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Hello Node @salimkayabasi +SalimKAYABAŞI

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[email protected] @salimkayabasi +SalimKAYABAŞI

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• Google V8 • Server-side Javascript • One single thread • Event loop • Non-blocking IO • NPM

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•,- Applications,-and-Companies-Using-Node

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• Chrome uses V8 as JS Engine • Ready for Windows/Linux/Mac • %40 JS and %60 C/C++ • Node isn’t a programming lang, this is FW • NPM is node package manger • Live on Github • Nodepad++ or Sublime is enough Basics of Nodejs

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• Async programming • Callback Hell!!! Deeply nested callbacks • Understanding Closures • Using loops that contains callback • Dependent callbacks Downsides

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var c = 0 doThis(someinputs,function(error,result){ c++ if(c === 3) doAgain(someinputs) }) doThat(someinputs,function(error,result){ c++ if(c === 3) doAgain(someinputs) }) doNone(someinputs,function(error,result){ c++ if(c === 3) doAgain(someinputs) }) doThis(someinputs,function(error,result){ var value = result.value //do anything doMore(value,function(error,result){ var moreValue = result.value }) }) callback examples

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var c = 0 doThis(someinputs,function(error,result){ c++ if(c === 3) doAgain(someinputs) }) doThat(someinputs,function(error,result){ c++ if(c === 3) doAgain(someinputs) }) doNone(someinputs,function(error,result){ c++ if(c === 3) doAgain(someinputs) }) doThis(someinputs,function(error,result){ var value = result.value //do anything doMore(value,function(error,result){ var moreValue = result.value }) }) Traditional IO Non-traditional IO non-blocking io

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http server tcp server var http = require('http'); http.createServer(function (req, res) { res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}); res.end('Hello World\n'); }) .listen(1337, ''); console.log('Server running at'); var net = require('net'); var server = net.createServer(function (socket) { socket.write('Echo server\r\n'); socket.pipe(socket); }); server.listen(1337, ''); node server.js

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• JS: Definitive Guide • JS: The Good Oarts Learning JS Do not try to learn everything, because this is imposible. Learn js as you need :)

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• Auto balance on core/cpu • Designed for scalability • Multi-core server scaling “LearnBoost/cluster” • Minimal cost in cloud usage • Joyent, Amazon, Microsoft Azure, IBM support • Speed development with less effor Cloud Computing

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express jade redis uglify-js momentjs mongoose passport gzippo i18n request node-mysql azure aws- sdk msnodesql npm install -g

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