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Why Puli? Titouan Galopin SensioLabs University 1

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About Titouan Galopin Puli core contributor puli.js lead developer @tgalopin // 2

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Why this talk? 3

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Agenda I. What’s Puli? II. How to use Puli in your application? III. Status of Puli and what’s coming in 2016 4

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I. What’s Puli? 5

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Currently in Packagist Libraries Symfony bundles Drupal modules Zend Framework modules Laravel packages What’s Puli? 6

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All framework extensions do the same things What’s Puli? 7

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Ideal world Libraries ✓ Symfony bundles Drupal modules Zend Framework modules Laravel packages What’s Puli? 8

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Why do we need framework extensions? What’s Puli? 9

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What’s Puli? Application FOSUserBundle login.html.twig To simplify access to resources Before: return $this->render( __DIR__ . ‘/../../vendor/ friendsofsymfony/user- bundle/Resources/views/Security/index.html. twig’ ); After: return $this->render( ‘FOSUserBundle:Security:login.html.twig’ ); 10

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What’s Puli? Application translator FOSUserBundle To autoload specialized files /FOS /UserBundle /Command /ActivateUserCommand.php <= /Controller /DependencyInjection /FOSUserBundleExtension.php <= /Resources /translations /messages.en.xlst <= / <= /... 11

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What’s Puli? To publish assets /web/bundles/fos-user-bundle /css /style.css /images /image.png /vendor/.../FOS/UserBundle /Resources /public /css /style.css /images /image.png 12

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Puli replaces framework extensions by solving these 3 problems What’s Puli? 13

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Three targets : Libraries developers Frameworks developers Applications developers What’s Puli? 14

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Library developers A single config file and your library is available for everyone What’s Puli? 15

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Frameworks developers Stop wasting efforts by reinventing the wheel What’s Puli? 16

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Application developers Puli is usable in your application! What’s Puli? 17

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II. How to use Puli in your application? 18

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How to use Puli in your application? 19 Puli CLI vs puli.json

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How to use Puli in your application? 20 puli.json /app /src /vendor /web /composer.json /puli.json

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How to use Puli in your application? 21 Simplify access to resources

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How to use Puli in your application? 22 // puli.json { "resources": { "/app": "app/Resources", "/custom-library": "vendor/..." } } Simplify access to resources

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How to use Puli in your application? 23 require ‘vendor/autoload.php’; $puliClass = PULI_FACTORY_CLASS; $puli = new $puliClass(); $repo = $puli->createRepository(); Simplify access to resources

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How to use Puli in your application? 24 echo $repo->get('/app/views/index.html.twig') ->getBody(); echo $repo->get('/app/views/index.html.twig') ->getFilesystemPath(); echo $repo->get('/custom-library'. .'/views/index.html.twig') ->getFilesystemPath(); Simplify access to resources

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meh. How to use Puli in your application? 25

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puli/composer-plugin How to use Puli in your application? 26

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Let library developers create their puli.json How to use Puli in your application? 27

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How to use Puli in your application? 28 // /vendor/acme/custom-library/puli.json { "resources": { "/views": "views", ... } } Simplify access to resources

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How to use Puli in your application? 29 $ composer require acme/custom-library Updating dependencies (including require-dev) - Installing acme/custom-library (1.0.0) Downloading: 100% Synchronizing Puli with Composer Installing acme/custom-library Deleting the ".puli" directory Running "puli build" Simplify access to resources

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How to use Puli in your application? 30 echo $repo->get('/acme/custom-library'. .'/views/index.html.twig') ->getFilesystemPath(); Simplify access to resources

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How to use Puli in your application? 31 Autoload specialized files

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How to use Puli in your application? 32 // your app puli.json { "resources": { "/app": "app", "/res": "app/Resources" }, "provide": { "/app/config/services.yml": "symfony/services", "/res/translations/*.yml": "symfony/translations" } } Autoload specialized files Defined by Symfony to load your files using Puli $discovery->findBindings('...')

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How to use Puli in your application? 33 // /vendor/acme/custom-library/puli.json { "resources": { "/config": "res/config", "/translations": "res/translations" }, "provide": { "/config/symfony-services.yml": "symfony/services", "/config/pimple-services.yml": "pimple/services", "/config/php-di-services.yml": "php-di/services", "/translations/*.xlst": "php-fig/xlst-translations" } } Autoload specialized files Usable by libraries! Binding are not necessarily used by the “consumer”

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How to use Puli in your application? 34 $ composer require acme/custom-library => Services available in your container => Translations available in your translator => Doctrine entities, Twig extensions, ... Autoload specialized files Plug’n’Play (even more than bundles!)

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How to use Puli in your application? 35 Publish assets

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How to use Puli in your application? 36 Coming in 2016: puli.js JS library to resolve Puli path in filesystem paths Publish assets

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How to use Puli in your application? 37 // gulpfile.babel.js gulp.task('babel', () => gulp.src(puli.paths('/app/**/*.jsx') .pipe(babel()) .pipe(ulgify()) .pipe(header('(c) SensioLabs')) .pipe(gulp.dest('web/built/min.js')) ); Publish assets

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Let’s resume Why Puli is the future of PHP packages 38

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Puli is for libraries developers 39 Let’s resume

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40 Less community fragmentation Let’s resume

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One library to rule them all Develop for every framework at the same time: single codebase 41 Let’s resume

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Puli is for framework developers 42 Let’s resume

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Don’t reinvent the wheel, use Puli puli/repository puli/manager puli/discovery 43 Let’s resume

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Puli is for applications developers 44 Let’s resume

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Remove framework extensions complexity Install Twig Bundle/Extension/Module Install Twig 45 Let’s resume

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Plug’n’Play packages composer require => ready to use 46 Let’s resume

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Less Magic Everything is configured 47 Let’s resume

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Easy to extend Add your own bindings, your own resources, ... 48 Let’s resume

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Powerful features Overriding, Versioning, Symbolic links, ... 49 Let’s resume

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Integrate in your development process Composer, puli.js 50 Let’s resume

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III. Status of Puli and what’s coming in 2016 51

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1.0.0-beta10 52 Status of Puli and what’s coming in 2016

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Already used in production 53 Status of Puli and what’s coming in 2016

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Documentation on 54 Status of Puli and what’s coming in 2016

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Working Symfony bundle puli/symfony-bundle 55 Status of Puli and what’s coming in 2016

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Projects working on a Puli integration out of the box 56 Status of Puli and what’s coming in 2016

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Get involved! 57 Status of Puli and what’s coming in 2016

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Questions? 58 Titouan Galopin SensioLabs University