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Best Practices From 10 Years of Remote UX Research

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UX Research vs. Remote UX Research vs. User Research

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Watching people use interfaces in order to design better interfaces

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 Humans observing humans 99% 

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• UX Research (Facebook, Google) • Experience Research (AirBnB) • Insights (Netflix) • Design Research (Uber) • User Research (So Many People) INTERCHANGEABLE TERMS

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Analytics Data Science Quantitative Research User Research UX Research Usability User Research 1:1 Observation Lean Research

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TEXT Geography of remote UX Research

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Btw I’m Nate Bolt

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How To Plan, Recruit, and Conduct Remote UX Research

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1. Ask the right questions 
 AKA Conversations with Stakeholders

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Figuring out the right question(s) is tricky

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Quantitative research lets us test our assumptions, and qualitative research lets us find out what we don't know. “ ”

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What do our customers/ users/humans want? “ ”

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• site • Mental Models by Indi Young • Just Enough Research by Erika Hall • Cognition in The Wild by Ed Hutchins • Complete Beginner's Guide to Design Research • Observing the User Experience: A Practitioner's Guide to User Research A Deeper Read

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2. Try to Incorporate Data •Surveys •Experiments (A/B, etc) •System data •Purchase Behavior

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3. Identify Testing Goals

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What do our customers/ users/humans want? “ ”

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(and write them down in a G&O and then in a Moderator Script)

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3. Recruit real humans

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The Recruiting Spectrum Grab Someone in Your Office Live Customer Intercept Recruiting Agency

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4. Combine Tools & Methods

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Observe Behavior

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5. Collaborate don’t report

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And how does this fit into the design process?

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Understand Prototype Build

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Understand • review existing research • focus groups • interviews • ethnography • surveys • card sorts • data analysis • diary studies

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Prototype • participatory design • collaborative design • brainstorming techniques • heuristic evaluation • paper prototype testing • static mock testing

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Build • usability testing • heuristic evaluation • diary study • A/B test • field testing

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1. Identify Testing Goals 2. Incorporate Data 3. Recruit Real Humans 4. Combine tools & methods 5. Collaborate Don’t Report How To Plan, Recruit, and Conduct Remote UX Research

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Pitfalls And Now Some Common

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Decision Theory & Adaptive Systems Group

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• Hypothetical Questions • A False Premise • Opinions are worthless Some Common Pitfalls of Remote UX Research

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• Behavior • Context • Behavior Best Practices From 10 Years of Remote UX Research

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• Bandwidth (games) • Security (prototypes) • Translation (time) • Rapport (lacking) Even More Pitfalls

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How & When to Run Rapid Remote UX Research

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46 Million Americans That’s 22 Million Households 15% of the country

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Now what percentage of those 46 million were employed within a year of receiving food assistance?

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> 80%

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So these are working people. People with families. Teachers, etc. How do they apply?

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90 Minutes / 53 Days up to

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Alan Williams Design Lead, SNAP Caroline Hays Health Focus Area Intern Jacob Soloman Policy analyst and project manager

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SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) Let’s Try the Interface for a Application

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Just Stop

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30 phone interviews 10 minutes each 58 unique experiences in California

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And 15 Follow-Up Phone Interviews

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Quant & Qual

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11 Minutes / 53 Days (?)

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• 30 Remote Interviews • Real context • 15 Follow-Ups • Little to No Report • Input straight to designer & engineer Best Practices From 10 Years of Remote UX Research

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• Easy, cheap, & fast phone interviews • Quick “Guerilla” Human Observation • No statistical significance • Behavior repeats over small samples • Combine with other inputs Best Practices From 10 Years of Remote UX Research

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Top Tools for Remote UX Research

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“At least a little behavioral” - Marv Surveys. Web Analytics.

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Five Categories •Mobile (spans other categories) •Moderated (screen-sharing + audio) •Self-moderated ( •Automated (loop11, usabilla) •Fancy Analytics on Steroids (crazyegg)

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Conceptual For A Long Time Self-Moderated Moderated Web Analytics Automated Static Automated Live

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Tasks On Concepts For A Long Time People Talk To A Machine Talk To People Fancy-Ass Analytics Task Bar On Images Task Bar On A Live Site

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I.A. & Navigation For Ad Agencies Ammunition Insight Just Better Analytics Still More Ammunition More Ammunition

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Conceptual For A Long Time Self-Moderated Moderated Web Analytics Automated Static Automated Live Deep Behavioral Ux Insight

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Opinions Conceptual For A Long Time Self-Moderated Moderated Web Analytics Automated Static Automated Live

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Ad Agencies Love It Conceptual For A Long Time Self-Moderated Moderated Web Analytics Automated Static Automated Live

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USABILLA Clicks & Questions Heatmaps You do your own recruiting $49 - $199

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If NASA can do THIS from 153 million miles away, we can meet our users where they are, even if we’re a couple thousand miles away.

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Thanks for attending Go run some awesome remote UX research

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• site • Mental Models by Indi Young • Just Enough Research by Erika Hall • Cognition in The Wild by Ed Hutchins • Complete Beginner's Guide to Design Research • Observing the User Experience: A Practitioner's Guide to User Research A Deeper Read

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