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Service Mesh Day Recap: Intro to Service Mesh #cloudnativejp #8 #servicemeshday 19.06.04 @sakajunquality

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About me - Jun Sakata - @sakajunquality - Google Developers Expert, Cloud - Working at Ubie, Inc. - #ServiceMesh #DarkTheme

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- Service Mesh Day - Day 0: Workshop - Why Istio and Envoy are the future of networking for distributed systems - Envoy as the standard data plane and where its going Agenda

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Service Mesh Day - First Service Mesh Conference - 2019.03.29 San Francisco - Pre Conference (Workshop + LT ) + 1 Day Full Conference - / @servicemeshday

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Day 0: Workshop

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Day 0: Workshop - Zack Butcher ( @ZackButcher ), Tetrate - Intro to Istio and Envoy - Istio background + Istio Component + hands-on workshop on GKE - Source Codes:

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- Introduction - Monitor your network - Connect and manage traffic - Secure your environment Day 0: Workshop

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- Observability - Reliability - Service Discovery - Security - ... Why Service Mesh?

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- Observability - Reliability - Service Discovery - Security - ... Why Service Mesh? Monitor how services are communicated

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- Observability - Reliability - Service Discovery - Security - ... Why Service Mesh? How reliable the connection

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- Observability - Reliability - Service Discovery - Security - ... Why Service Mesh? Where to communicate

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- Observability - Reliability - Service Discovery - Security - ... Why Service Mesh? Communicate Securely

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- Observability - Reliability - Service Discovery - Security - ... Why Service Mesh? Modern distributed systems are sophisticated!!

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Why Istio and Envoy are the future of networking for distributed systems

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Why Istio and Envoy are the future of networking for distributed systems - Eric Brewer ( @eric_brewer ), Google - Session Video -

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What is Istio?

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What is Istio? - from Istio lets you connect, secure, control, and observe services

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What is Istio? - from Louis Ryan’s talk An open services platform to manage service interactions across container -and VM-based workloads

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What is Istio? - Eric Brewer Enables 1000s of services

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What is Istio? - Eric Brewer Enables 1000s of services Automate Security Automate Observation Automate Traffic Management ...

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What is Istio? - Eric Brewer’s real answer Decouples developers from operations

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What is Istio? - Eric Brewer’s real answer Decouples developers from operations Policies Infra related code ...

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What is Istio? - Eric Brewer’s real answer Decouples developers from operations Network

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What is Istio? - Eric Brewer’s real answer Decouples developers from operations Business Logic

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e.g. - If ACL is defined in each applications… - Circuit breakers in multiple languages... Policies out of the source code

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e.g. - If ACL is defined in each applications… - Circuit breakers in multiple languages... Policies out of the source code Don’t make policies to launch service!

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e.g. - If ACL is defined in each applications… - Circuit breakers in multiple languages... Policies out of the source code Ease of Change Centralized Control

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Cloud Native

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Cloud Native - Moving Legacy to the right infrastructure VMs / Disks not a productive infrastructure ...

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Cloud Native - Moving Legacy to the right infrastructure More cost effective

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Cloud Native - Moving Legacy to the right infrastructure What we wanted is the ability to do something with services and APIs.

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Services and APis - Different Languages - Different teams Works Independently!!

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Services and APis - Different Languages - Different teams Istio’s role is to make a service work well

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Envoy as the standard data plane and where its going

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Why Istio and Envoy are the future of networking for distributed systems - Matt Klein ( @mattklein123 ), Lyft and the creator of Envoy - Session Video -

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What is envoy - L4 L7 proxy - OSS from Lyft - Used in Istio sidecar

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Envoy as a universal data plane

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What is Envoy? - The network should be transparent to applications. When network and application problems do occur it should be easy to determine the source of the problem.

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- Network should be transparent - boring network plumbing - L3 L4 - Developers focus on business logic - L7 The original goal of envoy project

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What is Envoy? - The network should be transparent to applications. When network and application problems do occur it should be easy to determine the source of the problem.

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What is Envoy? - The network should be transparent to applications. When network and application problems do occur it should be easy to determine the source of the problem. boring network plumbing

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What is Istio? - Eric Brewer’s real answer Decouples developers from operations

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What is Istio? - Eric Brewer’s real answer Decouples developers from operations L3 L4

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What is Istio? - Eric Brewer’s real answer Decouples developers from operations L7 Application

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Envoy as a Universal data plane - API gateway - Edge proxy - Service to service proxy - Middle proxy - etc... The original goal of envoy project

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The original goal of envoy project

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Envoy Users

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Why is Envoy?

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Why Envoy? - Performance - Reliability - Modern codebase - Best-in-class operability - Extensibility - Configuration API - Community

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High Performance - High Performance / Low Latency Code base

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Modern codebase - Modern C++11 code base - Hosted in GitHub -

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Best-in-class operability - Stats - Logging - Tracing - etc...

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Extensibility - L4 and L7 pluggable filtering - => (from OSS perspective…) - don't want to get overwhelmed with people having to change the core

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Extensibility: webassembly - KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2019 - -

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Configuration API - v.s. flat configuration file e.g. nginx, haproxy... - API driven configuration <= Cloud Native - xDS APIs

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xDS API v2 x Discovery Service - Route Discovery Service (RDS) - Listener Discovery Service (LDS) - Secret Discovery Service (SDS) - etc...

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Community - No Premium Version - 100% OSS - => differentiated success - e.g. AWS AppMesh

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Expanding Service Mesh Without Envoy

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Envoy? Istio? - In another perspective - L3 things works well with hardware - Things might work well with eBPF - Not on general purpose CPU - It would be better if we can control L3-7 in the same yaml

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Why Service Mesh / Istio? - Decouples developers from operations

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Why Envoy? - Performance - Reliability - Modern codebase - Best-in-class operability - Extensibility - Configuration API - Community

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Why Envoy? Is there xDS API compatible proxy other than envoy…?

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Thank you

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Links - Service Mesh Day YouTube - - Lyft's Envoy: From Monolith to Service Mesh - Matt Klein, Lyft @Qcon -