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@pyr Billing the cloud Real world stream processing

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@pyr Three-line bio ● CTO & co-founder at Exoscale ● Open Source Developer ● Monitoring & Distributed Systems Enthusiast

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@pyr Billing the cloud Real world stream processing

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@pyr ● Billing resources ● Scaling methodologies ● Our approach

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@pyr provider "exoscale" { api_key = "${var.exoscale_api_key}" secret_key = "${var.exoscale_secret_key}" } resource "exoscale_instance" "web" { template = "ubuntu 17.04" disk_size = "50g" template = "ubuntu 17.04" profile = "medium" ssh_key = "production" }

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@pyr Infrastructure isn’t free! (sorry)

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@pyr Business Model ● Provide cloud infrastructure ● (???) ● Profit!

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@pyr 10000 mile high view

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Quantities ● 10 megabytes have been set from over the last minute

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Resources ● Account WAD started instance foo with profile large today at 12:00 ● Account WAD stopped instance foo today at 12:15

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A bit closer to reality {:type :usage :entity :vm :action :create :time #inst "2016-12-12T15:48:32.000-00:00" :template "ubuntu-16.04" :source :cloudstack :account "geneva-jug" :uuid "7a070a3d-66ff-4658-ab08-fe3cecd7c70f" :version 1 :offering "medium"}

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A bit closer to reality message IPMeasure { /* Versioning */ required uint32 header = 1; required uint32 saddr = 2; required uint64 bytes = 3; /* Validity */ required uint64 start = 4; required uint64 end = 5; }

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@pyr Theory

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@pyr Quantities are simple

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@pyr Resources are harder

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@pyr This is per account

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@pyr Solving for all events

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resources = {} metering = [] def usage_metering(): for event in fetch_all_events(): uuid = event.uuid() time = event.time() if event.action() == 'start': resources[uuid] = time else: timespan = duration(resources[uuid], time) usage = Usage(uuid, timespan) metering.append(usage) return metering

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@pyr In Practice

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@pyr ● This is a never-ending process ● Minute-precision billing ● Applied every hour

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@pyr ● Avoid overbilling at all cost ● Avoid underbilling (we need to eat!)

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@pyr ● Keep a small operational footprint

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@pyr A naive approach

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30 * * * * usage-metering >/dev/null 2>&1

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@pyr Advantages

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@pyr ● Low operational overhead ● Simple functional boundaries ● Easy to test

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@pyr Drawbacks

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@pyr ● High pressure on SQL server ● Hard to avoid overlapping jobs ● Overlaps result in longer metering intervals

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You are in a room full of overlapping cron jobs. You can hear the screams of a dying MySQL server. An Oracle vendor is here. To the West, a door is marked “Map/Reduce” To the East, a door is marked “Stream Processing”

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> Talk to Oracle

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You’ve been eaten by a grue.

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> Go West

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@pyr ● Conceptually simple ● Spreads easily ● Data locality aware processing

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@pyr ● ETL ● High latency ● High operational overhead

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> Go East

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@pyr ● Continuous computation on an unbounded stream ● Each record processed as it arrives ● Very low latency

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@pyr ● Conceptually harder ● Where do we store intermediate results? ● How does data flow between computation steps?

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@pyr Deciding factors

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@pyr Our shopping list ● Operational simplicity ● Integration through our whole stack ● Room to grow

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@pyr Operational simplicity ● Experience matters ● Spark and Storm are intimidating ● Hbase & Hive discarded

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@pyr Integration ● HDFS & Kafka require simple integration ● Spark goes hand in hand with Cassandra

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@pyr Room to grow ● A ton of logs ● A ton of metrics

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@pyr Small confession ● Previously knew Kafka

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@pyr ● Publish & Subscribe ● Processing ● Store

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@pyr Publish & Subscribe ● Records are produced on topics ● Topics have a predefined number of partitions ● Records have a key which determines their partition

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@pyr ● Consumers get assigned a set of partitions ● Consumers store their last consumed offset ● Brokers own partitions, handle replication

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@pyr ● Stable consumer topology ● Memory disaggregation ● Can rely on in-memory storage ● Age expiry and log compaction

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@pyr Billing at Exoscale

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@pyr Problem solved?

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@pyr ● Process crashes ● Undelivered message? ● Avoiding overbilling

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@pyr Reconciliation ● Snapshot of full inventory ● Converges stored resource state if necessary ● Handles failed deliveries as well

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@pyr Avoiding overbilling ● Reconciler acts as logical clock ● When supplying usage, attach a unique transaction ID ● Reject multiple transaction attempts on a single ID

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@pyr Avoiding overbilling ● Reconciler acts as logical clock ● When supplying usage, attach a unique transaction ID ● Reject multiple transaction attempts on a single ID

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@pyr Parting words

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@pyr Looking back ● Things stay simple (roughly 600 LoC) ● Room to grow ● Stable and resilient ● DNS, Logs, Metrics, Event Sourcing

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@pyr What about batch? ● Streaming doesn’t work for everything ● Sometimes throughput matters more than latency ● Building models in batch, applying with stream processing

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@pyr Thanks! Questions?