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ooc The Quest for the Holy Grail 2010 Amos Wenger

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Roadmap I. The origins II. The best of both worlds III. Syntactic sweets IV. Rocking out V. The legacy VI. Agora 2010 Amos Wenger

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The Original Sin ● After years of self-teaching ➔ The Games Factory/MultiMedia Fusion ➔ C++/OpenGL/SDL ➔ Java/Xith3D/JOODE ● Back to the real world ➔ A C school project ➔ Deadline: 6 months ➔ No object-orientation in sight I. The origins

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The fool who challenged the gods ● A dead-end idea ➔ Java-derived syntax ➔ No structure ➔ ...instead of working on the actual project ● MOD (Miracle-Oriented Development) ➔ Naive « translator » ➔ No error checking ➔ Bug-ridden I. The origins

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The first-born ● ooc 0.1 ➔ Written in Java, 11K SLOC ➔ Generates C code ➔ Handed in along with the real project ➔ « Real » project developed in a few days ➔ Success! « Version 1.0 sucks, but ship it anyway » Jeff Atwood (CodingHorror) I. The origins

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A curious alchemy I. The origins

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The test of time ● 4 rewrites later ➔ Syntax evolved ➔ Still written in Java ➔ Type inference ➔ Generics (horribly implemented) ● Meanwhile, on #ooc-lang/Freenode ➔ A self-hosting effort is started I. The origins

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A dream come true ● In just a few weeks ➔ rock = ooc port of the j/ooc compiler ➔ first real community effort ➔ serious cleanups ● A few more weeks, and ➔ rock compiled itself! ➔ again... ➔ and again... ➔ (with a spoon) I. The origins

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C vs Java ● Low-level ● « Simple » ● « Lightweight » ● Fuckload of libraries ● « Object-oriented » ● « Safe » ● « Modular » ● Garbage-collected Can't we have both? II. The best of both worlds

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ooc in a nutshell ● Modularity ➔ import = Modules ➔ use = Libraries ● Types ➔ cover = base types from C ➔ class = simple inheritance, interface, enum ● Functions ➔ name: func (…) -> Type { … } ➔ first-class, overload, defaults, varargs II. The best of both worlds

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ooc in a coconut shell ● Generics ➔ identity: func (t: T) T { t } → ● try, catch = Exceptions ➔ Exception new("You dun goofed!") println() ● version = Platform-specific blocks ➔ version(trial) { Time sleepSec(5) } ● operator = Operator overload ➔ operator + (a, b: Int) { a - b } // huhu. II. The best of both worlds

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Sweet #1 ● Before Person: class { firstname, lastname: String init: func (firstname, lastname: String) { this firstname = firstname this lastname = lastname } } ● After init: func (=firstname, =lastname) {} III. Syntactic sweets

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Sweet #2 ● Before import structs/ArrayList import structs/HashMap import structs/Stack ● After import structs/[ArrayList, HashMap, Stack] III. Syntactic sweets

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Sweet #3 ● Before set := Set new() set add(a) set add(b) set add(c) ● After set := Set new(). add(a). add(b). add(c) III. Syntactic sweets

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Sweet #4 ● Before if(o instanceOf?(LeftBound)) { e as LeftBound left } else if(i instanceOf?(RightBound)) { e as RightBound right } ● After match o { case lb: LeftBound => lf left case rb: RightBound => rb right } III. Syntactic sweets

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Sweet #5 ● Before f: func (key: String, value: UInt) { … } map each(f) ● After list each(|key, value| …) III. Syntactic sweets

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covers ● Most C apis are OO ➔ include someaudiolib ➔ SomeType: cover from some_sound { ... } ➔ new: static extern(some_sound_load) func ➔ play: extern(some_sound_play) func ● We're only revealing their true nature ➔ Sound new("ka-ching.ogg") play() III. Syntactic sweets

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compound covers ● C structs on steroids ➔ Point: cover { x, y, z: Float } ● Stack vs Heap allocation ➔ p := (3.0, 6.0, 7.0) as Point ➔ init: func@ (=x, =y, =z) {} ● By-value semantics ● Per-method by-ref semantics with func@ ➔ norm: func -> Float { Math sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z) } ➔ set: func@ (=x, =y, =z) {} III. Syntactic sweets

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apropos allocation ● So far, every object is heap-allocated ➔ Boehm GC - conservative & fast (si si.) ➔ -gc=off ● But since new is a method like any other... ➔ pool := static Pool new() ➔ new: static func -> This { pool acquire() } ➔ destroy: func { pool release(this) } ➔ v := Vector3 new() // sha-zam. III. Syntactic sweets

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extend ● User-side addition of methods to any type extend SSizeT { times: func (f: Func(SSizeT)) { f(this) (this - 1) times(f) } } 3 times(|| knock()) III. Syntactic sweets

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rock ➔ ooc compiler in ooc ➔ 22K SLOC ➔ 132 modules ➔ 1900 commits – Amos Wenger – Friedrich Weber – Rofl0r – Yannic Ahrens – Joshua Rösslein – Scott Olson – Michael Tremel – Anthony Roja Buck – Noel Cower – Mark Fayngersh – Peter Lichard – Patrice Ferlet – Nick Markwell – Daniel Danopia – Michael Kedzierski – Tim Howard – Mickael9 – Viraptor – ... IV. Rocking out

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The plan IV. Rocking out Parsing Resolving Error reporting C backend Generating C C compilation Other backends

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Drivers ● combine ➔ All at the same time ➔ Legacy ● sequence (default) ➔ One by one, lib cache ➔ Partial recompilation ● make ➔ Generates a Makefile with the C code ➔ Ideal for distribution IV. Rocking out

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Dependencies ● import text/json/Parser ➔ Not transitive (unlike include) ➔ Cyclic deps are handled ● use antigravity, sdl ➔ Name, Description, Version, Requirements ➔ Includes, Linker and compiler flags – pkg-config ➔ SourcePath, Imports ● Bye-bye auto-tools! IV. Rocking out

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The SDK ● Mainline SDK ➔ is comfortable (net, text, structs, io, math, os...) ➔ ...but a bit large for some ● There's no such thing as « The SDK » ➔ -sdk=, $OOC_SDK ➔ Bare minimum – Object – Class – a few base types IV. Rocking out

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The legacy ● oos ooc operating system, runs on x86 real hw, custom sdk, bits of asm but 0% C ● ooc-ti sdk for tigcc, compiles+runs stuff on TI89! ● pyooc use ooc code from python, json backend zero-configuration ● ruby-inline-ooc load+evaluate ruby code inside ooc V. The legacy

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ooc-ti V. The legacy

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The legacy II ● reincarnate package manager, in ooc, for ooc. deps based on usefiles, python server backend (nirvana) ● stako a stack-based language inspired by factor ● langsniff analyzes a text and find which language it's in ● yajit simple just-in-time assembler - used in rock for flattening closures V. The legacy

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teeworlds-ai V. The legacy

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The legacy III ● spry IRC bot framework in ooc ● proof small testing framework for ooc ● ooc-web ooc web applicaton framework ● mustang templating engine based on the infamous mustache V. The legacy

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inception-engine ● game engine, OpenGL+SDL, ingame console V. The legacy

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The legacy IV V. The legacy

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Questions ➔ Languages – What about Go/Vala? – What about Scala/Clojure? – What about C++? – What about C#? ➔ Development – Can I contribute? – Do you want money? – What's next for rock? – Where else can I help? ➔ Performance – Is it fast? ➔ Bindings – Does lib X have bindings yet? – Isn't it tedious to do bindings? ➔ Interoperability – Let's do rbooc! – Let's do Perl::ooc! – Let's do Y! VI. Agora

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Thanks for listening! Web IRC #ooc-lang on Freenode Twitter @ooc_lang Mail 2010 Amos Wenger