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Ruby with types Soutaro Matsumoto

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• From Tokyo, Japan • Working for type of Ruby since 2004 Soutaro Matsumoto

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Outline • The overview of type checking for Ruby3 • Type checking benefits • Steep quick tour

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Ruby3 type checking • Detecting types of each Ruby expression statically to help developments • Performance is not our goal (it needs much more precise analysis) taiwan = Conference.find_by!(name: "RubyConf Taiwan", year: 2019) taiwan.talks.each do |talk| puts end

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Ruby3 type checking • Detecting types of each Ruby expression statically to help developments • Performance is not our goal (it needs much more precise analysis) taiwan = Conference.find_by!(name: "RubyConf Taiwan", year: 2019) taiwan.talks.each do |talk| puts end ::Conference

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Ruby3 type checking • Detecting types of each Ruby expression statically to help developments • Performance is not our goal (it needs much more precise analysis) taiwan = Conference.find_by!(name: "RubyConf Taiwan", year: 2019) taiwan.talks.each do |talk| puts end ::Conference () { (::Talk) -> void } -> self

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Ruby3 type checking • Detecting types of each Ruby expression statically to help developments • Performance is not our goal (it needs much more precise analysis) taiwan = Conference.find_by!(name: "RubyConf Taiwan", year: 2019) taiwan.talks.each do |talk| puts end ::String ::Conference () { (::Talk) -> void } -> self

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Ruby & types project From Ruby team Type checker developers Matz Koichi Sasada Yusuke Endoh Dmitry Petrashko and Sorbet team (Sorbet) Jeff Foster (RDL) Yusuke Endoh (type-profiler) Soutaro Matsumoto (Steep) Have meetings to discuss for collaboration, share the progress, and develop the foundation of type checking for Ruby

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Sub projects type-profiler Steep Sorbet RDL RBS ruby-signature Level 1 type checker Level 2 type checkers Type signature language

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Sub projects type-profiler Steep Sorbet RDL RBS ruby-signature Level 1 type checker Level 2 type checkers Type signature language Use/Generate Use

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Level 1 type checker • Type checking without any extra efforts • No type annotation, no signature of your program • Reads Ruby code without type annotations and infers the types as much as possible • Many expressions will be left untyped • No bugs can be found around the untyped expressions • Minimizing the cost for type checking sacrificing the precision/coverage

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Level 2 type checkers • You write inline type annotations as embedded DSL or comments • Detects types of most of Ruby expressions Sorbet Steep class Box extend T::Sig extend T::Generic Elem = type_member sig {returns(Elem)} attr_reader :x sig {params(x: Elem).returns(Elem)} attr_writer :x end box = Box[Integer].new class Box # @dynamic x attr_accessor :x end # @type var box: Box[Integer] box = box.x = "hello" class Box[X] attr_accessor x: X end

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The Ruby signature language • Ruby-like but different syntax • Defines the structure of Ruby programs • Classes, modules, mixin, and interfaces • Methods and instance variables • Generics, unions, tuples, optionals, ... • You can write types for most of the Ruby programs class Array[A] include Enumerable def []=: (Integer, A) -> A def []: (Integer) -> A? def each: { (A) -> void } -> self def partition: { (A) -> bool } -> [Array[A], Array[A]] ... end WIP

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Sub projects type-profiler Steep Sorbet RDL Level 1 type checker Level 2 type checkers Type signature language RBS ruby-signature

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Sub projects type-profiler Steep Sorbet RDL Level 1 type checker Level 2 type checkers Type signature language Will be part of Ruby3 RBS ruby-signature

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Type checking spectrum No type checking Type check your program with signature

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Type checking spectrum No type checking Type check your program with signature Type check your program with library signature

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Type checking spectrum No type checking Type check your program with signature Type check your program with library signature Auto-generate type signature

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Type checking spectrum No type checking Type check your program with signature Type check your program with library signature Write signature but no type checking Auto-generate type signature

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No type checking !

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Type check with library signature • You don't write signatures of your Ruby program • Use library signatures and infer the types of your Ruby code • You can try with level 1 type checker (type-profiler) • Level 2 type checkers detects some trivial problems (Sorbet, Steep) taiwan = Conference.find_by!(name: "RubyConf Taiwan", year: 2019) taiwan.talks.each do |talk| puts end Missing #speaker call

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Auto generate type signature • You don't write signatures of your Ruby program • Let type-profiler generate type signature of your Ruby program class Fib def fib(x) if x <= 1 x else fib(x-1) + fib(x-2) end end end puts Fib#fib :: (Integer) -> Integer

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Write signature but no type checking • Write type signature of your program to ship it with the gem • Run type-profiler with your tests to detect mismatches between your signature and tests class Fib def fib: (Integer) -> Integer end class FibTest < Minitest::Test def test_fib assert_equal 2, 3 assert_equal "two","three") assert_equal "ೋ","ࡾ") end end

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Write signature but no type checking • Write type signature of your program to ship it with the gem • Run type-profiler with your tests to detect mismatches between your signature and tests class Fib def fib: (Integer) -> Integer end class FibTest < Minitest::Test def test_fib assert_equal 2, 3 assert_equal "two","three") assert_equal "ೋ","ࡾ") end end class Fib def fib: (Integer) -> Integer | (String) -> String end

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Type check your code • Prepare the signature of your Ruby program and type check the implementation • You may write the signature manually • You may generate the signature with type-profiler class Box # @dynamic x attr_accessor :x end # @type var box: Box[Integer] box = box.x = "hello" Will require some inline type annotations

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Type checking spectrum No type checking Type check your program with signature Type check your program with library signature Write signature but no type checking Auto-generate type signature

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Type checking spectrum No type checking Type check your program with signature Type check your program with library signature Write signature but no type checking Auto-generate type signature

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Outline • The overview of type checking for Ruby3 • Type checking benefits • Steep quick tour

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Type checking benefits • Development experience improvements • Uncover bugs without running tests • Documentation with validation • Code navigations • Application quality improvements • Uncover bugs missed in tests • To help the development of advanced analyses

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NoMethodError (undefined method `update!' for nil:NilClass)

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conference = Conference.find_by(name: "RubyConf Taiwan") conference.update!(year: 2019)

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conference = Conference.find_by(name: "RubyConf Taiwan") conference.update!(year: 2019) (name: String) -> (Conference | nil)

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conference = Conference.find_by(name: "RubyConf Taiwan") conference.update!(year: 2019) Conference | nil (name: String) -> (Conference | nil)

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conference = Conference.find_by(name: "RubyConf Taiwan") conference.update!(year: 2019) Conference | nil (name: String) -> (Conference | nil) NoMethodError (undefined method `update!' for nil:NilClass)

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conference = Conference.find_by(name: "RubyConf Taiwan") if conference conference.update!(year: 2019) end conference = Conference.find_by!(name: "RubyConf Taiwan") conference.update!(year: 2019) Test if it is nil before using the value Use find_by! instead and abort if there is no record

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conference = Conference.find_by(name: "RubyConf Taiwan") send_notification_to_attendees(conference) Conference | nil

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conference = Conference.find_by(name: "RubyConf Taiwan") send_notification_to_attendees(conference) Conference | nil (Conference) -> void (Conference | nil) -> void

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Working with nils safely • The only way to avoid nil dereference error is by testing if it is nil or not • What if your teammate changes a value to nilable? • Type checkers will tell you if you forget the test • We can generalize to any union types type json = nil | Numeric | String
 | TrueClass | FalseClass 
 | Array[json] | Hash[String, json] • Best fit for case / case-in

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Outline • The overview of type checking for Ruby3 • Type checking benefits • Steep quick tour

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Steep Key ideas • Structural subtyping (for duck typing) • Doesn't change runtime behavior at all $ gem install steep

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class Conference attr_reader :name attr_reader :talks def initialize(name:) @name = name @talks = [] end def speakers talks.each(&:speaker) # Should be #map call end end conference ="RubyConf Taiwan") # Should be a keyword argument conference.talks <<

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class Conference attr_reader name: String attr_reader talks: Array[Talk] def initialize: (name: String) -> void def speakers: -> Array[Speaker] end class Talk ... end class Speaker ... end class Conference attr_reader :name attr_reader :talks def initialize(name:) @name = name @talks = [] end def speakers talks.each(&:speaker) end end conference ="RubyConf Taiwan") conference.talks <<

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class Conference attr_reader :name attr_reader :talks def initialize(name:) @name = name @talks = [] end def speakers talks.each(&:speaker) end end conference ="RubyConf Taiwan") conference.talks << class Conference attr_reader name: String attr_reader talks: Array[Talk] def initialize: (name: String) -> void def speakers: -> Array[Speaker] end class Talk ... end class Speaker ... end ArgumentTypeMismatch: receiver=singleton(::Conference), expected={ :name => ::String }, actual=::String

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class Conference attr_reader :name attr_reader :talks def initialize(name:) @name = name @talks = [] end def speakers talks.each(&:speaker) end end conference ="RubyConf Taiwan") conference.talks << class Conference attr_reader name: String attr_reader talks: Array[Talk] def initialize: (name: String) -> void def speakers: -> Array[Speaker] end class Talk ... end class Speaker ... end MethodBodyTypeMismatch: method=speakers, expected=::Array[::Speaker], actual=::Array[::Talk]

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Duck typing support interface _DumpTo def <<: (String) -> any end class Conference ... def dump_titles: (_DumpTo) -> void end # conference.dump_titles("") # conference.dump_titles([]) # Error conference.dump_titles(3)

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No runtime invasion • Inline type annotations of Steep are comments • Better for libraries: • Your library users would not want to install Steep • You can keep # of runtime dependencies as small as possible spec.add_development_dependency "steep"

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Recap • Plan for Ruby3 type checking • We provide several options to adopt type checking • Level 2 type checkers will make Ruby more powerful • Helps to handle nils safely • Best fit for case / case-in • Steep is the best option for Ruby type checking [my personal opinion]

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References • Projects • • • • • • Sider • •