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*Establishing Shot*: Forest, home to Rumplestiltskin, a pathway crosses through his property.*

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*A young lass begins to trek through the forest and enters Rumplestiltskin's property*

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*Rumplestiltskin spots the young lass about to trespass*

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*Like Rumplestiltskin always does, he appears to greet the traveler and prepares a riddle, young lass is unaware of what this gremlin is about to do.*

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Rumplestiltskin: "If you want to continue traveling through my neck of the woods....: The camera zooms in to medium shot.

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Rumpelstiltskin: " must answer one of my riddles."

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Young Lass: "Oop." The young lass realizes that she has crossed into the famous Rumpelstiltskin territory. Pan to a medium wide shot.

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Young Lass: "Uhh..." She is unsure of how to handle and avoid the situation. Camera zooms in to focus on her facial expression (medium close up).

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Young Lass: "Uhh" *Still coontemplating*

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Young Lass has an idea of how to outsmart Rumpelstiltskin and continue on her way.

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Young Lass: "Yeah ok, whatever." Rumpelstiltskin: "Excellent." Camera zooms out back to the establishing wide shot

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*Rumpelstiltskin jingles over ominously while uttering a barely audible "heheheheh"*

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Rumpelstiltskin:"Alright then. WHY DID THE..." Camera zooms in on Rumplestiltskin.

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Simultaneously they both say: "...DID THE CHICKEN CROSS THE ROAD" Camera is at an extreme close up as the young lass has been able to predict Rumpelstiltskin's riddle. Rumpelstiltskin is flabbergasted.

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Young Lass: "Jinx!!!" As the young lass has successfully jinxed Rumpelstiltskin, his mouth zips up because due to the laws of the jinx spell, you cannot speak until someone says your name three times.

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Young Lass: "Oh sorry I cut you off, I guess you wont get to finish your riddle. I think the only way to un-jinx you is to say your name three times..." Camera zooms out and pans to a medium shot of the young lass as she explains her successful jinx and plan.

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Young Lass: "What did you say your name was again?" Young Lass is fully aware of her success of her plan.

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Rumpelstiltskin: *growling, gurgling sounds emanating anger and displeasure" Extreme close up of Rumpelstiltskin's extremely annoyed expression as he is aware of his unfortunate fate.

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Young Lass: "Oh wait a minute, did you say your name was Rumple- Dry- Skin?" Young Lass is just rubbing salt in a wound as the camera zooms out and pans to a medium shot of her .

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Rumpelstiltskin: "Aggressive, angry growls" Rumpelstiltskin aggressively points to a sign that clearly marks his name in hopes that he can be un -jinxed. Camera pans to a medium shot of him.

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Young Lass: "Oh I see! Your name is Sign... SIMON!!!" She says this very enthusiastically because she thinks this is hilarious now. Camera pans back to hier.

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Rumpelstiltskin: *Scream-like growls and screeches" Camera pans back to Rumpelstiltskin and does an extreme close up to reveal his extreme frustration.

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Young Lass: "See you later Simon." Young Lass taunts him as she walks away having fully outsmarted Rumpelstiltskin. Camera pans back to her and zooms out to a medium shot.

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Camera zooms out to a wide establishing shot of an utterly defeated, Rumplestiltskin sulking in silence....