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@rakyll We use facilities that are not reserved for our flight but are essential in making it happen.

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@rakyll We use facilities that are not reserved for our flight but are essential in making it happen.

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@rakyll Systems? who understands them?

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@rakyll Jaana B. Dogan

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@rakyll Growing...

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@rakyll Tech stack gets fragmented, monoliths are gone...

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@rakyll one becomes many failure in isolation escalation in failure?

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@rakyll and it may get larger...

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@rakyll good guy jeff

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@rakyll code search

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@rakyll go_library( name = "logs", srcs = ["logs.go"], visibility = ["//visibility:public"], deps = [ …. ], ) References (641 occurrences) - //source/ads/monitoring/BUILD - //source/ads/analysis/BUILD - //source/ads/mobile/BUILD ...

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@rakyll frontend server authentication users images memcache blobservice memcache memcache (metadata) (disks) load balancer

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@rakyll frontend server authentication users images memcache blobservice memcache memcache (metadata) (disks) load balancer critical path

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@rakyll frontend server authentication users images memcache blobservice memcache memcache (metadata) (disks) load balancer critical path

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@rakyll frontend server authentication users images memcache blobservice memcache memcache (metadata) (disks) load balancer critical path

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@rakyll CPA (critical path analysis)

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@rakyll discover the critical paths make them reliable and fast make them debuggable

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@rakyll How do we get there? (tracing, events, logs)

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@rakyll Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?

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@rakyll GET /timeline edge-lb sched api-server auth.Auth cache.Get mysql.Query user.Profile cache.Get mysql.Query images.Filter blobstore.Get

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@rakyll bare metal kernel network stack cloud stack libraries frameworks your code

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@rakyll GET /timeline edge-lb sched api-server auth.Auth cache.Get mysql.Query user.Profile cache.Get mysql.Query images.Filter blobstore.Get not my fault

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@rakyll GET /timeline auth.Auth cache.Get mysql.Query user.Profile cache.Get mysql.Query images.Filter blobstore.Get cache.Get mysql.Query blob.Get where is the source code?

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@rakyll GET /timeline auth.Auth cache.Get mysql.Query user.Profile cache.Get mysql.Query images.Filter blobstore.Get cache.Get mysql.Query blob.Get who to call?

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@rakyll GET /timeline auth.Auth cache.Get mysql.Query user.Profile cache.Get mysql.Query images.Filter blobstore.Get cache.Get mysql.Query blob.Get give me the logs, runtime events, profiles...

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@rakyll Challenges...

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@rakyll This is an organizational problem. CHALLENGE #1:

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@rakyll Engineers don’t know where to start. CHALLENGE #2:

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@rakyll Infra is still a blackbox. CHALLENGE #3:

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@rakyll Instrumentation is expensive. CHALLENGE #4:

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@rakyll Dynamic capabilities are underestimated. CHALLENGE #5:

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@rakyll A tool to close knowledge gaps (which we don’t talk about)

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@rakyll Fin