A team centric agile method story
Pronounce it Zan pan
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Who am I
yoan thirion
Technicalagile coach
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Allan kelly
Agile coach
Software engineer
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What limitations have you already lived
or observed with Kanban or Scrum ?
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What is xanpan?
A process for agile teams
Team at the heart
Principles practices
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Product management
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Work in iterations
Work to improve Flow
Quality is free (invest in quality)
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Work in iterations
2 weeks iterations
from mid-week to mid-week
releasable product at the end of each iteration
continuous integration -> continuous deployment
Deadlines help to focus : limit wip
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Planning -3 players
Product Owner
played by a product manager, or a BA
The creators
Software engineers, Testers, UX, UI,…
The facilitator
Dedicated or not
Product ownership is considered a practice rather than a role.
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Planning -artefacts
vertical slices of
business functionality from
multiple projects or products
Blue cards
Tasks related
to blue cards
White cards Red cards
Planning board Planning poker
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Planning Meeting
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“Teams may also hold a retrospective as part of the iteration end routine,
although not all teams hold retrospectives, and even those who do may
not hold them at every iteration.”
Formal or not (dialogue)
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Work in routine
Event Frequency
Iteration Every 2 weeks –10 working days
Stand-up meeting Everyday -Maximum 15 Minutes
Iteration review meeting End of every iteration 20 minutes at end of Iteration
Retrospective event End of every iteration
Formal retrospective End of every iteration (new teams) (60-90 minutes)
every second (mature teams)
Informal retrospective Every second iteration (30mins) for mature teams
Demo At least every iteration which does not release
Release Minimum quarterly
high-performing teams will release many times during Iteration
Sanitize the board
& count the points
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Plan beyond the iteration
The quarterly plan looks at most 12 weeks into the future
Roadmap looks at the next quarter
Iteration plan : output of the next two weeks
More certainty
Filled to approximately the
capacity of each iteration :
WIP limit for iterations
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Plan beyond the iteration
Quarter & Roadmap are only horizons
planning != scheduling
Plan = looking into the future to learn about what might happen :
perhaps preparefor it with Design thinking for example
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where is the Kanban part in it ?
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Kanban-style flow
Xanpanallows both planned and unplanned work
Work can flow from iteration to iteration
Blue cards must bring value (Small stories regularly don’t)
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the team may be working on more than one product or project at a time.
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Stock of
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State of the team
and their work
See to learn
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Quality is free
All successful software needs rework
how easy is the rework?
Low quality makes rework harder, and therefore slower.
High quality makes rework easier, and therefore faster.
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Poor quality
Rework destroys flow
stories and tasks can’t truly be considered ‘done’
hidden work is flowing between iterations
Metrics are destroyed
Inordinate amounts of time prioritizing, reporting, doing rework instead of delivering value
inordinate amounts of money on testing resources and cycles
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How to define quality of a software product ?
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How to build quality in ?
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Technical practices some of
Test-Driven Development (Unit, ATDD)
Frequent builds
Continuous Integration
Source code control
Code reviews
Pair programming
Static analysis
Coding Standards
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"create your own process, don’t follow
someone else’s prescription.”
– Allan Kelly
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Just do it : action over words
Keep or drop
Identify a practice, tool, technique, whatever from
somewhere else.
Decide what it would mean to your team: what
would you do differently?
Set a time frame
Make the change
at the end of the period : check