientific Name: Blepharisma americanum #3: Ciliophora

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Size: 120-180 micrometers Movement: Cilia covers the outer body; cilia helps the paramecium move 4x the organism’s length/second Mode of Nutrition/ Method of feeding: Phagocytosis; cilia helps food enter the gullet; digestion occurs with the help of hydrochloric acid and enzymes General Appearance: cigar shaped, long oval body, light teal color Common Name: Ciliate Scientific Name: Paramecium aurelia #4 - Ciliophora

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Size: 2 millimeters Movement: Beats all of the cilia around the body Mode of Nutrition/ Method of feeding: Sweep food including bacteria and algae into the food vacuole using cilia General Appearance: Trumpet shaped, blue-green color Common Name: Ciliate Scientific Name: Stentor coeruleus #5: Ciliophora Description: Is unicellular, found in freshwater environments, can change shape from being a trumpet to being a ball, and can regenerate parts of the body

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Size: length is 35-50 micrometers Diameter is 8-20 micrometers Movement: has two flagella that propel the Euglena gracilis by “euglenoid” movement across surfaces Mode of Nutrition/ Method of feeding: Some have chloroplasts and can photosynthesize while others obtain food heterotrophically General Appearance : Green in color, somewhat oval or peapod shaped Common Name: Euglena Scientific Name: Euglena gracilis #6 - Euglenozoa

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Size: length: 15-27 micrometers; width: ~3.5 micrometers Movement: adhesion to glide Mode of Nutrition/ Method of feeding: photosynthesis; converts light energy into chemical energy General Appearance: transparent, coke glass bottle shaped, disc shaped, band-aid shaped Common Name: Diatom Scientific Name: Phaeodactylum tricornutum #7 - Ochrophyta

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Size: this organism can have three forms (trophozoite, flagellate, cyst). In trophozoite form, it is 10-30 micrometers. Movement: In trophozoite form, there are pseudopods for movement. In flagellate form, there are two flagella for movement. Mode of Nutrition/ Method of feeding: The organism eats in trophozoid form. In the wild, it eats bacteria, but when infecting tissue it eats red blood cells through phagocytosis Common Name: Brain eating amoeba Scientific Name: Naegleria fowleri #8 - Percolozoa General Appearance: Cyst stage: spherical, smooth, single nucleus Trophozoid stage: nucleus and halo surrounding the nucleus. Pseudopods all around. Flagellate stage: pear shaped, with two flagella.