Slide 7
Slide 7 text
#2023ReSAKSS #2023ATOR
Missing Links in Food Safety Management
• Generating credible evidence for risk assessment constrain food safety management
- Inform knowledge about FBD and risks;
- Efficiently allocate resources to control, prevent and intervene;
- Engage in evidenced-based food safety policies.
- Technology divide – big data, AI, blockchain, genome sequencing in profiling risks.
• The informal sector and domestic markets – more focus on the foreign trade and
market access issues.
• Weak or missing investment framework and incentives which preclude the adequate
budgetary allocation to FS issues and management.
• Poor implementation capacity – food safety workforce, quality infrastructure.
agencies, competent authorities. Sub-optimal use of scarce resources (Jaffee et al.,
• Food safety culture and norms – poor consumers’ consciousness and safe food
demand. Needing behavioural change interventions.