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Why the LSST will change astrophysics forever Arfon Smith @arfon Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

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Why the LSST will change astrophysics forever Arfon Smith @arfon Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License might

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Why the LSST will change astrophysics forever Arfon Smith @arfon Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License should

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Why the LSST will change astrophysics forever Arfon Smith @arfon Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License will hopefully

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Arfon Smith @arfon Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License Some ideas we should steal from Open Source

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New tools. New ways of working.

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New tools. New ways of sharing.

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Methods and tools become increasingly important

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Complex (unpublished) things Numbers, data Science!

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Reproducibility Data intensive

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Open Source Software composed of many reusable components

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Your software is the thing that is different

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Open Source is modular

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Lots of people looking to solve the same problem

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Ubiquitous culture of reuse

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Where do communities form?

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Around a shared challenge?

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Around shared data?

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Supernovae Weak lensing Active Galactic Nuclei Solar System Galaxies Transients/variable stars Large-scale structure Stars, Milky Way Strong lensing Informatics and Statistics Dark Energy (DESC)

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10 ? n Level 1 (continual) Level 2 (periodic)

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LSST is a project that is inherently open

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Service Oriented Architecture > A service-oriented architecture (SOA) is an architectural pattern in computer software design in which application components provide services to other components via a communications protocol, typically over a network. The principles of service-orientation are independent of any vendor, product or technology.

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Service Oriented Astronomy > Service oriented astronomy (SOA) is an approach whereby researchers develop novel methods for common data analysis tasks that are shared as hosted services with their peers.

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Level 1 (continual) 10 n

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Stars Rocks Level 1 (continual) 10 n

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Stars Rocks SN WR NEOs Level 1 (continual) 10 n

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Stars Rocks SN WR NEOs Josh Bloom’s Type Ia supernovae Level 1 (continual) 10 n

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Your software is the thing that is different

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Your software is the thing that is different science

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How likely is something like this really?

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“Academic environments of today do not reward tool builders” Ed Lazowska, OSTP event

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Barriers are cultural, not technical

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Academic landscape is changing

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Open is the new normal

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Open Data is the least we can do

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Thanks. [email protected] @arfon "