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Scene 1 Panel 1 / 8 Action Notes Camera PANS right across a table laden with dirty plates; a feast was had. Page 1/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 1 Panel 2 / 8 Action Notes Camera PANS right across a table laden with dirty plates; a feast was had. Page 2/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 1 Panel 3 / 8 Action Notes A hand enters screen from stage left holding a renge spoon. Page 3/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 1 Panel 4 / 8 Action Notes A hand enters screen from stage left holding a renge spoon. Page 4/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 1 Panel 5 / 8 Action Notes The hand drops the renge spoon amid the rest of the dirty dishes. Page 5/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 1 Panel 6 / 8 Action Notes The hand withdraws from where it came. A shadow darkens the frame. Page 6/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 1 Panel 7 / 8 Action Notes The shadow reveals a server putting their arms around a pile of dishes. Page 7/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 1 Panel 8 / 8 Action Notes Server grabs the big pile of dirty dishes. Page 8/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 2 Panel 1 / 4 Action Notes CUT to a wider shot of the tablescape. We see the hand belongs to Iroh sitting with his back to us. The server whips around with the Page 9/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea dishes and heads towards the kitchen in the distance.

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Scene 2 Panel 2 / 4 Action Notes Iroh rubs his belly in appreciation as the server heads towards the kitchen in the distance. Page 10/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 2 Panel 3 / 4 Action Notes Iroh continues to rub his belly. Page 11/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 2 Panel 4 / 4 Action Notes Iroh rubs his belly in appreciation as the server returns from the kitchen having dropped off all of the dishes in the back. Page 12/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 3 Panel 1 / 7 Dialog Azula: Here is your bill, sir. Page 13/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea Action Notes: CUT to a medium close-up of the server, revealed to be Azula.

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Scene 3 Panel 2 / 7 Dialog Azula: It was my... Page 14/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 3 Panel 3 / 7 Dialog Azula:...pleasure to serve you what I... Page 15/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 3 Panel 4 / 7 Dialog Azula: ...hope was a delicious feast! Page 16/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 3 Panel 5 / 7 Dialog Azula: My gratuity is completely based on your generosity. Page 17/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 3 Panel 6 / 7 Action Notes Azula smiles genially. Page 18/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 3 Panel 7 / 7 Dialog Azula: Thank you! Page 19/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea Action Notes: Azula looks down.

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Scene 4 Panel 1 / 3 Action Notes Azula drops the bill on the table. Page 20/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 4 Panel 2 / 3 Action Notes Azula drops the bill on the table. Page 21/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 4 Panel 3 / 3 Action Notes Azula drops the bill on the table. Page 22/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 5 Panel 1 / 5 Action Notes CUT to a medium shot of tablescape. Page 23/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 5 Panel 2 / 5 Action Notes Iroh stands up in the foreground. Page 24/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 5 Panel 3 / 5 Dialog Iroh: Page 25/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea Action Notes: Iroh passes in front of camera chuckling as he goes by.

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Scene 5 Panel 4 / 5 Action Notes Iroh walks off screen and Azula watches him go. Page 26/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 5 Panel 5 / 5 Action Notes Azula looks down at the bill. Page 27/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 6 Panel 1 / 2 Action Notes CUT to a close-up shot of the bill, with flies circling around it. Page 28/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 6 Panel 2 / 2 Action Notes Close-up shot of the bill, with flies circling around it. Page 29/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 7 Panel 1 / 4 Action Notes CUT to an up-shot of Azula looking horrified. Page 30/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 7 Panel 2 / 4 Action Notes Azula's expression changes to anger. Page 31/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 7 Panel 3 / 4 Action Notes Auzla looks towards screen right, focused on the dine and dasher. Page 32/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 7 Panel 4 / 4 Action Notes Camera zooms in on Azula's laser-focused expression. Page 33/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 8 Panel 1 / 5 Action Notes OTS - Iroh is walking calmly towards the door. Page 34/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 8 Panel 2 / 5 Action Notes OTS - The dish flies in screen left from off screen and smashes next to the wall near Iroh's head. Page 35/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 8 Panel 3 / 5 Action Notes OTS - The dish flies in screen left from off screen and smashes next to the wall near Iroh's head. Page 36/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 8 Panel 4 / 5 Action Notes Iroh turns towards camera as the dish falls to the ground. Page 37/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 8 Panel 5 / 5 Action Notes Iroh turns towards camera as the dish falls to the ground. Page 38/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 9 Panel 1 / 3 Dialog Azula: Your generosity is... Page 39/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea Action Notes: CUT to medium shot of Azula with the bill in her fingers.

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Scene 9 Panel 2 / 3 Dialog Azula: ...found... Page 40/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea Action Notes: Azula crumples the bill in her hand and flings it away.

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Scene 9 Panel 3 / 3 Dialog Azula: ...lacking. Page 41/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea Action Notes: Azula crumples the bill in her hand and flings it away.

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Scene 10 Panel 1 / 8 Action Notes CUT to medium shot of Iroh near the front check in desk by the door. There is a lucky cat statue sitting on the desk. Page 42/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 10 Panel 2 / 8 Action Notes Iroh digs in his pocket. Page 43/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 10 Panel 3 / 8 Dialog Iroh: Maybe... Page 44/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea Action Notes: Iroh pulls out a hundred dollar bill, raising it high up in his hand.

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Scene 10 Panel 4 / 8 Dialog Iroh: Page 45/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea Action Notes: Iroh waves it back and forth in his hand.

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Scene 10 Panel 5 / 8 Dialog Iroh: Page 46/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea Action Notes: Iroh waves it back and forth in his hand.

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Scene 10 Panel 6 / 8 Dialog Iroh: ...your... Page 47/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea Action Notes: Iroh makes a grand gesture of wildly smacking the money down on the desk.

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Scene 10 Panel 7 / 8 Dialog Iroh: ...lucky... Page 48/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea Action Notes: Iroh makes a grand gesture of wildly smacking the money down on the desk.

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Scene 10 Panel 8 / 8 Dialog Iroh:! Page 49/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea Action Notes: Iroh makes a grand gesture of wildly smacking the money down on the desk.

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Scene 11 Panel 1 / 1 Action Notes CUT to close-up shot of his hand smacking the money down on the desk. Page 50/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 12 Panel 1 / 2 Action Notes CUT to medium close-up of Azula surprised. Page 51/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 12 Panel 2 / 2 Action Notes Azula's eyes narrow. Page 52/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 14 Panel 1 / 4 Dialog Iroh: Then again... Page 53/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea Action Notes: CUT to wide shot of Iroh framing the lucky cat on the check-in desk.

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Scene 14 Panel 2 / 4 Action Notes Iroh grabs the lucky cat off the desk. Page 54/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 14 Panel 3 / 4 Dialog Iroh: ... maybe... Page 55/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea Action Notes: Iroh raises the cat above his head.

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Scene 14 Panel 4 / 4 Dialog Iroh: ... NOT!! Page 56/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea Action Notes: Iroh hurls the cat towards Azula.

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Scene 15 Panel 1 / 6 Action Notes CUT to wide shot of Azula between the table and sushi bar. Page 57/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 15 Panel 2 / 6 Action Notes Azula sees the lucky cat and bends her knees. Page 58/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 15 Panel 3 / 6 Action Notes Azula dodges the flying cat and jumps towards the sushi bar. Page 59/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 15 Panel 4 / 6 Action Notes Azula dodges the flying cat and jumps towards the sushi bar. Page 60/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 15 Panel 5 / 6 Action Notes Azula dodges the flying cat and jumps towards the sushi bar. Page 61/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 15 Panel 6 / 6 Action Notes The lucky cat crashes into several pieces as it hits the floor behind Azula. Page 62/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 16 Panel 1 / 2 Action Notes CUT to medium close-up of Iroh. Page 63/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 16 Panel 2 / 2 Action Notes Iroh frowns in dismay. Page 64/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 17 Panel 1 / 12 Action Notes CUT to medium shot of Azula recovering on the sushi bar. Page 65/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 17 Panel 2 / 12 Action Notes Azula spots the round tray on her right. Page 66/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 17 Panel 3 / 12 Action Notes Azula grabs, and pulls the tray towards her. Page 67/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 17 Panel 4 / 12 Action Notes Azula shoves the chair with her elbow, while pulling the tray closer towards her. Page 68/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 17 Panel 5 / 12 Action Notes Azula empties the tray. Page 69/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 17 Panel 6 / 12 Action Notes Azula empties the tray. Page 70/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 17 Panel 7 / 12 Action Notes Azula empties the tray. Page 71/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 17 Panel 8 / 12 Action Notes Azula empties the tray. Page 72/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 17 Panel 9 / 12 Action Notes She empties the tray, and flings it at Iroh. Page 73/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 17 Panel 10 / 12 Action Notes She empties the tray, and flings it at Iroh. Page 74/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 17 Panel 11 / 12 Action Notes She empties the tray, and flings it at Iroh. Page 75/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 17 Panel 12 / 12 Action Notes She empties the tray, and flings it at Iroh. Page 76/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 18 Panel 1 / 8 Action Notes CUT to wide shot of Iroh facing the oncoming tray. Page 77/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 18 Panel 2 / 8 Page 78/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 18 Panel 3 / 8 Action Notes Iroh tries to juke right, but as he turns, the tray catches his swinging arm robe fabric. Page 79/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 18 Panel 4 / 8 Action Notes Iroh tries to juke right, but as he turns, the tray catches his swinging arm robe fabric. Page 80/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 18 Panel 5 / 8 Action Notes Iroh tries to juke right, but as he turns, the tray catches his swinging arm robe fabric. Page 81/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 18 Panel 6 / 8 Action Notes Iroh tries to juke right, but as he turns, the tray catches his swinging arm robe fabric. Page 82/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 18 Panel 7 / 8 Action Notes Iroh falls to the ground. Page 83/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 18 Panel 8 / 8 Action Notes Iroh falls to the ground. Page 84/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 19 Panel 1 / 2 Action Notes CUT to medium shot of Azula leaning on the sushi counter. Page 85/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 19 Panel 2 / 2 Action Notes Azula walks towards camera and closer to Iroh. Page 86/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 20 Panel 1 / 2 Action Notes CUT to downshot of Iroh kneeling on the ground with the tray behind him. Page 87/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 20 Panel 2 / 2 Action Notes Iroh swings around on his knees facing camera and Azula. Page 88/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 21 Panel 1 / 9 Action Notes CUT to medium upshot of Azula walking towards camera. Page 89/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 21 Panel 2 / 9 Action Notes Azula walks closer. Page 90/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 21 Panel 3 / 9 Action Notes Azula leans in as the tray enters frame from stage right off screen. Page 91/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 21 Panel 4 / 9 Action Notes Azula leans in as the tray enters frame from stage right off screen. Page 92/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 21 Panel 5 / 9 Action Notes Azula leans in as the tray enters frame from stage right off screen. Page 93/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 21 Panel 6 / 9 Action Notes Azula leans back quickly as the tray swooshes in front of her. Page 94/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 21 Panel 7 / 9 Action Notes Azula leans back quickly as the tray swooshes in front of her. Page 95/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 21 Panel 8 / 9 Action Notes The tray barely misses Azula. Iroh's arm swipes in the camera foreground holding the tray. Page 96/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 21 Panel 9 / 9 Action Notes Azula straightens up, relieved. Page 97/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 22 Panel 1 / 4 Action Notes CUT to wide downshot of Iroh kneeling beside the tray fallen on the ground. Page 98/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 22 Panel 2 / 4 Action Notes Iroh looks up at Azula. Camera zooms in. Page 99/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 22 Panel 3 / 4 Action Notes Iroh thrusts his shoulder towards Azula, gripping his wrist for added support. Camera zooms in. Page 100/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 22 Panel 4 / 4 Action Notes Iroh thrusts his shoulder towards Azula, gripping his wrist for added support. Page 101/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 23 Panel 1 / 5 Action Notes CUT to reverse shot of Azula as Iroh thrusts his shoulder into her chest. Page 102/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 23 Panel 2 / 5 Action Notes Iroh thrusts his shoulder into Azula's chest. Page 103/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 23 Panel 3 / 5 Action Notes Azula flies backwards from the momentum. Page 104/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 23 Panel 4 / 5 Action Notes Azula flies backwards from the momentum. Page 105/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 23 Panel 5 / 5 Action Notes Azula falls backwards off screen. Iroh straightens up. Page 106/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 24 Panel 1 / 4 Action Notes CUT to medium downshot of Azula skidding backwards from her fall. Page 107/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 24 Panel 2 / 4 Action Notes Azula skids backwards from her fall. Page 108/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 24 Panel 3 / 4 Action Notes Azula skids backwards from her fall. Page 109/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 24 Panel 4 / 4 Action Notes Azula leans up, still seated on the ground. Page 110/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 25 Panel 1 / 5 Action Notes CUT to wide shot of Azula sitting on the ground looking up at Iroh, both in frame. Page 111/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 25 Panel 2 / 5 Action Notes Iroh walks towards Azula. Page 112/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 25 Panel 3 / 5 Action Notes Azula lean on her right arm, and raises her left leg high. Page 113/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 25 Panel 4 / 5 Action Notes Azula kicks Iroh in the stomach with her outstretched leg. Page 114/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 25 Panel 5 / 5 Action Notes Iroh falls backwards as Azula retracts her leg. Page 115/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 26 Panel 1 / 2 Action Notes CUT to wide shot of Iroh falling towards the sushi bar. Page 116/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 26 Panel 2 / 2 Action Notes Iroh grabs the ledge of the sushi bar to recover from his fall. Page 117/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 27 Panel 1 / 4 Action Notes CUT to a low, wide shot of Azula standing up to face Iroh. Page 118/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 27 Panel 2 / 4 Action Notes Azula stands up to face Iroh. Page 119/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 27 Panel 3 / 4 Action Notes Azula turns to face Iroh. Page 120/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 27 Panel 4 / 4 Action Notes Azula turns her back to the camera to face Iroh, still leaning against the sushi bar. Page 121/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 28 Panel 1 / 5 Page 122/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea Action Notes CUT to OTS of Azula, medium shot of Iroh.

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Scene 28 Panel 2 / 5 Action Notes CUT to OTS of Azula, medium shot of Iroh. Page 123/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 28 Panel 3 / 5 Action Notes Iroh steps towards Azula, and corks his right arm back. Page 124/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 28 Panel 4 / 5 Action Notes Iroh throws all his weight into his punch. Page 125/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 28 Panel 5 / 5 Action Notes Iroh's fist comes towards the screen. Page 126/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 29 Panel 1 / 4 Action Notes CUT to wide full shot OTS of Azula as Iroh is swinging around his arm for a punch. Page 127/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 29 Panel 2 / 4 Action Notes Azula leans back, hands in a defensive position, as Iroh's arm swishes right in front of her face and narrowly misses. Page 128/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 29 Panel 3 / 4 Action Notes Azula leans back, hands in a defensive position, as Iroh's arm swishes right in front of her face and narrowly misses. Page 129/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 29 Panel 4 / 4 Action Notes Azula grips the bicep tightly holding it tight in front of Iroh. Page 130/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 30 Panel 1 / 4 Action Notes CUT to medium close up of Azula's outstretched arms gripping Iroh's back bicep in front of him. Page 131/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 30 Panel 2 / 4 Action Notes Azula's right knee enters the frame from off screen. Page 132/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 30 Panel 3 / 4 Action Notes Azula plants her knee in Iroh's belly as she uses his bicep to thrust her knee. Page 133/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 30 Panel 4 / 4 Action Notes Iroh gets the breath knocked out of him. Page 134/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 31 Panel 1 / 4 Action Notes CUT to medium wide shot of Azula with her knee in Iroh's stomach. Page 135/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 31 Panel 2 / 4 Action Notes Iroh throws his weight back, pulling his arm from Azula's grip. Page 136/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 31 Panel 3 / 4 Action Notes Iroh throws his weight back, pulling his arm from Azula's grip. Page 137/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 31 Panel 4 / 4 Action Notes Pressing his hand into Azula's shoulder, Iroh pulls his arm from Azula's grip. Page 138/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 32 Panel 1 / 3 Action Notes CUT to close up shot of Azula's face with Iroh's hand still on her shoulder. Page 139/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 32 Panel 2 / 3 Action Notes Azula face is full of pain. Page 140/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 32 Panel 3 / 3 Action Notes Azula regains herself, fueled by the anger and pain. Page 141/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 33 Panel 1 / 4 Action Notes CUT to OTS Iroh gripping Azula's shoulder. Page 142/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 33 Panel 2 / 4 Action Notes Azula grabs the outer edge of Iroh's hand. Page 143/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 33 Panel 3 / 4 Action Notes Azula pulls Iroh's wrist towards her waist, twisting his arm behind his back. Page 144/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 33 Panel 4 / 4 Action Notes Azula pulls Iroh's wrist towards her waist, twisting his arm behind his back, and his shoulder forward. Page 145/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 34 Panel 1 / 8 Action Notes CUT to medium wide OTS of Azula gripping Iroh's left arm behind him. Page 146/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 34 Panel 2 / 8 Action Notes Azula raises her right leg, and puts her foot on the small of Iroh's back. Page 147/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 34 Panel 3 / 8 Action Notes Azula kicks her leg forward, and Iroh lurches towards the table near the front door. Camera pans with Iroh. Page 148/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 34 Panel 4 / 8 Action Notes Azula kicks her leg forward, and Iroh lurches towards the table near the front door. Camera pans with Iroh. Page 149/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 34 Panel 5 / 8 Action Notes Azula kicks her leg forward, and Iroh lurches towards the table near the front door. Camera pans with Iroh. Page 150/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 34 Panel 6 / 8 Action Notes Camera pans right, and Azula drifts back out of frame. Iroh collides with the round table. Page 151/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 34 Panel 7 / 8 Action Notes Iroh doubles over a chair tucked under the table, and kicks the other nearby chair, knocking them both over. Page 152/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 34 Panel 8 / 8 Action Notes Iroh lands on the floor along with the two chairs. Page 153/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 35 Panel 1 / 5 Action Notes CUT to medium shot of Azula hunching her shoulders, heaving breaths. Page 154/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 35 Panel 2 / 5 Action Notes Azula's shoulders raise and fall as she heaves her breath in. Page 155/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 35 Panel 3 / 5 Action Notes Azula's shoulders raise and fall as she heaves her breath out. Page 156/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 35 Panel 4 / 5 Action Notes Azula swipes the hair out of her eyes with her right hand. Page 157/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 35 Panel 5 / 5 Action Notes Azula swipes the hair out of her eyes with her right hand. Page 158/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 36 Panel 1 / 4 Action Notes CUT to medium down shot of Iroh crumpled on the floor with the chairs littered around him. Page 159/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 36 Panel 2 / 4 Action Notes Iroh raises his head off up off the floor and spots the nearby chair. Page 160/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 36 Panel 3 / 4 Action Notes Iroh raises his right knee up, angling his foot to kick the nearby chair. Page 161/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 36 Panel 4 / 4 Action Notes Iroh kicks his right leg out, and kicks the chair closer towards and directly in front of Azula . Page 162/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 37 Panel 1 / 5 Action Notes CUT to reverse medium shot of Iroh lying under the table, propped up on his left arm. Page 163/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 37 Panel 2 / 5 Action Notes Iroh turns towards the table base and reaches out with his right hand towards the base. Page 164/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 37 Panel 3 / 5 Action Notes Iroh lunges with both hands towards the table base in the camera foreground. Page 165/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 37 Panel 4 / 5 Action Notes Iroh grips the table base with both hands firmly. Page 166/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 37 Panel 5 / 5 Action Notes Iroh pulls the base towards Azula using all of his strength. Page 167/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 38 Panel 1 / 3 Action Notes CUT to low angle wide shot of Azula standing in front of the table and fallen chairs. Page 168/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 38 Panel 2 / 3 Action Notes The table is falling towards Azula. Page 169/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 38 Panel 3 / 3 Action Notes The huge table hits the edge of the nearest table and chairs causing them to domino tumble over. Page 170/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 39 Panel 1 / 3 Action Notes CUT to medium shot OTS of Azula as the chair the second table knocked over spins up knock into her. Page 171/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 39 Panel 2 / 3 Page 172/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 39 Panel 3 / 3 Action Notes The chair and table falling on Azula cause her to fall backwards towards camera. Page 173/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 40 Panel 1 / 6 Action Notes CUT to low angle medium shot of Azula lying on the ground with the fallen tables and chairs littered around her. Page 174/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 40 Panel 2 / 6 Action Notes Two hands appear on the farthest table. Page 175/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 40 Panel 3 / 6 Action Notes A head begins to peep out from behind the table between the set of hands. Page 176/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 40 Panel 4 / 6 Action Notes Iroh peeks his head and shoulders out from behind the fallen table. Page 177/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 40 Panel 5 / 6 Action Notes Azula lifts her head and sees Iroh behind the table. Page 178/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 40 Panel 6 / 6 Action Notes Azula looks to her right, and towards her outstretched right arm. Page 179/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 41 Panel 1 / 1 Action Notes CUT to close up of Azula's right hand with food scraps and plates on the floor near her hand. A bright green bowl of wasabi is toppled over. Page 180/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 42 Panel 1 / 3 Action Notes CUT to low angle wide shot of Azula lying on the ground and Iroh looking from behind the table. The wasabi is near Azula's hand. Page 181/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 42 Panel 2 / 3 Action Notes Azula cups her hand like a shovel. Page 182/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 42 Panel 3 / 3 Action Notes Azula scoops up a handful of wasabi and flings it at Iroh's face. Page 183/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 43 Panel 1 / 4 Action Notes CUT to medium shot of Iroh with the wasabi flying in from off screen stage left. Page 184/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 43 Panel 2 / 4 Dialog Page 185/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea Action Notes: The wasabi lands directly in Iroh's eyes and his head lurches back.

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Scene 43 Panel 3 / 4 Dialog Iroh: grunts and sounds of pain> Page 186/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea Action Notes: Iroh screams in pain raising his hands towards his eyes. "Whaaatt??!

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Scene 43 Panel 4 / 4 Dialog Iroh: "Aaaaahhhhh!" Page 187/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea Action Notes: Iroh scoops the wasabi off his eyes with both hands.

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Scene 44 Panel 1 / 2 Dialog Iroh: Page 188/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea Action Notes: CUT to extreme close up of Iroh's fingers scooping the wasabi out of his eyes.

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Scene 44 Panel 2 / 2 Dialog Iroh: Page 189/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea Azula: (O.S) Revenge... Action Notes: Iroh smears the wasabi out of his eyes revealing reddened, bloodshot, irritated eyes.

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Scene 45 Panel 1 / 2 Dialog Azula: a dish... Page 190/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea Action Notes: CUT to close up shot of Azula with a fierce expression and narrowed eyes.

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Scene 45 Panel 2 / 2 Dialog Azula: ... best served with wasabi! Page 191/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 46 Panel 1 / 3 Dialog Iroh: Page 192/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea Action Notes: CUT to low angle wide shot of Iroh on his knees, hands still gripping his face.

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Scene 46 Panel 2 / 3 Dialog Iroh: (Whimpers) Page 193/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea Action Notes: Iroh leans his had back, crying in pain.

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Scene 46 Panel 3 / 3 Dialog Iroh: Page 194/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea Action Notes: Iroh falls forward to the ground, defeated and crying.

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Scene 47 Panel 1 / 5 Action Notes CUT to wide shot of the $100 bill lying on the check-in desk near the front door. Page 195/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 47 Panel 2 / 5 Action Notes Azula enters from off screen stage left, her back to the camera. Page 196/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 47 Panel 3 / 5 Action Notes Azula swipes the bill off the desk with her right hand. Page 197/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 47 Panel 4 / 5 Action Notes Azula shoves the bill in her right pocket. Page 198/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 47 Panel 5 / 5 Action Notes Azula walks to the front door pushing her left hand against it and pushing it forward. Page 199/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 48 Panel 1 / 7 Action Notes CUT to reverse medium close up shot of the front door. Page 200/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 48 Panel 2 / 7 Action Notes The door opens slightly revealing Azula's face in the opening. Page 201/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 48 Panel 3 / 7 Dialog Azula: "Always..." Page 202/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea Action Notes: The sunlight peeking through the front door lands on Azula's face as her hand comes into frame holding sunglasses.

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Scene 48 Panel 4 / 7 Dialog Azula: ...tip your... Page 203/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea Action Notes: Azula puts the sunglasses on as she walks through the door.

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Scene 48 Panel 5 / 7 Dialog Azula: ...waitress! Page 204/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea Action Notes: Azula walks forward towards the camera, smiling.

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Scene 48 Panel 6 / 7 Action Notes Azula walks off screen stage right as the door closes behind her. Page 205/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea

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Scene 48 Panel 7 / 7 Action Notes Door closes shut. Page 206/206 Storyboard Artist: Alareece Di Andrea