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@yosuke_furukawa Hexagonal Sticker as a Service

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Hexi @yosuke_furukawa

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Japan Node.js User Group Leader

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Frontend Engineer (using React) at DeNA

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Hex Sticker

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So. My motivation is …

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Let’s make Hexagonal Stickers

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Hexi inside

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Hexi inside • HTTP/2 (NGINX patch) • io.js (Express) • AWS Lambda (image resizer) • AWS RDS (MySQL) • AWS S3 (image storage)

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Hexi inside • HTTP/2 (NGINX patch) • io.js (Express) • AWS Lambda (image resizer) • AWS RDS (MySQL) • AWS S3 (image storage)

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HTTP/2 • features • multi-requests per 1 connection • binary header (HPACK) • Server push / prioritized asset requests (not implemented yet in nginx patch)

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https (HTTP1.1)

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https (HTTP1.1) TFDPOET

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https (HTTP2)

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https (HTTP 1.1 vs HTTP2)

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HTTP2 pros • No concat JS/CSS, No CSS Sprite • No domain sharding

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HTTP2 pros • No concat JS/CSS, No CSS Sprite • No domain sharding /POFFEUPSFEVDFOVNCFSTPGSFRVFTU

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Hexi inside • HTTP/2 (NGINX patch) • io.js (Express) • AWS Lambda (image resizer) • AWS RDS (MySQL) • AWS S3 (image storage)

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io.js features • ES6 friendly (these features are using in Hexi) • class • template string literals • block scope • Better performance than Node.js v0.12 • almost 5% faster

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AWS Lambda features • Hook Amazon resource actions • S3 PUT/DELETE • Invoke Node.js functions • resize image (using imagemagick) • PUT resized image to S3

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1. PUT initial image to S3 2. invoke lambda functions 3. resize image 4. PUT resized images

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1. PUT initial image to S3 2. invoke lambda functions 3. resize image 4. PUT resized images DSFBUFXPSLFSTFBTJMZ

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okrabyte • NOTE: EXPERIMENTAL okrabyte extract characters Tokyo Node Festival 2015

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DEMO okrabyte

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Hexi is … • Hexagonal Stickers as a Service • We can provide stickers world-wide. • Stickers can be created by mobile phone :)

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one more thing

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NodeFest 2015

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Thank you !!!! @yosuke_furukawa