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What’s a Service Mesh and why do I need one? Jeroen Reijn #jfall

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About me: • (Java) Programmer and architect • Big fan of the DevOps culture • Enjoys building cloud native solutions • Community member and emeritus committer at Apache Jeroen Reijn @jreijn /jeroenreijn

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Monolith? Microservices? Kubernetes? Cloud?

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Service mesh, ... istio, … service mesh

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Have you heard about a service mesh before? +

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So what is a ‘Service Mesh’ and what problem does it solve?

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“A service mesh is a dedicated infrastructure layer for handling service-to-service communication”

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Why a dedicated layer?

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Microservices Distributed systems Network communication

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complex Reliable communication is

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Evolution networking

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The evolution of networking Computer B Computer A Service A Service B Networking Stack Networking Stack Business Logic Business Logic

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The evolution of networking Computer B Computer A Service A Service B Networking Stack Networking Stack Business Logic Flow control Business Logic Flow control

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The evolution of networking Computer B Computer A Networking Stack Service A Service B Networking Stack Business Logic Flow control Business Logic Flow control

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The 8 Fallacies of Distributed Computing 1. The network is reliable 2. Latency is zero 3. Bandwidth is infinite 4. The network is secure 5. Topology doesn’t change 6. There is one administrator 7. Transport cost is zero 8. The network is homogeneous Composed by Peter Deutsch and his fellow engineers at Sun Microsystems

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Critical functions for microservices Fast, reliable & safe microservices microservice microservice microservice Routing Dynamic discovery Load balancing Resiliency Circuit breaking Retries Rate limiting Observability Metrics Logging Tracing Security Policy Enforcement

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Routing - Service discovery Registry client Registry client Registry client Registry client Registry client Registry client Registry client Registry client Registry client Registry Registry client Registry client Service A Service B Service C Service D Service D Service A Service A Service C Service C Service B Service B Service D Registry-aware HTTP client Service Registry

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Resilience - Cascading failure Service 1 Service 2 Service 3 Service 4

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The Circuit Breaker pattern “A service client should invoke a remote service via a ‘proxy’ that functions in a similar fashion to an electrical circuit breaker”

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Circuit breaker Half Open Failure threshold exceeded Set breaker Failure threshold exceeded Set breaker Try reset after timeout Success Reset breaker Open Closed Success Fail (under threshold)

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Observability of your services Golden triangle of monitoring Metrics Logs Traces

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Security of microservices • OAuth / JWT Tokens • Mutual TLS / certificates

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Computer B The evolution of networking Computer A Service A Service B Networking Stack Networking Stack Business Logic Flow control Flow control Circuit Breaker Service Discovery Business Logic Circuit Breaker Service Discovery Logs, metrics, traces Security Logs, metrics, traces Security

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Computer B The evolution of networking Computer A Service A Service B Networking Stack Networking Stack Business Logic Flow control Flow control ??? ??? Circuit Breaker Service Discovery Business Logic Circuit Breaker Service Discovery Logs, metrics, traces Security Logs, metrics, traces Security

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Computer B The evolution of networking Computer A Service A Service B Networking Stack Networking Stack Business Logic Flow control Flow control Library Library Circuit Breaker Service Discovery Business Logic Circuit Breaker Service Discovery Logs, metrics, traces Security Logs, metrics, traces Security

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Libraries resilience4j hystrix

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Drawbacks of libraries • Glue linking the libraries: expensive • Limiting tools, runtimes, languages • Versioning hell • Teams should not forget to add them

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Computer B The evolution of networking Computer A Service A Service B Networking Stack Networking Stack Business Logic Flow control Flow control Library Library Circuit Breaker Service Discovery Business Logic Circuit Breaker Service Discovery Logs, metrics, traces Security Logs, metrics, traces Security

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Computer B Service B The evolution of networking Computer A Service A Service B Networking Stack Service A Networking Stack Business Logic Flow control Library ??? Flow control Library ??? Circuit Breaker Service Discovery Business Logic Circuit Breaker Service Discovery Logs, metrics, traces Security Logs, metrics, traces Security

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Computer B Service B The evolution of networking Computer A Networking Stack Service A Networking Stack Business Logic Flow control ??? Circuit Breaker Service Discovery Logs, metrics, traces Security Proxy Flow control ??? Circuit Breaker Service Discovery Logs, metrics, traces Security Proxy Business Logic

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OSI Model Level 7 Application: Spring, Vertx, WFSwarm Level 6 Presentation: Json, XML Level 5 Session: Http 1/2, GRPC Level 4 Transport: TCP Level 1-3 Network (IP) / Data link / Physical From here To here

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Computer B Service B The evolution of networking Computer A Networking Stack Service A Networking Stack Business Logic Flow control Proxy Proxy Circuit Breaker Service Discovery Logs, metrics, traces Security Flow control Proxy Proxy Circuit Breaker Service Discovery Logs, metrics, traces Security Business Logic

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Responsibility shift Development team(s) Platform team(s)

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The evolution of networking

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Computer B Service D First generation service mesh Computer A Service A Proxy Proxy Service B Service C

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Second generation service mesh - Pods and sidecars • Container platforms • Kubernetes • Mesos Node Pod Pod Container Proxy Container Proxy

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Computer B Service B The evolution of networking Computer A Networking Stack Service A Networking Stack Business Logic Flow control Proxy Sidecar Proxy Circuit Breaker Service Discovery Logs, metrics, traces Security Flow control Proxy Sidecar Proxy Circuit Breaker Service Discovery Logs, metrics, traces Security Business Logic

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Complex micro-service architectures 450 + microservices

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Controlling the service mesh Computer A Service A Networking Stack Business Logic Flow control Sidecar proxy Computer B Service B Networking Stack Business Logic Flow control Sidecar proxy Control plane

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The service mesh control plane Control plane

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Proxy based Service meshes

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Istio • An open platform to connect, monitor, and secure microservices • Introduced by Google, Lyft, IBM and others • Manages authentication, authorization, and encryption of communication between microservices • Logging, monitoring, and keeping services operational • Traffic management and policy control

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Istio - Architecture B

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Envoy Proxy • Dynamic service discovery • Load balancing • TLS termination • HTTP/2 and gRPC proxies • Circuit breakers • Health checks • Staged rollouts with %-based traffic split • Fault injection • Rich metrics

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Istio - Proxy configuration YAML

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Istio - Discovery and Load-balancing

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Istio - Tracing • Automatic tracing of request • Asynchronous span reporting • Multiple backends • Zipkin • Jaeger

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Istio - Telemetry

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Istio - Advanced routing

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Istio - Security / Two way TLS

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Istio Security - RBAC • Role based access control • Based on rules and for instance HTTP methods • ServiceRole (rule) • ServiceRoleBinding (assign role to set of nodes)

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Istio gives you: • Telemetry • Security • Mutual TLS • Role based access control • Resilience • Circuit-breaker • Retry • Advanced routing

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Overhead • Definitely not ‘free’, more parts in the system • Proxies are used for both inbound and outbound requests • A lot of effort going on to reduce overhead

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Debugging • Debugging Envoy and Pilot (configuration) • Networking Issues • TLS issues • Envoy bouncing requests • …

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Security • Many new parts of the system • Control plane components • Proxies • Envoys are everywhere • Role based access control

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Istio • Telemetry • Security • Circuit-breaker • Retry • Advanced routing What you (want to) get What you (don’t want to) get • Overhead • Debugging • Security complexity

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But are all service meshes equal? So we saw Istio…

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Comparing Service Meshes Source: (Sept 2018)

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Do I really need a service mesh?

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Throwing more tech at the problem…

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Do you want to configure, install and renew (mutual) TLS certificates across an entire set of applications?

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Do you want to intercept and re-route network flows for: A/B testing, traffic shedding or failure tolerance (circuit breaking)?

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Do you want tracing / visibility of application request flows within your micro-service network?

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Should I just remove libraries from my apps?

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Istio - Circuit breaking - DestinationRule

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Istio - Circuit breaking - DestinationRule

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Spring + Hystrix Circuit breaker fallback Note: Hystrix is deprecated and only used as an example

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Spring + Hystrix Circuit breaker fallback Note: Hystrix is deprecated and only used as an example

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As an engineer you should still think about these concerns

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Key take-aways from this talk • A service mesh is a dedicated infra layer for service communication • Understand the why of using a service mesh • Understand the operational complexity, but also the benefits e.g. transparently adds cross-cutting concerns to a microservices architecture • Think about where you want to solve specific problems

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“Please rate my talk in the official J-Fall app” #jfall