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Interfaces Sketching YgGdrasil 2013

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EVa-LotTa Lamm evalottchen

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When And Why? Tips And Examples Sketching with Others

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When And Why I sketch

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To think To communicate

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To think Understand Ideate & Experiment

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Ideate & Experiment

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David Bayles and Ted Orland: Art & Fear (

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Visual feedback loop

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Visualize ThInk

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Reflect & Evaluate Visualize ThInk

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Reflect & Evaluate Visualize ThInk

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The Making influences the thinking. – Otl Aicher

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To communicate

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People are Drawn to visuals

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‘Reading’ Visual Explanations is an Interactive ProcesS

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‘Reading’ Visual Explanations is an Interactive ProcesS

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Shared vision and Understanding Cat

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Shared vision and Understanding Cat

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Shared vision and Understanding

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Shared vision and Understanding

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I prefer drawing to talking. Drawing is faster and leaves less room for lies. – Le Corbusier

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Sketching != Drawing

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Sketching is not about being a good artist, but about being a good thinker. – Jason Santa Maria

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Schematic by Scott McCloud, Understanding Comics

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Schematic by Scott McCloud, Understanding Comics Drawing Sketch

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Schematic by Scott McCloud, Understanding Comics Drawing Sketch Portrait Idea

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Schematic by Scott McCloud, Understanding Comics

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Schematic by Scott McCloud, Understanding Comics Sketches

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Schematic by Scott McCloud, Understanding Comics Sketches Wirefames

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Schematic by Scott McCloud, Understanding Comics Sketches Wirefames Visual DESIGNS

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The Devil is in (the Lack Of) Detail

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WHich level of detail is right?

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WHich level of detail is right? It depEnds!

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The fidelity of the sketch should reflect the depth of our thinking. – BiLl Buxton

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Eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak. – HANS HOFMANn

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Tips And Examples

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Choose the level of detail based on what you want to explain

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Sketches by Eva-Lotta Lamm

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Low Fidelity is great to Give AN Overview

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Sketches by Eva-Lotta Lamm

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Low Fidelity makes it Easy to show (and Spot) Patterns

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Sketches by Eva-Lotta Lamm

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Little side Track: Sketching Templates?

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Mix Low And High Fidelity to Guide Attention

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Sketch by Eva-Lotta Lamm Keep Context low-Fidelity

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Sketch by Eva-Lotta Lamm Keep Context low-Fidelity add detail to draw attention

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Use Visual Hierarchy to Guide Attention

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line Weight

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Use colour for continuity

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Use colour for continuity

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Use colour to Separate Interface from Explanations

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Use colour to Separate Interface from Explanations

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Use colour to Separate Interface from Explanations

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Use Colour to convey Information Not for Decoration

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Limit your palette

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Sketching With Others

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Everybody Can Use a PEn. no special knowledge or Software needed. Everybody can do it

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? DiVerGing

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Visual Brainstorms

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? DiVerGing presentation & Critique

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Present & Critique

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? DiVerGing presentation & Critique Converging

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idea idea idea idea idea idea Dot voting

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Converging ? DiVerGing Refining presentation & Critique

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Sketching With Others

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Sketching With Others Timebox Exercises

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Sketching With Others Timebox Exercises Plan enough Time for Feedback

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Sketching With Others Timebox Exercises Plan enough Time for Feedback Be the Visual Ambassador

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Slide 114 text evalottchen