Scala 3
A Quick Tour
Singapore Scala Programmers - May 2021
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• Software Engineer
living in London UK
• Scala Lover ❤
• OS Maintainer
• Author of
"Get Programming with Scala"
by Manning
35% OFF with code "scala3party"
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Scala 3 is here!
• After 8 years of work
• 28,000 commits
• 7,400 pull requests
• 4,100 closed issues
• ...released on May 13th, 2021!
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An overview
sealed abstract class Color(val rgb: Int)
case object Red extends Color(0xFF0000)
case object Green extends Color(0x00FF00)
case object Blue extends Color(0x0000FF)
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sealed abstract class Color(val rgb: Int)
case object Red extends Color(0xFF0000)
case object Green extends Color(0x00FF00)
case object Blue extends Color(0x0000FF)
enum Color(val rgb: Int):
case Red extends Color(0xFF0000)
case Green extends Color(0x00FF00)
case Blue extends Color(0x0000FF)
Improved Error Messages
Arrested Developers
What the Scala Compiler & Lucille Bluth
Have In Common
by Fiona Condon, NeScala 2017
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Improved Error Messages
def echo(str: String): Unit = {
def echoTwice(str: String): String = {
echo(str) match {
case x: String => s"$x$x"
Compatibility with 2.13
Migrating to Scala 3
is easy* !
* if you are using Scala 2.13
* if you don't have macros in your code
Scala 3 Migration Guide
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Thank You!
•Twitter: @DanielaSfregola
•"Get Programming with Scala"
by Manning
35% OFF with code "scala3party"