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Introduction to Python Sushant Mane President @Walchand Linux User's Group

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What is Python? ● Python is a programming language that lets you work quickly and integrate systems more effectively. ● Interpreted ● Object Oriented ● Dynamic language ● Multi-purpose

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Let's be Comfortable ● Let’s try some simple math to get started! >>>print 1 + 2 >>>print 10 * 2 >>>print 5 - 3 >>>print 4 * 4

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help() for help ● To get help on any Python object type help(object) eg. To get help for abs function >>>help(abs) ● dir(object) is like help() but just gives a quick list of the defined symbols >>>dir(sys)

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Basic Data type's ● Numbers – int – float – complex ● Boolean ● Sequence – Strings – Lists – Tuples

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Why built-in Types? ● Make programs easy to write. ● Components of extensions. ● Often more efficient than custom data structures. ● A standard part of the language

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Core Data Types Row 1 Row 2 Row 3 Row 4 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Object type literals/creation Numbers 1234, 3.1415, 3+4j, Decimal, Fraction Strings 'spam', “india's", b'a\x01c' Lists [1, [2, 'three'], 4] Dictionaries {'food': 'spam', 'taste': 'yum'} Tuples (1, 'spam', 4, 'U') Files myfile = open(‘python', 'r') Sets set('abc'), {'a', 'b', 'c'} Other core types Booleans, type, None Program unit types Functions, modules, classes

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Variables ● No need to declare ● Need to initialize ● Almost everything can be assigned to a variable

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Numeric Data Types

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int >>>a = 3 >>>a ● a is a variable of the int type

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long >>>b = 123455L >>>b = 12345l ● b is a long int ● For long -- apeend l or L to number

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float >>>p = 3.145897 >>>p ● real numbers are represented using the float ● Notice the loss of precision ● Floats have a fixed precision

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complex >>c = 3 + 4j ● real part : 3 ● imaginary part : 4 >>c.real >>c.imag >>abs(c) ● It’s a combination of two floats ● abs gives the absolute value

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Numeric Operators ● Addition : 10 + 12 ● Substraction : 10 - 12 ● Division : 10 / 17 ● Multiplication : 2 * 8 ● Modulus : 13 % 4 ● Exponentiation : 12 ** 2

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Numeric Operators ● Integer Division (floor division) >>>10 / 17 0 ● Float Division >>>10.0 / 17 0.588235 >>>flot(10) / 17 0.588235 ● The first division is an integer division ● To avoid integer division, at least one number should be float

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Variables And Assignment

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Variables ● All the operations could be done on variables >>>a = 5 >>>b = 3.4 >>>print a, b

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Assignments ● Assignment >>>c = a + b ● c = c / 3 is equivalent to c /= 3 ● Parallel Assignment >>>a, b = 10, 12 >>>c, d, red, blue = 123, 121, 111, 444

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Booleans and Operations ● All the operations could be done on variables >>>t = True >>>t >>>f = not True >>>f >>>f or t ● can use parenthesis. >>>f and (not t)

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Container Data Types i.e. Sequences

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Sequences ● Hold a bunch of elements in a sequence ● Elements are accessed based on position in the sequence ● The sequence data-types – list – tuple – dict – str

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list ● Items are enclosed in [ ] and separated by “ , ” constitute a list >>>list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] ● Items need not to have the same type ● Like indexable arrays ● Extended at right end ● List are mutable (i.e. will change or can be changed) ● Example >>>myList = [631, “python”, [331, ”computer” ]]

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List Methods ● append() : myList.append(122) ● insert() : myList.insert(2,”group”) ● pop() : myList.pop([i] ) ● reverse() : myList.reverse() ● sort() : myList.sort([ reverse=False] ) – where [] indicates optional

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Tuples ● Items are enclosed in ( ) and separated by ”, ” constitute a list >>>tup = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) ● Nesting is Possible ● Outer Parentheses are optional ● tuples are immutable (i.e. will never change cannot be changed) ● Example >>>myTuple = (631, “python”, [ 331 , ”computer” ])

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Tuple Methods Concatenation : myTuple + (13, ”science”) Repeat : myTuple * 4 Index : myTuple[i] Length : len( myTuple ) Membership : ‘m’ in myTuple

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Strings . . . ● Contiguous set of characters in between quotation marks eg. ”wceLinuxUsers123Group” ● Can use single or double quotes >>>st = 'wceWlug' >>>st = ”wceWlug”

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Strings . . . ● three quotes for a multi-line string. >>> ''' Walchand . . . Linux . . . Users . . . Group''' >>> ”””Walchand . . . Linux . . . Users . . . Group”””

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Strings Operators ● “linux"+"Users" 'linuxUsers' # concatenation ● "linux"*2 'linuxlinux' # repetition ● "linux"[0] 'l' # indexing ● "linux"[-1] 'x' # (from end) ● "linux"[1:4] 'iu' # slicing ● len("linux") 5 # size ● "linux" < "Users" 1 # comparison ● "l" in "linux" True # search

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Strings Formating ● % ● Can usually just use %s for everything, it will convert the object to its String representation. ● eg. >>> "One, %d, three" % 2 'One, 2, three' >>> "%d, two, %s" % (1,3) '1, two, 3' >>> "%s two %s" % (1, 'three') '1 two three'

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Strings and Numbers >>>ord(text) ● converts a string into a number. ● Example: ord("a") is 97, ord("b") is 98, ...

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Strings and Numbers >>>chr(number) ● Example: chr(97) is 'a', chr(98) is 'b', ...

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Python : No Braces ● Uses indentation instead of braces to determine the scope of expressions ● Indentation : space at the beginning of a line of writing eg. writing answer point-wise

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Python : No Braces ● All lines must be indented the same amount to be part of the scope (or indented more if part of an inner scope) ● forces the programmer to use proper indentation ● indenting is part of the program!

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Python : No Braces ● All lines must be indented the same amount to be part of the scope (or indented more if part of an inner scope) ● forces the programmer to use proper indentation ● indenting is part of the program!

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Control Flow

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Control Flow ● If statement : powerful decision making statement ● Decision Making And Branching ● Used to control the flow of execution of program ● Basically two-way decision statement

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If Statement >>> x = 12 >>> if x <= 15 : y = x + 15 >>> print y ● if condition : statements Indentation

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If-else Statement ● if condition : Statements else : Statements >>> x = 12 >>> if x <= 15 : y = x + 13 Z = y + y else : y = x >>> print y

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If-elif Statement ● if condition : Statements elif condition : Statements else : Statements >>> x = 30 >>> if x <= 15 : y = x + 13 elif x > 15 : y = x - 10 else : y = x >>> print y

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Looping ● Decision making and looping ● Process of repeatedly executing a block of statements

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while loop ● while condition : Statements >>> x = 0 >>> while x <= 10 : x = x + 1 print x >>> print “x=”,x

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Loop control statement break Jumps out of the closest enclosing loop continue Jumps to the top of the closest enclosing loop

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while – else clause ● while condition : Statements else : Statements >>> x = 0 >>> while x <= 6 : x = x + 1 print x else : y = x >>> print y The optional else clause runs only if the loop exits normally (not by break)

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For loop >>>for n in [1,5,7,6]: print n >>>for x in range(4): print x iterating through a list of values

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range() ● range(N) generates a list of numbers [0,1, ...,N-1] ● range(i , j, k) ● I --- start (inclusive) ● j --- stop (exclusive) ● k --- step

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For – else clause ● for var in Group : Statements else : Statements >>>for x in range(9): print x else : y = x >>> print y For loops also may have the optional else clause

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User : Input >>> var = input(“Enter your name :”) >>> var = raw_input(“Enter your name & BDay”) ● The raw_input(string) method returns a line of user input as a string ● The parameter is used as a prompt

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functions ● Code to perform a specific task. ● Advantages: ● Reducing duplication of code ● Decomposing complex problems into simpler pieces ● Improving clarity of the code ● Reuse of code ● Information hiding

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functions ● Basic types of functions: ● Built-in functions Examples are: dir() len() abs() ● User defined Functions created with the ‘ def ’ keyword.

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Defining functions >>> def f(x): … return x*x >>> f(1) >>> f(2) ● def is a keyword ● f is the name of the function ● x the parameter of the function ● return is a keyword; specifies what should be returned

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Calling a functions >>>def printme( str ): >>> #"This prints a passed string into this function" >>> print str; >>> return; … To call function, printme >>>printme(“HELLO”); Output HELLO

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modules ● A module is a python file that (generally) has only ● definitions of variables, ● functions and ● classes

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Importing modules Modules in Python are used by importing them. For example, 1] import math This imports the math standard module. >>>print math.sqrt(10)

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Importing modules.... 2] >>>from string import whitespace only whitespace is added to the current scope >>>from math import * all the elements in the math namespace are added

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creating module Python code for a module named ‘xyz’ resides in a file named Ex. >>> def print_func( par ): print "Hello : ", par return The import Statement: import module1[, module2[,... moduleN] Ex: >>>import support >>>support.print_func(“world!”);

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Doc-Strings ● It’s highly recommended that all functions have documentation ● We write a doc-string along with the function definition >>> def avg(a, b): … """ avg takes two numbers as input and returns their average""" … return (a + b)/2 >>>help(avg)

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Returning multiple values Return area and perimeter of circle, given radius Function needs to return two values >>>def circle(r): … pi = 3.14 … area = pi * r * r … perimeter = 2 * pi * r … return area, perimeter >>>a, p = circle(6) >>>print a

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File Handling

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Basics of File Handling ● Opening a file: Use file name and second parameter-"r" is for reading, the "w" for writing and the "a" for appending. eg. >>>fh = open("filename_here", "r") ● Closing a file used when the program doesn't need it more. >>>fh.close()

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functions File Handling Functions available for reading the files: read, readline and readlines. ● The read function reads all characters. >>>fh = open("filename", "r") >>>content =

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functions File Handling ● The readline function reads a single line from the file >>>fh = open("filename", "r") >>>content = fh.readline() ● The readlines function returns a list containing all the lines of data in the file >>>fh = open("filename", "r") >>>content = fh.readlines()

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Write and write lines To write a fixed sequence of characters to a file: >>>fh = open("hello.txt","w") >>>fh.write("Hello World")

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Write and writelines You can write a list of strings to a file >>>fh = open("hello.txt", "w") >>>lines_of_text = ["a line of text", "another line of text", "a third line"] >>>fh.writelines(lines_of_text)

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Renaming Files Python os module provides methods that help you perform file-processing operations, such as renaming and deleting files. rename() Method >>>import os >>>os.rename( "test1.txt", "test2.txt" )

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Deleting Files remove() Method >>>os.remove(file_name)

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OOP Class

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Class A set of attributes that characterize any object of the class. The attributes are data members (class variables and instance variables) and methods Code: class Employee: empCount = 0 def __init__(self, name, salary): = name self.salary = salary Employee.empCount += 1 def displayCount(self): print "Total Employee %d" % Employee.empCount

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Class ● empCount is a class variable shared among all instances of this class. This can be accessed as Employee.empCount from inside the class or outside the class. ● first method __init__() is called class constructor or initialization method that Python calls when a new instance of this class is created. ● You declare other class methods like normal functions with the exception that the first argument to each method is self.

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Class Creating instances emp1 = Employee("Zara", 2000) Accessing attributes emp1.displayEmployee()

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Queries ?

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thank you !