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Dask - Parallelizing NumPy/Pandas Through Task Scheduling Jim Crist Continuum Analytics // // @jiminy_crist PyData NYC 2015

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A Motivating Example

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Ocean Temperature Data • Daily mean ocean temperature every 1/4 degree • 720 x 1440 array every day • data.noaa.oisst.v2.highres.html

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One year’s worth from netCDF4 import Dataset import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from numpy import flipud data = Dataset("").variables["sst"] year_mean = data[:].mean(axis=0) plt.imshow(flipud(year_mean), cmap="RdBu_r") plt.title("Average Global Ocean Temperature, 2015")

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36 year’s worth $ ls ... ... ... $ du -h 15G . 720 x 1440 x 12341 x 4 = 51 GB uncompressed!

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Can’t just load this all into Numpy… what now?

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Solution: blocked algorithms!

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Blocked Algorithms Blocked mean x = h5py.File('myfile.hdf5')['x'] # Trillion element array on disk sums = [] counts = [] for i in range(1000000): # One million times chunk = x[1000000*i: 1000000*(i+1)] # Pull out chunk sums.append(np.sum(chunk)) # Sum chunk counts.append(len(chunk)) # Count chunk result = sum(sums) / sum(counts) # Aggregate results

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Blocked Algorithms

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Blocked algorithms allow for • parallelism • lower ram usage The trick is figuring out how to break the computation into blocks. This is where dask comes in.

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Dask is: • A parallel computing framework • That leverages the excellent python ecosystem • Using blocked algorithms and task scheduling • Written in pure python

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dask.array • Out-of-core, parallel, n-dimensional array library • Copies the numpy interface • Arithmetic: +, *, … • Reductions: mean, max, … • Slicing: x[10:, 100:50:-2] • Fancy indexing: x[:, [3, 1, 2]] • Some linear algebra: tensordot, qr, svd, …

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Task Schedulers

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Task Schedulers

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But what about the GIL???

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Most Python Programs…

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x = np.arange(9000000).reshape((3000, 3000)) a = da.from_array(x, chunks=(750, 750))

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Out-of-core arrays import dask.array as da from netCDF4 import Dataset from glob import glob from numpy import flipud import matplotlib.pyplot as plt files = sorted(glob('*.nc')) data = [Dataset(f).variables['sst'] for f in files] arrs = [da.from_array(x, chunks=(24, 360, 360)) for x in data] x = da.concatenate(arrs, axis=0) full_mean = x.mean(axis=0) plt.imshow(np.flipud(full_mean), cmap='RdBu_r') plt.title('Average Global Ocean Temperature, 1981-2015')

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Out-of-core arrays

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Parallel, Out-of-core SVD

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Parallel, Out-of-core SVD Randomized

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dask.dataframe • Out-of-core, blocked parallel DataFrame • Mirrors pandas interface

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dask.dataframe • Elementwise operations: df.x + df.y • Row-wise selections: df[df.x > 0] • Aggregations: df.x.max() • groupby-aggregate: df.groupby(df.x).y.max() • Value counts: df.x.value_counts() • Resampling: df.x.resample('d', how=‘mean') • Expanding window: df.x.cumsum() • Joins: dd.merge(df1, df2, left_index=True, right_index=True)

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dask.dataframe • From csvs: dd.read_csv('*.csv') • From pandas: dd.from_pandas(some_pandas_object) • From castra: dd.from_castra('path_to_castra')

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Out-of-core dataframes • Yearly csvs of all American flights 1987-2008 • Contains information on times, airlines, locations, etc… • Roughly 121 million rows, 11GB of data •

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dask.bag • Out-of-core, unordered list • toolz + multiprocessing • map, filter, reduce, groupby, take, … • Good for log files, json blobs, etc…

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import dask.bag as db # Create a bag of tuples of (subreddit, body) b = db.from_castra('reddit.castra', columns=['subreddit', 'body'], npartitions=8) # Filter out comments not in r/MachineLearning matches_subreddit = b.filter(lambda x: x[0] == 'MachineLearning') # Convert each comment into a list of words, and concatenate words = matches_subreddit.pluck(1).map(to_words).concat() # Count the frequencies for each word, and take the top 100 top_words = words.frequencies().topk(100, key=1).compute() Example - Reddit Data

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from wordcloud import WordCloud # Make a word cloud from the results wc = WordCloud() wc = generate_from_frequencies(top_words) wc.to_image() Example - Reddit Data

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• Collections build task graphs • Schedulers execute task graphs • Graph specification = uniting interface

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Dask Specification • Dictionary of {name: task} • Tasks are tuples of (func, args...) (lispy syntax) • Args can be names, values, or tasks Python Code Dask Graph a = 1 b = 2 x = inc(a) y = inc(b) z = mul(x, y) dsk = {"a": 1, "b": 2, "x": (inc, "a"), "y": (inc, "b"), "z": (mul, "x", "y")}

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Dask collections fit many problems… … but not everything.

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Can create graphs directly def load(filename): ... def clean(data): ... def analyze(sequence_of_data): ... def store(result): with open(..., 'w') as f: f.write(result) dsk = {'load-1': (load, ''), 'load-2': (load, ''), 'load-3': (load, ''), 'clean-1': (clean, 'load-1'), 'clean-2': (clean, 'load-2'), 'clean-3': (clean, 'load-3'), 'analyze': (analyze, ['clean-%d' % i for i in [1, 2, 3]]), 'store': (store, 'analyze')}

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Or use dask.imperative @do def load(filename): ... @do def clean(data): ... @do def analyze(sequence_of_data): ... @do def store(result): with open(..., 'w') as f: f.write(result) files = ['', '', ''] loaded = [load(f) for f in files] cleaned = [clean(i) for i in loaded] analyzed = analyze(cleaned) stored = store(analyze)

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Custom Workflows! Can use dask.imperative to compose custom workflows easily!

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“For workloads that are processing multi-gigabytes rather than terabyte+ scale, a big-memory server may well provide better performance per dollar than a cluster.” “Nobody ever got fired for using Hadoop on a cluster”

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Not yet, but we’re working on it…

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Takeaways • Python can still handle large data using blocked algorithms • Dask collections form task graphs expressing these algorithms • Dask schedulers execute these graphs in parallel • Dask graphs can be directly created for custom pipelines

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Further Information • Docs: • Examples: • Try them online with Binder! • Blaze blog: • Chat: • Github:

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